高考英语一轮复习 unit2 working the land课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 2,Working the land,1struggle vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力 struggle for.为而作斗争/拼搏 struggle with/against.与作斗争 struggle to do sth.努力做某事 struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 life-and-death struggle 生死搏斗,运用 完成句子,(1)他们为了这个职位而斗争。,They are _ the position.,(2)这几年来他们一直与癌症作斗争。,They _ the cancer all through,the years.,(3)狐狸努力逃脱。

2、,The fox _.,(4)他挣扎着站起来,慢慢地向前行。,He _ and dragged slowly ahead.,struggling for,have been struggling with/against,struggled to escape,struggled to his feet,2equip vt.&vi.配备;装备,equipment n装备,配备;用具 equip sb.with 给某人配备,be equipped to do sth.配有做的装备(或条件) equip sb.for sth.使某人具备某物 be equipped with sth.配有某物 运用

3、 完成句子,(1)你所受的教育将使你具备未来生活的能力。,Your education will _ the ability of future life.,(2)我们的孩子要具备某些特殊技能。,Our children will _ some special skills.,equip you for,be equipped with,3regret vt.遗憾;惋惜 n.遗憾;懊悔,regret to say/tell/announce/inform 遗憾地说/告诉/宣布/通知 regret doing/having done sth.后悔已经做了某事 regret that-clause

4、 遗憾/后悔,运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,(1)I now regret _ (leave) school so young. (2)I regret _(inform) you that your contract will,not be renewed.,leaving/having left,to inform,4reduce vt.减少;减缩;简化 reduce sth.to.把某物减少到 reduce sth.by.把某物减少了 运用 完成句子,(1)我们必须把我们的开支减少到每个月 300 元。,We must _ our expenses _ 300 yuan a mon

5、th.,(2)他们的产量已减少了百分之十。,Their output _ 10 percent.,reduce,to,has been reduced by,用本单元所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1注意不要把数量和质量混淆了。,Be careful not to _ quantity _ quality.,2戒烟会减少得心脏病的风险。,Giving up smoking _ heart disease.,3虽说世路多艰,但我们全都得努力为美好的将来而奋斗。,Life is hard but we all have to _ our bright future.,confuse,with,will

6、 reduce the risk of,struggle for,4学生人数在迅速增加。,The number of students is _.,5他随身带着一张街道平面图。,He _ himself _ a street plan.,6我很遗憾地告诉你,你没通过考试。,I _ that you fail the exam.,expanding rapidly,equipped,with,regret to tell you,1rid.of 摆脱;除去,get rid of 摆脱;除掉;去掉 运用 完成句子 (1)他还清了债。,The man _ himself _ debt.,(2)咱们把

7、这件旧家具扔掉吧。,Lets _ this old piece of furniture.,rid,of,get rid of,2focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于 focus sth.on 将某物集中于 运用 完成句子,他的眼光集中在电视屏幕上。,He _ the TV screen.,focused his eyes on,3keep.free from/of (protect sb./sth.from.) 使免,受(影响;伤害等);使不含(有害物),运用 完成句子,今年我们想方设法使得花园不生杂草。,We have managed to _ the garden _ weeds,

8、this year.,keep,free from/of,用本单元所学短语及用法完成下列句子,1他在演讲比赛中得了一等奖,他的老师对他的表现很满,意。,He got the first prize in the speech contest.His teacher _,_ his performance.,2真是一个热天啊,我宁愿待在家里而不愿外出购物。,It is really a hot day.I _ stay in the house,than go out shopping.,3多亏了你及时的帮助,我们才能按时完成任务。,_ your timely help, we could fi

9、nish the task on time.,was,satisfied with,would rather,Thanks to,4他正在国外开发他的事业。,He is _ his business abroad.,5我把他们带到了我的学校。,I _ my school.,6这个女孩挣扎着让自己摆脱眼泪。,The girl struggled to _ herself _ tears.,7戴顶帽子可使你免受太阳的照射。,Wearing a hat can _ the sunlight.,8今天我太忙了,精神集中不起来了。,Im so tired that I cant _ anything t

10、oday.,building up,led them to,rid,of,keep you free from/of,focus on,原句,This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce,one-third more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得 同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。 “make itadj.to do sth.”结构表示“使做某事成为”。 it 为形式宾语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语。make 在此作使役 动词,it 后面可以跟名词、形容词、动词原形等作宾语补足语

11、。,精练 根据中文提示,完成下列句子 (1)电脑能使学习变得更容易更有趣。,Computers can make learning _.,(2)我记得我跟你讲清楚了我不会来的。,I remember I made _.,easier and more interesting,it clear to you that I was not coming,运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之,Farmers in China used to live a hard life and was always,(1)_ (受饥饿困扰)For decades, they,struggled to

12、 search for ways to increase rich harvests, but without,success.Now, things have changed.(2)_ ( 多亏) Dr.Yuans,research on the hybrid rice , farmers are producing harvests,(3)_( 多 了 一 倍 ) before, which means 22% of the worlds people (4)_ (摆脱了),hunger.Most of the farmers say they (5)_ now _,( 相 当 满 意 )

13、 their life and would much rather be a farmer in the,countryside.,disturbed by hunger,Thanks to,twice as large as,have got rid of/rid themselves of,are,quite satisfied with,“故事复述”考试目标及备考策略,本题型的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议文章,长 度在 250 个单词左右。故事内容往往比较贴近生活,包括学校 生活、家庭生活、人际交往等。文章结构比较完整,易于通过 听来理解内容,并进行口头表述。,一、宏观应试目标,复

14、述故事对听说方面的能力较模仿朗读、角色扮演题型有 更高的要求。除了要达到前两个题型的基本要求之外,复述故 事更加强调对篇章的整体性理解和把握,同时考查能否恰当地 运用自己的语言组织要点信息,并正确而连贯地表达。 新课标和高考大纲对该题型的相应要求除了“能听懂有关 熟悉话题的讨论和谈话并记住要点”外,还有以下三个主要的 要求:,1使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点、态度、情感,等;,2学习、掌握基本语篇知识并根据特定目的有效地组织信,息;,3在学习中借助图表等非语言信息进行理解或表达。,二、微观能力目标,具体而言,同学们要具备:,1宏观获取篇章脉络的能力; 2组织要点的能力; 3连贯表达的能力;,4正确使用语法、词汇的能力。,三、备考策略,1听取故事时,要注意:(1)宏观把握,注意开头句;(2),记录关键词。,2复述故事时,要注意:(1)明确复述时使用的人称或称 谓;(2)代词 he、she 要弄清,正确使用单复数、时态、句子转 承时的连词;(3)复述要连



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