2018-2019学年高中英语期末复习 unit 5《nelson mandela-a modern hero》reading(ii)课件 新人教版必修1

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2018-2019学年高中英语期末复习 unit 5《nelson mandela-a modern hero》reading(ii)课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero Reading (),Nelson Mandela,Elias,Elias was born in the 19th century when the black people were put into a miserable _ where they had no rights at all. Elias, like most black people, had little education and was worried about whether he would become _. This was the v

2、ery reason why he met Mandela. Mandela always encouraged him not to lose heart.,Choose and fill,position,out of work,So he joined the Youth League _ , helping him _ some government buildings. Elias strongly believe in that what he did would help them _ their dream of making black and white people_.,

3、actively,blow up,achieve,equal,Thinking ?,How did Nelson Mandela help black people in Elias story?,found /ANC Youth League / fight for/equal,founded,Firstly Nelson Mandela _the _ _ _ to_ _ _ rights for black people.,fight for,equal,ANC Youth League,out of work,Law Office,as a lawyer,offer guidance t

4、o / in trouble / turn to,Secondly as a lawyer Nelson Mandela _ _ _ black people when they were _ _ and _ _ him.,offered guidance to,in trouble,turned,to,devote to/ help black people / attack / violence,devoted,to,attack,violence,Finally Nelson Mandela _ his life _ _ _ _ even if he was put in prison.

5、 Mandela first chose to _the laws with _ when the peaceful way was not allowed. Only then did he decide to answer violence with violence.,helping,black people,Important words and phrases:,1. active adj. 积极的;活跃的, I cant tell whether it is an active volcano. 我不能辨别这是否是座活火山。 We are always active in outo

6、fclass activities every day. 每天的课外活动我们总是表现得很积极。 She maybe over 80, but she is still very active. 她可能已经80多岁了,但是仍然喜爱运动。,be active in 在方面活跃,积极参加 take an active part in 积极参加 take action to do sth. 对采取行动,【拓展】,act n&v. 行为,举动,行动 action n. 行为,做法 activity n. 活动 actor/ actress n. 男/女演员,用act的适当形式填空 (1)He takes

7、 an _ part in the fighting against pollution and takes a firm and effective _ to prevent pollution. (2)He is always _ in outofclass _ every day.,【即学即练】,active,active,activities,action,2. devote vt. 献身;专心于 A great person is someone who devotes his/ her life to helping others.(P33) 伟人就是某个致力于用他/她的生命帮助他

8、人的人。,He devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 他终生献身于保护珍稀动物。 He is devoted to helping the poor. 他致力于帮助穷人。,【拓展】devote为动词,常与介词 to 连用,构成短语devote ones life / time / energy / attention to (doing) sth. “把生命/时间/精力/注意力用在/献给(做)某事上”; 表示“献身于;专心于”。,类似于devote . to . 结构中to为介词的词组还有: look for

9、ward to 期待;盼望 stick to 坚持 lead to 导致 pay attention to 注意到 be related to 与有关 refer to 提到;指的是 turn to 翻到; 求助于,【即学即练】 The idea for the new machine came to Mr Baker to his invention. 【2012西安高一检测】 A. while he was devoted B. while devoting C. while devoting himself D. while devoted,【解析】选A。考查be devoted to结

10、构。句意:Baker先生献身于他的发明时,他想起了这个有关这个新机器的想法。 注意:不要误选D项,因为主句的主语the idea与从句的主语Mr Baker/he不一致,因此从句中的主语和谓语动词he was不能省略。,3. out of work 失业, 没有工作 and I worried about whether I would become out of work.(P34)我很担心我是不是会失业。,Jim has been out of work for several months. 吉姆已经失业几个月了。 Marys cell phone has been out of wor

11、k for several days, which brought her a lot of inconvenience. 玛丽的手机坏了好几天了,这给她带来了很多不便。,out of 意为“在之外”,“向外”;表示失去, 没有, 用完,不再处于某种状况。反义词为into或in。,out of breath 上气不接下气 out of patience 不耐烦 out of petrol 汽油用完了 out of use 没用了 out of order 出故障了 out of control 失控了 out of danger 脱离危险了 out of sight 看不见了,【拓展】,out

12、 of date 过时 out of repair 无法修复 Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见, 心不烦。,【即学即练】 1. Although my computer is _ date now, its still _ use. 2. After the fourth operation, the patient has been _ danger. 3. In 2009, 3.88 million students graduated from colleges and universities, _ 20% increase from 2008, some

13、of whom remain out of _work. A/; / Ba; / Ca; the Dthe; /,out of,out of,in,【解析】选B。句意:2009年有388万的大学毕业生,比2008年增长20%,但是其中的一些仍然处于失业状况。第一空表示“一个20%的增长率”用a;第二空 out of work “失业”。,4. vote vt. & vi.投票,选举 n投票;选票;表决 Black people could not vote or choose their leaders.(P34) 当时黑人没有选举权,他们无法选择他们的领导人。,He was voted th

14、e most promising new director. 他当选为最有前途的新导演。,The plan was passed by 6 votes to 3. 这项计划以6票对3票获得通过。,【拓展】 vote for 投票赞成 vote against 投票反对 vote on 投票表决 vote.down 投票击败,投票否决 vote through 投票通过 put.to the vote 付诸表决,裁决,5. as a matter of fact 事实上 As a matter of fact, I do not like violence(P34) 事实上,我并不喜欢暴力,,I

15、 didnt go yesterday,and as a matter of fact,I didnt go all week. 我昨天没去,事实上,我整个星期都没去。 He appears strong and healthy,but as a matter of fact,he suffers from a weak heart. 他看起来很结实健康,但实际上,他患有心脏病。,【拓展】 as a matter of fact=in fact/actually/in reality/to tell the truth 实际上;事实上 to make matters worse 让事情更糟糕的是 it doesnt matter 没有关系,【即学即练】 Have you always lived here? No, _. Ive only lived here for the last three years. as usual B. as a matter


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