江苏省扬中市八桥中学九年级英语下册 unit 3 robot reading 2课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、,9B Unit 3 Robots,Reading 2,Team racing,Activity,Work in groups to have a debate: Is it good or bad for us to have a robot?,Ready?,Useful expressions Talking about the advantages of robots Robots are good because Robots can help us Some things that robots can do but we cant are Id like to own a robo

2、t because ,Useful expressions Talking about the disadvantages of robots Robots arent good because Robots cant do everything right because I wouldnt like to own a robot because ,Advantages of having a robot: can do housework for us can let us have more free time can clean the rooms can make the bed c

3、an go shopping at the supermarket can iron our shirts can do the laundry ,Disadvantages of having a robot: might be easy to catch a virus might forget to cook breakfast might cause a lot of problems might wake us up too early might put our breakfast and clean shirts in the wrong place might move aro

4、und the house and knock things over might make our flats a mess ,Language points,Para 1:,太忙而没有时间放松 e.g. 他妈妈太忙于工作而没有时间照顾他。 2. 从机器人商店订购一个,be too busy to have any time to relax,His mother is too busy working to look after him.,order one from a robot shop,order v. 订购;命令; n. 订单;命令;秩序;,e.g. 1) 他为自己订购了一套新西

5、装。 2) 我想点一个披萨。 3) 他们命令他停下。 4) 我认为你们需要多关注你们的订单。 5) 他接到了缩短航行的命令。 6) 他是有条理的,一切都秩序井然。,He ordered a new suit for himself.,I want to order a pizza.,They ordered him to stop.,I think you need to pay more attention to your orders.,He received the order to cut the flight short.,He is organized and keeps ever

6、ything in order.,Para 2:,做早饭 2. 平整地熨烫他的西装 觉得平滑的 feel _ 事情进展得不太顺利 Things are not going _. 3. 为他准备他的午餐盒,make breakfast,iron his business suit smoothly,smooth,smoothly,prepare a lunch box for him,Para 3:,在上班,be at work,Para 4:,1.下班回家 2. 看起来和新的一样 3. 收拾,整理 4. 做某人喜欢的任何事,return home from work,look as good

7、as new,tidy up,do whatever sb. like(s),be ready for 为准备好 = be ready to do ,他已经准备好英语考试了。 He is ready for the English exam. =He is ready to have the English exam.,5. and a delicious dinner would be ready for him.,句中satisfy是动词,意为“满足(需求、需要)”。 Sb. be satisfied with 对感到满意(满足),这只大蛋糕不足以让他解饿。 The big cake wa

8、s not enough to satisfy his hunger. 丹尼尔对他的机器人一点都不满意。 Daniel is not satisfied with his robot at all.,6. It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiangs needs.,总的来说;大体上,in general,Generally speaking,满足某人的需要,satisfy ones needs,没必要做某事 需要 在危难中,There is no need to do sth.,be in need of,in need,pl.

9、 需要,需求之物,1. After a few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong.,他们搬家住到市中心后,问题就开始出现了。 Things started to go wrong after they moved house to live in the city centre. 钟出毛病了 Something has gone wrong with the clock.,go wrong 出现问题 go wrong 用于描述机器时,可表示机器“发生故障,出毛病”,Para 5:,2. 中病毒 3. 不再,catch

10、a virus,no longer,句中的mess是可数名词,常用单数形式,意思是“杂乱,不整齐”。常见的搭配有be in a mess(杂乱不堪), make a mess (搞得一塌糊涂)。,聚会过后房子一定会乱七八糟。 A house is bound to be in a mess after a party. 种子通常随风传播。 Seeds are often spread by the wind.,5. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess; food was laid on the be

11、d; bills and his private papers were spread all over the floor.,4. 正常运转,work properly,proper -properly,spread 意为“使分散,使分布”(spread, spread),Let the word fly,Guess the meanings of “spread”: Who spread these rumours (留言)? Lets spread the map out on the floor. Can you spread the bread with butter? Its br

12、anches spread far and wide.,v. 传播;散播,散布,v. 伸开,展开,铺开,v. 涂,抹,敷,v. 绵延,扩展,将下列英语翻译成汉语。 1. The salesman has spread out his goods on the floor. 2. The word spread that Lisa had resigned (辞职). 3. The Moors (摩尔人) spread all over Southern Spain. 4. If you warm up the butter itll spread more easily. 5. The wor

13、k will be spread across the department.,售货员已经把他的货物摊在地板上了。,有消息传说丽莎已经辞职了。,摩尔人遍布西班牙南部地区。,如果你把黄油加热一下,就比较容易涂了。,这项工作将在各部门之间分摊。,6. 完全的,彻底的(adj.) _ -(adv.) _ eg. It was a _surprise to me. Is this a _ story? 7. vt. 放,搁; 产卵,下蛋 lay (laid, laid) e.g. He _ his hand on my shoulder. My mother is _the table for din

14、ner. The hen _ 3 eggs. 注意区别:lie (lay, lain) 躺 The book _ open on the table. 8. vt. 储存,储藏 store e.g. I _ all the apples from the trees. Do all the squirrels _ up food for the winter? n. 商店 There are many _ in the city.,complete,completely,complete,complete,laid,laying,laid,lay,stored,store,stores,9.

15、食物被放在床上;牛奶被存储在垃圾箱里;硬币, 账单和他私人的文件散落在地板上到处都是。 e.g. Food _ on the bed; milk _ in the rubbish bin; _, _ and his _ _ _ all over the floor.,was laid,was stored,coins,bills,private,papers,were spread,收集硬币 事情都有两面性 How much was the bill for the electricity? paper 纸(不可数);报纸;文件;试卷;论文(可数) e.g. Can you spare some _ for me? Youll read the news in tomorrows _. Please hand in your _ now, boys and girls. He is working on a _ on English grammar.,collect coins,Every coin has two sides.,电费是多少?,paper,papers,papers,paper,12. Mr Jiang did not know what to



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