高中英语 unit1 writing课件 新人教版必修1

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1、人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 1,英文建议信属于应用文写作范畴,是向征询建议者就某事提出写信人的建议和忠告。,高考中此类信件多属于半开放性作文,要求考生根据所给的材料(多为征求建议信),提出合理化建议,或者给出有针对性的解决办法。,建议信除了遵循书信的格式之外,还要求在信中针对别人的问题,给出你的观点及解决办法,常用于建议的句式有:,In my opinion, you should . My opinion is . I believe we should I dont think its necessary to .,I advise you to . We must decide

2、. Im afraid that . I think you should . Dont worry .,I agree I dont agree . I think so. I dont think so .,注意格式(书信格式); 客观地提出建议; 针对对方的问题,给出你的观点; 语言要委婉、精炼,同时要简洁,表达清楚。,开门见山,表明写作意图。在本段中,写信人应该先简单介绍自己,然后陈述事由,表明写信的目的及原因。,委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告。,礼貌地总结并期盼对方的回复。,Miss Wang has received a letter from Xiao Dong. He i

3、s also asking for some advice. Read the letter carefully and help Miss Wang answer it.,Reading and writing,Dear Miss Wang, Im a student from Huzhou Senior High School. I have a problem, Im not very good at communicating with people. Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard to ma

4、ke good friends with them. So I feel quite lonely,sometimes. I do want to change this situation, but I dont know how. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice. Yours, Xiao Dong,Dear Xiao Dong , Im glad to receive your e-mail. You ask me something about _ (建议的主题). The following is my advi

5、ce,In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions, _(建议的内容).,I hope you will find these proposals _, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to _. Yours Sincerely, ,useful,further details,You have trouble in _ with others, and you do want to _ this situation.,maki

6、ng friends,change,You must _ others if you want to make friends with them. Youd better look after others more than _.,be friendly to,yourself,It is important to try to make the stranger feel _. If you have different opinions, you can _ others. Its not necessary to _ them.,easy/comfortable,discuss wi

7、th,quarrel with,巧列提纲,详略得当: 针对问题需要提出什么样的建议,要讲哪些内容,应该先列出提纲,并要做到内容重点突出、详略得当、井然有序,达到提纲挈领的作用。,Pointing out the importance of friendship. Showing your advice.,翻译要点,勾勒脉络: 列出提纲后,可以尝试着将文章中涉及到的建议要点或忠告翻译成相应的英语句子,这样全文的骨架就已经形成了。在此基础上,可增加合理的想象以及适当的扩展。,Everyone needs friends, so how to make friends is very importa

8、nt. You must be friendly to others if you want to make friends with them.,Look after others more than yourself. Try to make the stranger feel easy. If you have different opinions, you can discuss with others. Its not necessary to quarrel with them.,巧妙构思,浑然成篇: 增加适当的情节和一些过渡词将上述要点连接起来,加以适当润色,形成一篇地道、完整的

9、英语建议信。,Im glad to receive your e-mail. You ask me something about how to make friends. The following is my advice.,合理过渡,Everyone needs friends, so how to make friends is very important. First you must be friendly to others if you want to make friends with others. Then, look after others more than yo

10、urself. Finally, I dont trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble.,体现层次分明,First, Then, Finally,In my opinion, try to make the stranger feel easy. If you have different opinions, you can discuss with others. I dont think its necessary to quarrel with them.,In my opinion I dont think,表达

11、个人观点,贴切委婉,I dont trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.,合理发挥不可少,规范书写,落笔成文: 上述四个步骤是构思写作的基础,而规范书写是落笔成文的关键。在这个环节中,切不可因为书写潦草、乱涂乱改而让人看不出个所以然,结果使整篇文章黯然失色。,Dear Xiao Dong, Im glad to receive your e-mail. You ask me something about how to make

12、friends. The following is my advice.,Everyone needs friends, so how to make friends is very important. First, you must be friendly to others if you want to make friends with them. Then, look after others more than yourself. In my opinion, try to make the stranger feel easy. If you have different opi

13、nions, you can discuss with others. I dont think its necessary to quarrel with them.,Finally, I dont trust those people who leave you when you are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed. I hope everything goes on well with you, and youll make a lot of good friends. Yours truly, Miss Wang,Jim is addicted to smoking. He wants to give up but doesnt know how. He asks you for advice. Please give him a letter.,



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