高中英语 unit4 earthquakes reading同步测控 新人教必修1

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1、高一英语同步测控必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes第2课时:Reading课前预习I 浏览课文,回答以下问题:a. What happened?b. When and where did it happen?II. 根据主题句,找出段落大意:Part 1. _Part 2-3_Part 4. _ III. 仔细阅读课文,完成下面的表格:PartEventsBefore the earthquake (Paragraph 1)1_ were happening both in the countryside and in the city of Tangshan but 2_ them

2、.During the earthquake (Paragraph 2-3)The earthquake 3_ the city and 4_ the people.After the earthquake (Paragraph 4)Soldiers were sent to dig out those trapped and 5_ the dead; 6_ were built for the homeless and 7_ was taken to the city.IV. 文中所提到的数字:Whats the population of Tangshan in 1976?About 1.

3、_What time did the earthquake happen?At about 2._.How long did the earthquake last?3._ seconds.Whats the number of people killed or injured in the quake?Over 4._.How serious was the earthquake?5._ of the factories and buildings and 6._ of the homes were gone; 7._ cows would never give milk again; 8.

4、_ pigs and 9._ _ chickens were dead.How many soldiers were sent to rescue?10._.V. 根据课文内容判断正误。1. People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night.( )2. People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.( )3. More than 400,000people were killed in the quake.( )4. Many rescue wo

5、rkers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.( )5. People tried to get fresh water from under the ground.( )VI. 根据课文完成下文:1_ _ happened in Tang Shan. For a few days. Water in the wells 2_. From the 3_ of wells 4_ _ come out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became 5_. At 3:00

6、 am, everything began to 6_.It seemed that the world was 7_ _ _. 8_-_ of the nation 9_ it. 10_ _ _cut across the city. The city lay 11_ _. Two-thirds of the people 12_ or 13_ _. Then later that afternoon, another big quake 14_ Tang Shan. People began to wonder 15_ _ _ _ _ _. But all hope 16_ _ _. 17

7、_ came to help those 18_. Slowly, the city began to 19_ _.实战演练I. 短语翻译:1. 对某人评价不好,对不当一会事_2臭气_3. 1000公里以外_ 4. 23的人 _ 5. 的数量 _ 6. 无法安全通行 _ 7. 数以万计的 _8. 救援人员 _ 9. 挖出 _10. 又开始出现生机_11. right away_12. at an end _13. burst into tears _14. lie/ be in ruins _15. reach as many as 400,000 _16. blow away _17. in

8、stead of _18. be trapped under the ruins _19. build shelters for survivors _20. be proud of / take pride in_II. 完成句子1. 于教授在演讲之前先理顺了一下自己的思路。Professor Yu _ _ _ before _ his speech.2. 并非所有学生都喜欢上网。All the students _ _ _ the Internet.3. 警方援救一男子,使之免遭溺水。The police _ a man _ drowning.4. 她对她的孩子们的成功感到非常自豪。She

9、 _ very _ _ her childrens success.5. 老师好像对你做的事很满意。_ _ _ the teacher was satisfied with what you had done.6. 成千上万个家庭遇难,许多孩子成了孤儿。_ _ families _ _and many children were left _ parents.7. 战争结束了.The war was _ _ _.8. 他们突然大笑起来.They _ _ laughing.9. 我得到你的信任, 感到十分荣幸.I _ highly _ by your trust.10. 地震过后, 全城到处都是

10、颓垣断壁.An earthquake left the whole town _ _.反馈检测 阅读扩充The ground we walk on seems firm, but deep under the earth and under the sea the rocks change and move. In some parts of the world there are “fire mountains”, which we call volcanoes. From time to time they burst open and throw out fire and burning

11、 ash. These volcanoes are very dangerous.Hong Kong does not have any volcanoes but there are many in Indonesia and Philippines. There is also a famous mountain near Tokyo, Japan, which is a volcano too. Its name is Mount Fuji. For much of the year, it is covered with snow.One of the most famous volc

12、anoes which erupted(喷发)in recent times was Krakatoa, on an island in Indonesia. The first explosions(爆发)took place on 20th May, 1883, but the big eruption did not come until the 26th and 27th August of that year. The people on the island were used to the explosions by that time, and so they were completely unprepared for this terrible happening. Almost all the people on the island died and the explosion also made huge waves in the sea, which drowned(淹死)many people on the other island nearby. After



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