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1、最适合十二星座的职业(上)两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ youre feeling stagnant in your current jobor perhaps youre wondering if its even the right fit for you? And really, how are you supposed to know? We tapped our cosmic friends at Mojave Rising for some insights into the best careers for every astrological sign so

2、you have a place to start.也许当前的工作让你感到停滞不前,或者你在考虑着是否有最适合你的工作。那么,你怎么才能知道?我们轻扣了 Mojave Rising 网站上宇宙朋友之门,询问最适合十二星座的职业有哪些,为您提供参考。AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18)水瓶座(1 月 20 日 2 月 18 日)Your best traits: Status quo doesnt exist for you. You are a rule breaker and visionary who finds inspiration in the ne

3、w and eccentric.你的最佳品质:你不安于现状。你喜欢打破规则,想象力丰富,喜欢标新立异,不走寻常路。Your best jobs: Someone needs to do those “out there” professions: astronauts, inventors or technological innovators. (Extra out there: skydiving instructors, Cirque du Soleil performers, radical activists.) While these jobs might not have a s

4、traight path, you have the innate skill set and disposition to find your way there.最合适的职业:某些需要“走出去”的职业:宇航员,发明家或者技术革新者。 (其他的“走出去”的职业:跳伞教练,太阳马戏团表演者,激进分子。 )虽然这些职业的道路不一定都是平坦的,但是你具备探索道路的天赋和气质助你达到目的。PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20)双鱼座(2 月 19 日 3 月 20 日)Your best traits: There is no place for judgment in yo

5、ur world, Piscesand its easily one of your best traits. You allow others to be exactly as they are and encourage artistic expression in any form.你的最佳品质:双鱼座,你的世界没有批判,这很明显是你的最佳品质之一。你允许他人呈现最真实的自己,并且鼓励任何形式的艺术表达。Your best jobs: Look into professions that delve into emotions freelylike healers, spiritual

6、leaders, musicians, poets and photographers.最合适的职业:能够自由探讨情感的职业例如治疗师,精神领袖,音乐家,诗人和摄影师。ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19)白羊座(3 月 21 日 4 月 19 日)Your best traits: Youre creative and youve got great ideas. More importantly, perhaps, is that youre not afraid of making moves to ensure that those brilliant ideas co

7、me to life (often inspiring others to follow).你的最佳品质:你充满创造力,总能想出好点子。更重要的,也许便是你并不惧怕为了实现好点子去作出改变(常常还会感染身边的人加入) 。Your best jobs: Draw inspiration from high-octane positions that involve some risk-taking and adrenaline. Think venture capitalists, EMTs or personal trainers (even race-car drivers, if your

8、e feeling particularly adventurous).最合适的职业:在干劲十足的职位上获取灵感,具有冒险性质,激发肾上腺素。不妨考虑风险投资者,内科急救专家或私人教练(甚至是赛车手,如果你非常喜欢冒险的话) 。TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20)金牛座(4 月 20 日 5 月 20 日)Your best traits: Youre calm and grounded and make those around you feel the same. The question is, how do you find stability without beco

9、ming professionally stuck?你的最佳品质:你很冷静,稳重,并且影响你身边的人。问题在于,如果没有一份固定的职业,你怎么寻求安全感?Your best jobs: Hands-on positions like restaurateurs, interior designers, sommeliers or furniture makers are your jam. Something that would give you a balance between novelty (which you can find in the tactile and sensual

10、aspects of the profession) and stability (the grounding sensation you get when doing these very things every day).最合适的职业:需要亲身实践的职业,例如餐馆老板,室内设计师,侍酒师或者家具制造者对于你来说都不是难题。能够让你在新鲜感(体验职业中运用触觉和感觉的方面)和稳定(每天做这些你需要的事情时的踏实感)之间取得平衡的职业。GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20)双子座(5 月 21 日 6 月 20 日)Your best traits: Youre a master

11、 connector and communicator with a unique ability to bring people together from all walks of life.你的最佳品质:你是交际大师和沟通者,能够把各行各业的人们召集起来。Your best jobs: Youd do well in a profession that deals with a lot of personalities and is very frontward-facing and collaborative. Think makeup artists, stylists, trans

12、lators or journalists (which you can do as a freelance gig on the side).最合适的职业:你适合一份需要涉及大量人际关系的工作,与许多人见面合作。你可以考虑当化妆师,发型师,翻译或记者(你也可以把这些当作副业) 。CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22)巨蟹座(6 月 21 日 7 月 22 日)Your best traits: You have what people call “creative vision.” Trust in that instead of shying away from itno m

13、atter how far-fetched or crazy it seems. Because whether youre privy to it or not, these ideas are coming from a fully formed foundation of past experiences (and arent as loony as they may seem).你的最佳品质:你具备人们称之为“视觉创意”的特质。请相信这一特点,而不是逃避它,无论它看起来多么遥不可及或疯狂。因为不管你知不知道,这些想法都会在以你过往的经验为基础而衍生(并且不会像它们看起来那么疯狂) 。Your best jobs: Draw inspiration from positions where the past and present intersect. Think antique dealers, doulasor perhaps its time to put your pen to paper and try your hand at writing a fantasy novel.最合适的职业:能够从过去与当前的交点当中获得灵感的职业。比如古董商,陪产护士等等,或者是时候拿出笔写一本科幻小说了。两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/


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