高中英语 unit 1 module 2课件 牛津版必修2

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1、Unit one Module Two,phrases:,一个失踪的男孩 充满神秘 一艘沉船 .的原因 相信无法解释的事情 充满,填满 相信某人/某物的存在 提前 加紧,加快 因为,由于 出现,路面 直接走去某地 播放CD 根据,按照 对。进行研究,a missing boy full of mysteries a sunken ship the cause of believe in unexplained things be full of=be filled with believe in the existence in advance step up due to=because o

2、f show up go straight to put on CD according to do research on,16. 变得害怕/结婚/被杀 17.准备睡觉 18 调查 19 编造故事 20 负责这个案子 21 考虑其他可能性 22 排除可能性 23 放弃 24 找到令人信服的证据 25 向某人表述某物 26 至少/无论如何 27 对某人感到失望 28 取得巨大的进步 29 发现钥匙不见了 30 搜身/寻找某人 31 对。感兴趣,16 get frightened/married/killed 17 get ready for bed 18 look into 19 make u

3、p stories 20 take charge of the case 21 look at other possibilities 22 rule out the possibilities 23 give up 24 find convincing evidence 25 describe sth to sb 26 at least 27 be disappointed at sb/with sth 28 make great progress 29 find my key lost/missing/gone 30 search sb/search for sb 31 show grea

4、t interest in,32 看/听见某人做某事/正在做 33 上演新剧 34 仔细检查 35 把。看做 36 小心 37 查阅 38 一定做过某事(对过去推测) 39 可能做过某事(对过去推测) 40 和某人和好 41 脱下,起飞 42 梦想 43 科学研究 44 报道做过某事 45 平均 46 每个目击报道 47 追赶,32 see/hear sb do/doing 33 put on a new play 34 go through 35 look on as 36 look out 37 look up 38 must have done 39 may/might have don

5、e 40 make up with sb 41 take off 42 dream of 43 scientific research 44 report doing/having done 45 on average 46 each reported sightings 47 run after,48 以惊人的速度和体力奔跑 49 支持野人存在的证据 50 使脚印变得更大 51 向。前去 52 有机会作某事 53 继续生活 54 据说 55 长,宽,深 56 代替同一/不同事物 57 发烧 58 用完 59 偶遇 60 导致某人作某事 61 说服某人做 62 靠。生存 63 找到书,48 r

6、un with amazing speed and strength 49 evidence supporting the existence of 50 cause the footprints to become larger 51 make ones way to 52 have the chance to do 53 live on 54 it is said that=sb is said to be 55 in length/width/depth 56 it/one 57 run a fever 58 run out 59 run across 60 cause sb to do

7、 61 convince sb to do 62 exist on 63 search out the book,64 调查/研究 65 弥补,补足 66 和好 67 索要钱物 68 在进展中 69 炫耀 70 送某人出去 71 想要做某事 72 一次,曾经 73 避免做 74 在。的一边 75 分成 76 77 78 79 80,64 research into/on 65 make up for 66 make up with sb 67 charge for 68 In progress 69 show off 70 show sb out 71 intend to do 72 at a

8、 time/at one time 73 avoid doing 74 on the side of 75 divide into 76 77 78 79 80,word spelling,Living c_, such as human beings, animals or plants, depend on water and air to live. When I heard that I wasnt chosen into the school football team I felt rather d_(失望的) You explanation is not c_ enough fo

9、r all of us to accept it. Although we have lost this important game, there is still _(可能性) that we will win the championship. Mona Lisas m_ smile attracts so many people in the world. Though this is s_ to that, there are still some differences between them.,reatures,isappointed,onvincing,possibility

10、,ysterious,imilar,7. The police have _(证据) that the killer was an old woman. 8. The detective is looking into the _(谋杀)case. 9. People often have n_ about falling off a cliff at night. 10. The child cant use chopsticks _(恰当地) 11. I was reading when our teacher suddenly patted me on the s_. 12. He ha

11、s to work hard because he has a big family to s_. 13. The dog is f_ as the children dared to get close to it. 14. The footprints are 5-6_(英寸)long. 15. If you have got a computer, you can find a lot of w_ about pollution on the internet.,evidence,murder,ightmares,properly,houlder,upport,rightening,in

12、ches,ebsites,16. The s_ won the Nobel Prize for physics in the 1940s. I dont s_ his opinion. Im against what he said. With the development of science, more and more r_ have been launched I am p_ what to do. Tom is now making much _(进步)at school. The police _(受查)the prisoner to see if he had a gun. C

13、olumbus d_ America in 1492. He _(继续)his interrupted studies after the war. The robber dug for the buried t_. He has r_ from the serious illness, which made his parents happy show me some e_ Ill believe you. I dont know the c_ and effect.,cientists,upport,ockets,uzzled,progress,searched,iscovered,con

14、tinued,reasure,ecovered,vidence,ause,28. With the development of science and _(技术) 29. I wonder what has c_ you to change your mind. 30. The _(探险) is so amazing that the boys are interested in it 31.,technology,aused,exploration,句转,Its said that he has written a book. He is said _ _ _ a book. 2. I h

15、eard him play his favorite CD. I heard him _ _ his favorite CD. 3. People reported that they had seen a UFO. People reported _ _ a UFO. 4. Five doctors and 12 nurses made up a medical team. A medical team was _ _ _5 doctors and 12 nurses. A medicine team _ _ 5 doctors and 12 nurses. 5. He believed that Yetis exist while he studied the footprints. He believed _the _ of Y


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