2018-2019学年高中英语 module 3 interpersonal relationships-friendship section 4 other parts of the module课件 外研版选修6

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1、Section Other Parts of the Module,课前 自主预习,.重点单词 1_ v 面对(危险、困难) 2_ v. 数 3_ adj. 活泼的,有生气的 4_ v& n. 吵架 5_ v. 后悔,悔恨 6_ adj. 相像的,相似的 7_ v. 背叛 8_ v. 原谅,宽恕 9_ v. 责备,申斥 10_ adj. 完美的,confront count lively quarrel regret alike betray forgive scold perfect,11_ n. 权利,特权 12_ v. 逃跑,逃走 13_ v. 踱步走 14_ v提到,涉及 15_ ad

2、j.体贴的consider v考虑 16_ n损失lose v失去,丢失 17_ vt.成熟ripe adj.成熟的 18_ v预测prediction n预测 19_ n撒谎者lie v撒谎 20_ v再次联合;重聚unite v联合,结合,privilege flee pace mention considerate loss ripen predict liar reunite,.重点短语 1_ 在通电话 2_和好,和解 3_ 保持联系 4_ 与失去联系 5. _为感到惭愧/羞耻 6_ 享有的福气 7_与某人关系很好,on the phone make up keep in touch

3、lose touch with (be) ashamed of (be) blessed with (be) on good terms with,8_突然 9_使想起;想起 10_ 作为交换 11_属于 12_真心实意地,发自内心地,all at once bring.to mind in return belong to from the bottom of ones heart,.重点句型 1教材原句:I was blessed with a happy childhood,one that most people would want to have. 我非常幸运地拥有一个幸福的童年,

4、一段大部分人都渴望拥有的时光。 佳句诵读:The number 2008 is a special number,_ that will be remembered by the Chinese forever. 2008这个数字是一个特别的数字,一个将被所有的中国人永远记住的数字。,one,2教材原句:You love the rosesso do I. 你热爱玫瑰我也如此。 佳句诵读:Tom can speak French. _. 汤姆会讲法语,杰克也会。 3教材原句:It would have been impossible to find my daughter without th

5、e help of Friends Reunited. 要是没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。 佳句诵读:_ your encouragement and support,I _. 要不是你的鼓励和支持,我是不可能成功的。,would not have succeeded,So can Jack,Without,课内 研析探究,confront vt.(使某人)面对(危险、困难);(指困难等)降临 (教材原句P32)When did the writer decide to confront Roy? 作者决定什么时候面对罗伊?,(1)confront sb.with sth.使某

6、人面对某事 (2)be confronted with面对,Only when the police confronted her with evidence did she admit stealing the money. 只有在警方让她面对证据时,她才承认偷了钱。 When difficulty confronts you,you ought to be confronted with it in a brave way. 当困难降临时,我们应该勇敢地面对它。,count v数;有价值,有重要意义;认为,看作 (教材原句P32)Having counted the money,Mr Wh

7、ite put it in the box.数完钱,怀特先生把它放在了盒子里。,(1)count.as把看作 (2)count on/upon指望,依靠,依赖 (3)count for有价值,有重要性,Dont count your chickens before theyre hatched. 鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。(不要过早乐观。) Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。 We count her as one of our closest friends. 我们把她看作我们最亲密的朋友之

8、一。 The team was counting on/upon me to win the race. 运动队指望我赢这场赛跑。,make up 和好,和解,编造,虚构;组成;化妆;补足 (教材原句P33)They have quarrelled seriously three times but each time they have made up and become best friends again. 他们大吵了三次,但每次他们都和好,又成为最好的朋友。,注意下列句中make up的含义 Jane made up stories to amuse her little broth

9、er.编造 We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston. 弥补 She spent two hours making up before the party.化妆 Women officers make up 30 percent of the police force in the city.构成,组成,regret v& n后悔,悔恨;遗憾 (教材原句P33)Liao Mei really regrets these quarrels. 廖梅真的对这些争吵很后悔。,(牛津P1673)We regret to inf

10、orm you that your application has not been successful. 我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。 I regret having left the work unfinished;I should have planned everything ahead carefully.我很遗憾未能完成工作,我本来应该事先认真地把每件事情规划得很好。 We think,much to our regret,that we will not be able to visit you next year. 让我们深感遗憾的是,我们明年不能去拜访你了。,for

11、give (forgave,forgiven) vt.原谅,饶恕 (教材原句P37)The pain was acute,and I couldnt forgive Danny for leaving me. 那是个剧痛,我不能原谅丹尼的离我而去。,Forgive me for having taken up so much of your time and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness. 请原谅我耽搁了你这么多时间,请答应我极其诚恳地祝你健康和幸福。 Being forgiven for the past is the

12、 most precious gift we can receive.过去所做的一切被原谅是我们能收到的最珍贵的礼物。 (2012江苏卷书面表达)It is also a virtue to forgive and forget,especially in such a competitive and stressful society. 不计前嫌也是一种美德,尤其是在竞争如此激烈,压力如此沉重的社会。,be on good terms with sb.与某人关系很好。 (教材原句P36)We were on good terms with everyone in the village,an

13、d we even gave a salute to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle.我们和村里的所有人关系都很好,连当地的警察骑着自行车经过时,我们都向他敬礼。 He is on good terms with everyone,so he is popular. 他与每个人的关系都很好,因此他很受欢迎。,(1)be on bad terms with sb.与某人交情不好 (2)in the long/short term从长远/短期来看 in terms of谈及;就而言,在方面,In terms of money,hes

14、quite rich,but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 In the long term,the project will advance the development of economy.从长远来看,这项工程会促进经济发展。,bring.to mind (使)想起,(使)记起 (教材原句P39)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?昔日朋友岂能相忘,心中能不怀想? I know her face but I cant bring her name to mind. 我认得她,但想不起她的名字。 She couldnt bring to mind where she had seen him before. 她想不起曾在哪里见过他。,bear/keep sth.in mind记住某事 make up ones mind下决心 change ones mind改变主意,Once he has made up his mind,he will never change his mind. 一旦他做出决定,他决不会改变主意。,in return 作为报答;作为交换,


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