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1、Unit 18Beauty,开 篇 背 诵,影评 典型例题 海底总动员(Finding Nemo)是一部深受青少年喜爱的动画电影。请你根据以下内容写一篇英文影评。 1. 背景:澳大利亚的大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef) 2. 导演:Andrew Stanton 3. 角色:Marlin(一条逗笑的鱼);Nemo(Marlin勇敢的儿子);Dory(一条善良的鱼,后来与Nemo成为朋友),4. 故事梗概:一天,Nemo独自外出,不幸被人类抓上船。Nemo的父亲Marlin到处找儿子。后来Marlin遇到了好友Dory,并在其帮助下出发寻找Nemo。 5. 评价:这部电影画面优美,故

2、事动人,是一部人人欣赏的精彩电影。,写作提示 1. 影评属于夹叙夹议的文体,一般分三方面来写: 故事背景;角色和演员;自己的看法感悟。 2. 电影评论应以一般现在时为主,注意衔接词的使用。,佳作欣赏 Finding Nemo, directed by Andrew Stanton, is set off the Australian coast in the Great Barrier Reef. Marlin is a clownish fish and he is a single parent. He has a son named Nemo, who is a naughty fish

3、. The other character is Dory, who becomes a friend of Marlins. One day, when Nemo was alone, he was caught by human.Together with Dory,his father Marlin set out to look for Nemo. And at last, they succeed.,I like this story, the pictures in the film are great and the story is moving. It is a brilli

4、ant film for all to enjoy it.,名师点评 1. 短文短小精炼,但内容详尽。 2. 这类书面表达在考试中出现的机率不大,同学们接触较少,下面列出一般影评常用语汇和句型,以供参考: be directed by, be set in, This is astory等。 tell of, take place, at first, then, at last, finally, actor, actress, play the part of, play a role of等。 moving, excellent, beautiful, be popular with,

5、worth等。,教 材 自 主 回 归,记记单词 1b_adj.令人屏息的_n呼息,气息_vi.呼吸 2c_adj.一致的,始终如一的_adv.一贯地,固守地_n一致性 3a_adj.容易理解的_adv.可接近地;可得到地_n接近,进入,入口,通道,breathless,breath,breathe,consistent,consistently,consistence,accessible,accessibly,access,4d_vt.递送,传送_n递送,发送_n递送者,交付人 5d_adj.使人烦恼的_v扰乱,打扰,妨碍_n打扰,妨碍,动乱 6t_n倾向,趋势_n趋向_vt.照管,照料;

6、vi.倾向,趋向,deliver,delivery,deliverer,disturbing,disturb,disturbance,tendency,tendence,tend,7f_adj.严寒的,冰冻的_vt.&vi.结冰,冻住_(过去式)_(过去分词);adj.冰冻的,极冷的 8r_adj.浪漫的_n浪漫 9s_vt.打,打动_adj.引人注目的,突出的_adv.醒目地,显著地_n罢工者,freezing,freeze,froze,frozen,romantic,romance,strike,striking,strikingly,striker,10e_adj.明显的,明白的_adv

7、.明显地,显然地_n证据,证词,清楚,evident,evidently,evidence,记记短语 1._(人类将很快灭绝)if we could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria. 2_(等一下) 3Just a few _(零碎的东西),The human race would soon die out,Hang on a second,bits and pieces,记记句型 1.Traditions and fashions, _(就像社会本身),change and adapt with time, so _(那是合理

8、的)that our ideas of beauty change as well. 2_(判断一个人内在美的魅力)is much more subjective.,like society itself,it is reasonable,Judging the appeal of a persons inner beauty,3_(不像随意一瞥就能欣赏到那样容易)and it is _(重要的多)than physical beauty. 4_(举头望明月,低头思故乡),It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate,much more im

9、portant,Eyes raised, I see the moon so bright; head bent, in homesickness I am drowned.,教 材 知 识 探 究,词 语 解 读,1. superior adj.高级的,上等的 be superior to比优越 be superior in在方面优质的,上乘的 superior n上级,长官,上司;修道院院长 inferior adj.(质量、价值)次的,差的,次于的; (地位、身份)低等的,下级的;n.(地位、身份)低于 他人者;下级,部下,部属,be inferior to比差的 Of the two

10、books, I think this one is superior (to that) 就这两本书而言,我认为这本(比那本)更好。 解题警示 be superior to本身就有比较的意味,所以不能再与more连用。superior也没有比较等级,不与than连用。有类似用法的词有inferior, senior, junior等。,考试题 (南昌调研)Lang Lang is my favorite pianist. I regard him as _ other pianists. Asuperior to Bmore superior to Csuperior than Dmore

11、superior than 答案与解析:A 形容词superior “(级别、地位)较高的,(品质)优良的,较好的”没有比较级和最高级形式。superior to“比占优势”为固定搭配。,2. consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的 be consistent in.在方面始终如一 be consistent with.与一致 consistency n一致,一贯性 consistently adv.一贯地 His story is not consistent with the facts. 他的陈述与事实不一致。,Im fed up with your consistently

12、negative attitude. 我对你一惯的消极态度感到厌烦。 预测题 This evidence is not _ with what you said earlier. A. consist B. consistent C. agree D. similar 答案与解析:B 句意:这项证据与你先前所说的不一致。consist of由组成;be consistent with与一致;agree v同意;be similar to与相似。,3. die out 完全消失;灭绝 die off (家庭、种族等)相继死亡;(草木)先后枯死 die away (声音、光线、风等)渐弱;渐息;平

13、息 die down (火、光线、兴奋、暴风雨等)渐弱;渐息;(声音)静下来 die of 指死于疾病、衰老、饥饿、悲伤等 die from指由于外伤、外界原因、粗心、不注意、劳累过度等而死,解题警示 die的现在分词形式为dying。die out不用于被动语态。 考试题 (2010北京市石景山)She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but _ heart injury when she fell down a flight of stairs. A. of B. from C. with D. for 答案与解析:B “die from

14、.”意为“死于”只有B项符合题意。,预测题 “If we dont take steps,the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will _ some day just as dinosaur,which is terrible.”said one of the officers in the zoo. Adie out Bdie away Cdie down Ddie off 答案与解析:A die out灭绝;die away渐弱;die down渐渐消失;die off相继死亡。,4. accompany vt.伴随;陪同 accompany sb. to.陪某人到(to为介词) be accompanied by 由伴奏 accompany sb. at/on sth. (尤指用钢琴)为伴奏 accompany sth. wi


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