2015年高中英语 unit2 the olympic games单元测试1 新人教版必修2

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1、必修二 Unit 2The Olympic Games单元测试1笔试部分:I. 单项选择21. How was the party? I dont know. I _ in without a ticket. A. was allowed B. was not allowed C. am allowed D. am not allowed22. How often do you go to see your grandfather? _ three days.A. Each B. All C. Every D. Another23. Whether the Spring Festival _

2、by Christmas arouses increasing attention in China. A. will be represented B. will be called off C. will be taken away D. will be replaced 24. Who is _ the TV show? She seems to be talented. Mary Green, who used to be a great actress.A. opening B. hosting C. playing D. seeing 25. Do you know a conce

3、rt _ in our hometown next month?A. will be held B. is going to be held C. is to be held D. all A, B, C26. Whats Tom like? He is _ honest student; _, all of us like him very much.A. a; honest B. an; to be honest C. a; honestly D. an; honest27. No smoking here, sir! Oh, sorry. _A. Thank you for your r

4、eminding. B. Its none of your business.C. What a great idea!D. Do you want one?28. Im going to _ a charity party. Will you _ too?A. take part; take part B. take part in; take part in C. take part; take part in D. take part in; take part 29. Mom, look! I got full marks this time. Oh, great! _A. Im so

5、 proud of you. B. Thats too bad. C. Im so sorry to hear that. D. Things cant be worse.30. Is a new modern gym being built in our city now? Yes, and it _ next year.A. has been finished B. finishes C. will be finished D. will finish31. Mother is strict with me. She wont _ me to stay outside late at ni

6、ght.A. let B. allow C. make D. refuse32. Industry of _ has a _ opportunity to expand into new markets.A. golden; gold B. gold; gold C. golden; golden D. gold; golden33. This book is _ that one.A. as three times long as B. three times the length of C. three time as long as D. three times as longer as

7、 34. My sister _ Tony for ten years next year.A. has been married to B. has married to C. will be married to D. will marry to 35. He has a _ belief to support the candidate he likes.A. rooted B. rootless C. root D. rooting第二节 完形填空In 1982 Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboa

8、t when it struck something and sank. Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later, he was alive. He was much 36 than he was when he started, but still alive. The thing that caught my eye was how he 37 to keep himself going when all 38 seemed lost, when there seemed to be no point in 39

9、the struggle, when he was suffering greatly. His life raft was punctured (刺破) and after struggling with his weak body to 40 it for more than a week, it was still leaking 41 and wore him out to keep 42 it up. It seemed that 43 was the only smart option. “I tell myself I can 44 it,” wrote Callahan in

10、his narrative. “Compared with what others have been 45 ,Im fortunate. I tell myself these things over and over to 46 fortitude (勇气).”I 47 that down after I read it. It struck me as something important. And Ive told myself the 48 thing when my own goals seemed far off or when my 49 seemed too overwhe

11、lming. And every time Ive 50 it, I have always come back to my senses. The truth is that our situations are 51 only compared with something better. But others have been through 52 worse situations. Ive read enough history to know you and I are lucky to be where we are. So 53 youre going through, tel

12、l yourself you can handle it. Compared with what others have been through, youre 54 . Tell this to yourself over and over, and it will help you get through the 55 spots with a little more fortitude. 36. A. thinner B. fatter C. healthier D. stronger37. A. managed B. decided C. tried D. continued38. A. success B. future C. direction D. hope 39. A. continuing B. stopping C. finishing D. insisting 40. A. fix B. hit C. abandon D. buy41. A. air B. water C. strength D. food42. A. studying B. blowing C. pum



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