浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit3 a healthy life p1 warming up课件 新人教版选修6

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浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit3 a healthy life p1 warming up课件 新人教版选修6_第1页
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浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit3 a healthy life p1 warming up课件 新人教版选修6_第3页
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《浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit3 a healthy life p1 warming up课件 新人教版选修6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省杭州市塘栖中学高中英语 unit3 a healthy life p1 warming up课件 新人教版选修6(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A healthy life,Objective,Think about some health issues and think of health in the wider sense; that is to consider mental and emotional well-being as well as physical health.,我们在此处增加本课时重点单词和短语表达部分, 旨在帮助学生在上课前对早读学习的单词及短语进行复习回顾,从而加深记忆。 用一分钟时间对单词进行复习,使学 生在新课学习中没有单词障碍。 通过朗读,使学生熟练掌握单词的正 确发音。 所呈现单词均出自课本单

2、词表中的词 汇。,cigarette alcohol alcoholic abuse stress adolescent adolescence ban,n. 香烟; 纸烟 n. 酒; 酒精 adj. 酒精的 n. 谴责,A truly healthy person should be healthy in both _ and _.,body,mind,A healthy life should include _ and _ health.,physical,mental,Whats a healthy person?,Proverbs about health,A healthy lif

3、e,1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. Good health is over wealth. 4. Health is happiness. 5. By the side of sickness health becomes sweet. 6. A good healthy body is worth more than a crown in gold.,What health issues c

4、oncern you the most? Work with a partner to make a list of important health issues.,Here are a few to start you off.,Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug abuse Diet Physical fitness Sexual health Stress Obesity,Share your list with others in your class and make a class list of important health is

5、sues.,Look at the following pictures. What are they doing? Are those healthy activities or unhealthy activities?,Singing,Healthy,Dancing,Healthy,Eating too much,Unhealthy,Playing basketball,Healthy,Drinking alcohol,Unhealthy,Doing Taiji,Healthy,Smoking,Unhealthy,What may do harm to our health? Why?,

6、cigarette smoking; alcohol drinking; drug taking; eating too much; stress or too much pressure etc.,Discussion,What may do good to our health? Why?,regular exercise; caring or loving; active; thankful; helpful; enthusiastic; happy etc.,In your group, choose one health issue you think is particularly

7、 important. List five things you would like to tell other people about this issue.,What are they doing?,Smoking,feel lonely and boring release their pressure friends around can smoke for making friendship,Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?,Can you list any harmful effects of smoking?,S

8、moking causes fire.,Smoking is a bad example to children.,Smoking causes lung cancer.,Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers.,中国约十万人因吸二手烟而死。,What are the two big diseases that you think are related to smoking?,Lung disease,Chances are they are lung cancer and emphysema (肺气肿), neither of which

9、is the number one killer of smokers. Heart disease holds first place.,Researchers report that worldwide, there were 1,690,000 premature deaths from cardiovascular (心脏血管的) disease among smokers in the year 2000. In contrast, there were “only” 850,000 lung cancer deaths from smoking in the same year.,

10、Do you think smoking should be banned?,Do you know?,What do the pictures show?,Can you give them some advice on quitting smoking? Where to get advice on stopping smoking?,http:/ means committing progressive suicide.,First wealth is health. 健康是人生第一财富。 Emerson 爱默生,Please remember:,Homework Look up the new words and expressions of the text in the dictionary. 2. Preview Reading ADVICE FROM GRANDAD,


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