Module 2 Education Unit 1 It was great to see her again 课件2 (外研版九年级下).ppt

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1、Module 2 Education,Unit 1 It was great to see her again.,学习目标: 1. 复习和教学有关的单词。 2. 掌握U1 单词和词组。 3. 完成听力任务。,Task 1: Learn new words (2 minutes) geography n. 地理学 physical adj. 身体的,体力的 PE 体育,体育课 really adv. 非常,很 neither pron. 两者都不,Task 2: warm up: Label (标出)the different parts of the school.,hall,classroo

2、m,library,sports ground,gym,swimming pool,dining room,Task 3: Listen and complete the sentences. Use the words and expressions to help you. 1. Betty is going to _ for PE and then to _. 2. Damings next lessons are _ and _. 3. Daming is unhappy because_ arent very good. 4. Hes worried about _. 5. Bett

3、y tells him _.,exam; geography; grade; gym; Maths; PE; relax; swimming pool; term,the gym,the swimming pool,geography,Maths,Maths grades,the exam,to relax.,Task 4: Listening part 3 fill in the blanks. Name of school: Park School,700,A computer,a swimming pool,30,Task 4: Read and find out the phrases

4、 1. 有趣的事 2. 看看 3. 游泳池 4. 一个音乐会的大厅 5. 甚至比更好 6. 得高分 7. 学生的数量,something interesting have a look swimming pool a hall for concerts be even better than get top grades the number of students,1. thats fantastic. 真是太不可思意了。 2. It was great to see her again. 再一次见到她太好了。 知识归纳: 做某事对某人来说 It is + adj. + for sb. to

5、 do sth. Exercise: 对他来说唱歌是很有趣的。 It is interesting for him to sing a song. 3. Whats it like? 它是什么样子的?,language points:,4. Lets have a look. 让我看一看。 5. It isnt as big as ours. 它不如我们的学校大。 知识归纳: 和一样:as + adj./adv. + as 否定:not as/so + adj. + as Exercise: 1. 他年纪和我一样大。 He is _ me. 2. 他学习不像你一样努力。 He doesnt s

6、tudy _ you.,as old as,as/so hard as,3. Both schools are very nice. And neither school has anything the other hasnt got. 两个学校都很好。而且没有一所学校有另外一所学校没有的东西。 知识归纳: both 两者都 (both and; both of) neither 两者都不 (neither nor; neither of) either 两者中随便一个(either or; either of),language points:,Exercise: 1. Jim 和Kate

7、 都不来。 Neither Jim nor Kate comes. 2. 不是 Jim 就是Kate来。 Either Jim or Kate comes. 3. 他们两个有一个来。 Either of them comes. 4. Jim 和Kate 都来了。 Both Jim and Kate come. 注意: neithernor; eitheror. 都有就近原则,Exercise 1: 1. In this g_ class, we are learning about rivers, seas and mountains. 2. P_ fitness is having a st

8、rong healthy body. 3. That was a r_ enjoyable evening. 4. N_ we nor she wants it. 5. There is a s_ pool in our school.,eography,hysical,eally,either,wimming,当堂检测,Exercise 2: 1. My aunt has two children. But _ of them lives with her. A. each B. neither C. either D. both (2008珠海) 2. -Which do you pref

9、er, coffee or tea? - I am thirsty now. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ( 2009 天津) 3. -Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight? -Id like to. But _ of us has tickets. Do you have some? A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ( 2009 湖北黄冈),exercise,Exercise 3: 1. 我有一些有趣的事情告诉你。 I have _ to

10、tell you. 2. 我对他的成绩感到惊讶。 I _ his grades. 3. 大卫的电脑和我们的一样新。 Davids computer is _. 4. 他们两个都不擅长游泳。 _ good at swimming. 5. 你和他都可以来看看。 _ can have a look.,exercise,something interesting,am surprised at,as new as ours,Neither of them is,Both you and him,Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks according to the meanin

11、g: In our school, there are many buildings, for example, c_, l_, a huge sports g_, a d_ room, a l_ and so on. We have many subjects, such as Chinese, English, m_, PE, c_, p_, politics, a_ and music.,lassrooms,abs,round,ining,ibrary,aths,rt,hysics,hemistry,中考连接:代词 1. There isnt always _ in newspapers. A. anything new B. something new C. new something D. new anything ( 2009 清远) Mum came in with a serious look, and I knew _ was wrong.(2008 佛山) A. nothing B. anything C. something,exercise,当堂检测,


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