2015届高考高考英语二轮点晴 专题练习 单项选择(27)

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1、2015届高考高三英语二轮专题练习:单项选择(27)1.(江苏省石庄高级中学2014届高三第四次调研)We are calling on people to _ goods from companies that use child labor. A. refuse B. resist C. reject D. boycott 2.(山东省德州市重点中学2014届高三上学期期中考试) Oh, doctor, The wound on my leg is infected. You really shouldnt have left it _ to the sun. A. discovered

2、B. exposed C. opened D. buried 【答案】B【解祈】discover发现;expose暴露,显露;open打开;bury埋葬,致力于。句意:医生,我腿部的伤口感染了。你本不应该把伤口暴露在阳光工下的。本句的动词expose与前面的it构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词。3.(改编)All happy families _ one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.A. like B. appear C. resemble D. represent【答案】C【解析】like做动词用时

3、表示:喜欢;appear出现,用于句型it appears that/as if时,表示:好像;resemble看起来像,类似;represent代表。句意:所有幸福的家庭都彼此相似,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。4.(原创)His comments appeared to remarks made earlier in the day by the headmaster. A. disagrees B. contradicts C. declines D. opposes【答案】B【解析】句意:他的意见似乎和当天早些时候校长所说的相矛盾。contradict“与相矛盾”,符合句意。disagree

4、“不同意”,后面多跟with;decline“减少”;oppose“反对”,后跟介词to。5.(江苏省石庄高级中学2014届高三一轮复习)What made him rather frustrated was that it was because he had _ a small detail that he didnt pass the exam.A. cancelled B. leaked C. dismissed D. overlooked 6.(2014福建泉州五中质检)Do you think I should wear a hat to the party?It all depe

5、nds on your own_.A. personalityB. preferenceC. convenienceD. selection 7.(2014福建泉州五中高三质检)It seems that we value what we are trying to get more than what we_right now.A. takeB. bringC. possessD. lose【答案】C【解祈】句意:好像我们更重视想得到的东西而不是现在拥有的东西。possess拥有,占有,符合题意。take带走;bring带来,造成;lose失去。8.(改编)Marry wanted to p

6、ursue her own career in parallel _ her husbands.A. of B. with C. between D. on【答案】B【解析】句意:玛丽想跟丈夫同时追求各自的事业。in parallel with“与同时”。9.(2014江苏连云港模拟)Speaking _ the proposal, he pointed out how much cheaper it would be.A. in honor of B. in need ofC. in control of D. in defence of 11.(原创)It is reported that

7、 peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.A. arrived B. decided C. observed D. reached【答案】D【解析】reach/arrive at/make no agreement没有达成协议。句意:据报道两国的和谈破裂了,没达成任何协议。12.(江苏省石庄高级中学2014届高三一轮复习)Life is so interesting that I gave no _ to death or the beyond.A. birth B. ri

8、se C. way D. thought 13.(2014江苏盐城模拟)It sounds as if he knows a lot.He is a person who is fond of _.A. showing up B. making upC. showing off D. making out【答案】C【解析】根据语境可知,他是一个爱炫耀的人。show off“炫耀”。14.(浙江省湖州市八校2014届高三上学期第二次联考)Dont defend him any more. Its obvious that he _destroyed the fence of the garden

9、 even without an apology A accidentally B carelessly C deliberately D automatically 【答案】C 【解祈】句意:不要再为他辩护了。很明显,他是故意弄坏花园篱笆的,甚至连道歉的话都没有。 accidentally 意外地,偶然地;carelessly粗心地,大意地;deliberately故意地;automatically自动地。15.(浙江省湖州市八校2014届高三上学期第二次联考)Two lawyers have donated $ 50, 000 to _ our schools campaign “Help

10、 the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster 10 years ago. A. approve B. advocate C. guarantee D. sponsor 16.(浙江省象山普通高中2014届高三第一次模拟英语卷) People can accept the fact that prices tend to rise year by year but at a(an) _ rate.A. modest B. sharp C. regular D. amazing【答案】A【解析】句意:人们可以接受的事实是,价格往往年

11、年以适度的利率上升。modest 谦虚的,适度的;sharp 锋利的,敏捷的;regular 定期的,有规律的;amazing 令人惊异的。价格年年上涨幅度是人们都可以接受的,应是适度的,而不是锋利的,令人惊异的,价格变化不规则。故选A。17.(改编)Ted never dreamt of _ a chance for him to be sent abroad soon.A. there being B. there to haveC. there to be D. there having 18.(原创)In my opinion,the boy was_ frightened hurt

12、and now he still stays in panic mode. A. both, and B. neither, nor C. more, thanD. either, or【答案】C【解析】more.than与其说倒不如说。句意:与其说受到伤害倒不如说受到惊吓,现在他还处于恐慌状态之中。both.and既又;neither.nor既不也不;either.or或者或者。19.(2011高考上海卷)If a lot of people say a film is not good, I wont bother to see it, or Ill wait _ it comes out

13、 on DVD.A. whether B. after C. thoughD. until【答案】D【解析】根据题意:如果很多人说这部电影不好看,我也懒得去看了,或者我等到出了DVD再看。until含义为“直到”。20.(2013高考福建卷)Not until he went through real hardship _ the love we have for our families is important.A. had he realized B. did he realize C. he realized D. he had realized 22.(2014高考天津卷)12. E

14、nglish is a language shared by several diverse cultures, _ uses it differently.A. all of which B. each of which C. all of them D. each of them 23.(2014安徽蚌埠质检)She _herself.She said she would never marry young, but she did.A. did contradict B. didnt contradictC. wasnt contradicted D. was contradicted【答案】A【解析】句意:她的确自相矛盾。她说她绝不会早结婚,但她却这样做了。contradict“与相矛盾”,此处did用于动词前表示强调。24.(2014高考福建卷)It was the culture, rather than the language, _made it hard for him to adap


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