2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 fairness for all section ⅱ warming up and reading-language points课件 新人教版选修10

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《2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 fairness for all section ⅱ warming up and reading-language points课件 新人教版选修10》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 fairness for all section ⅱ warming up and reading-language points课件 新人教版选修10(59页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Warming up & ReadingLanguage points,课前自主预习,.重点单词 1_(adj.)公民的,国民的_(n.)平民,一般市民 2_(v.& n)登记,注册_(adj.)登记过的_(n.)注册,挂号,登记 3_(vt.)禁止,阻止_(n.)禁止_(adj.)禁止的 4_(n.)冒犯,冒犯行为_(v.)冒犯,伤害(别人的)感情_(adj.)攻击的,令人不愉快的,civil,civilian,register,registered,registration,prohibit,prohibition,prohibitive,offence,offend,of

2、fensive,5_(adj.)不公平的,不公正的_(adj.)公平的_(n.)公平,公正 6_(n.)分离,分开_(v.)分离 (adj.)各自的,分开的 7_(n.)传统,惯例 _(adj.)传统的,惯例的_(adv.)传统上,照惯例 8_(v.)服从,听从_(n.)服从,听从 9_(adj.)不愿意的,勉强的_(反义词)愿意的_(n.)意愿,意志 10_(v.)抓住,逮住;夺取,unjust,just,justice,separation,separate,tradition,traditional,traditionally,submit,submission,unwilling,wi

3、lling,will,seize,11_(adj.)怀有希望的_(反义词)没有希望的_(n.& v)希望 12_(n.)巧合_(v.)同时发生,巧合_(adj.)巧合的 13_(vi.)前进;进军 14_(v.& n)敬礼,行礼致敬 15_(v.& n)滥用,虐待,辱骂 16_(n.)战役,战争 17_(adj.)明显的,显然的_(n.)证据_(adv.)显然,明显地,hopeful,hopeless,hope,coincidence,coincide,coincident,march,salute,abuse,battle,evident,evidence,evidently,.重点短语 1

4、_抓住,利用 2_. 与斗争 3_以为基础 4_就做出决定 5_另一方面 6_编造 7_导致,通向 8_ 变得习惯于,seize on fight against on the basis of decide on on the other hand make up lead to become accustomed to,.重点句型 1_an answer to a prayer. 2Serena came home to say_the news_ the boycott was over was going to be all over the newspapers tomorrow.,

5、It seemed like,that,that,课内研析探究,civil adj.公民的,国民的;民间的,民事的,民法的;文明的,有教养的 Keep a civil tongue in your head!讲话要文明! The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law. 讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。,civil rights 公民权 civil case 民事案件 civil servant 文职公务员 civil service 文职机构 civil war 内战 civilian n平民,老百姓

6、 adj.平民的,与military相对而言,The press says that the civil service of the country have too much power. 报界批评说该国政府文职人员的权力太大了。 He left the army and returned to civilian life. 他脱离军队,恢复平民生活。,prohibit vt.禁止;阻止;使不可能发生 prohibit sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 The students are prohibited from smoking in our schoolyard.学

7、生不准在校园内抽烟。 The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport. 昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。,辨析:forbid与prohibit (1)forbid常表示直接或私自下命令加以禁止,并希望他人遵循。 His wife forbids him to smoke.他妻子不让他抽烟。 (2)prohibit表示制定正式规章,并有强制执行的意思。 In our city smoking is prohibited by law. 在我们市,抽烟是法律禁止的。,offence. nU冒

8、犯;C犯罪,得罪,犯规,违法行为,give/cause offence to触犯;使生气 take offence (at sth.)(因某事)而生气,Im sure he meant no offence when he said that. 我相信他那么说并无冒犯之意。 One cannot hear such a remark without taking offence.听了这样的话,谁都会生气的。 The doctors advice gave offence to his patient. 医生的忠告使病人不高兴。,offend v冒犯,得罪;犯罪,犯法;违背/反对 be offe

9、nded with/by sb.for.因而对某人生气 be offended at sb.s words对某人的话感到生气 offend against sb./sth.违背(人情),违反(常规);有悖于 offensive adj.令人不快的,侮辱的,separation nU 分开;C 离别;分居 His separation from his mother made him unhappy. 与母亲的分别使他很不高兴。 They were pleased to meet after such a long separation. 久别重逢,他们非常高兴。,The two childre

10、n separated at the end of the road. 两个孩子在路的尽头分手了。 A fence separated the cows from the pigs. 围栏把奶牛和猪分开。 The children sleep in separate beds. 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。,辨析:separate与divide (1)separate与from搭配,表示“将与分开”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。 (2)divide与into搭配,往往是指把某个整体划分为若干部分。,submit v服从,听从;提交;主张,认为 She refused to submit t

11、o threats. 面对威胁,她拒不低头。 We should submit our plans to the council for approval.我们应该向理事会提交计划以求批准。,submit (oneself) to.(使)服从/屈服于 submit.to.把提交给 submission n屈服,投降;提交 submissive adj.顺从的;驯服的,unwilling adj.不情愿的 He is unwilling to accept the donation. 他不愿意接受捐赠。 He is willing to help others.他乐意帮助别人。 Are you

12、willing that he should be admitted into our club?你愿意他加入我们的俱乐部吗?,be (un)willing to do sth.(不)情愿做某事 be willing that (should)动词原形 情愿 willing adj.乐意的,心甘情愿的,seize v抓住;夺取;逮捕;扣押 He seized her by the arm.他抓住了她的胳膊。 She tried to seize the gun from him. 她试图夺他的枪。 The army seized the fort.军队占领了这个要塞。,seize on/upo

13、n 抓住(机会),利用 seize up 停止运转,发生故障,His every remark is seized upon by the press. 他的每句话都被新闻媒体利用了。 She seized on my suggestion and began to work immediately.她采纳了我的建议,马上干了起来。 Your engine will seize up if you dont put some more oil in.你再不加些润滑油,发动机就要卡住了。,coincidence nC,U“(在时间或空间上)巧合;巧合的事物”;另外,该词还有“符合;一致”之意,此

14、时多用作不可数名词。 What a coincidence that I was in Beijing just when you were.真是巧合,你在北京时我也在。 Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own?他的意见跟你的是不是一致? By coincidence,we arrived here at the same time. 我们碰巧同时到达这儿。,coincide v巧合;同时发生 coincide with (指事情)同时发生,与相等 coincide in 在方面一致 coincident adj.巧合的,同时发生的 be coincident with sth.与某事同时发生(巧合),与相一致,His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife.他的嗜好和习惯与他妻子的恰好一致。 His arrival is coincident with our departure. 他到来时我们正好离开。,march vi.& vt.进军,前进;游行示威;n.U行军,进行,进展;示威


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