高中英语 m7u2languagepoints课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Period 2 Language points,Unit2 Robots,satisfy (v.) _ adj. 感到满意的 _ adj. 令人满意的 _ n. 满意 alarm (v.) _ adj.令人担心的 _ adj.感到担心的 favour (v./n.) _ adj. 最喜欢的 awful (adj.) _adv. 极坏地 Imagine (v.) _ adj.具有想象力的 _ adj.虚构的 _ n.想象力,satisfied,satisfying,satisfaction,alarming,alarmed,favourite,awfully,imaginative,imagi

2、nary,imagination,一、词汇拓展,6. envy (n./v.) _ adj. 7.receive(v.) _ n. 电话听筒, 收件人 8.affect (v.) _ n. 喜爱,感情 9.junior (adj.) _ adj. 较年长的,地位较高的 10.talent (n.) _ adj.有天赋的 11. obey (v.) _ v. 不服从,envious,receiver,affection,senior,talented,disobey,一、词汇拓展,1. 试验,考验 2. 令某人满意的是 3. 给 打电话 4. 转向 5. 不管某人 6. 将放在一边 7. 一共,

3、总计 8. 一定做,test out,to ones satisfaction,ring sb. up,turn around,leave alone,set aside,in all,be bound to do sth.,二、词组中英互译,9.一堆 10.帮某人忙 11. 同情某人 12. 科幻小说 13. 面部表情 14. 渴望做某事 15. 感到惊慌 16. 离婚,facial expression,desire to do sth.,feel alarmed,be/get divorced,feel sympathy for sb.,science fiction,二、词组中英互译,

4、do sb. a favour,a pile of, it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires? (Page 10 pre- reading) desire v. 希望得到;想要 n. 渴望,欲望 渴望做某事:_; _ 渴望某物:_ desire + that (sb. should do sth.) 1) 这个残疾人渴望成功。(三种翻译) _ _ _ 2) He desired that _ _ (辞职) as soon as possible.,desire to do sth,have a desire to

5、 do sth,desire sth. / have a desire for sth,The disabled man desired to succeed.,The disabled man had a desire for success.,The disabled man desired that he succeed.,he resign,2. satisfaction guaranteed (page 11 the title ) _ 使某人满意的是 使我们满意的是,他在演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。 _,to ones satisfaction,To our satisfaction,

6、 he got first prize in the speech contest.,3. However, when she first saw the robot, she felt alarmed. (Page 11 Para. 2) alarm n. 警报 vt. 使惊恐,惊动 【固定短语】 惊恐地 in alarm 闹钟 alarm clock 火警 a fire alarm 拉响警铃 sound /raise the alarm 1) _ _ _ _ ( 我很担心)hear that he was planning to go there alone. 2) In case of

7、fire, _ _ _. (按警铃) 3) The shooting last night _ (alarm) the police.,I was alarmed to,sound the alarm,alarmed,(做谓语动词),4. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. (page 11 para 3) It+ adj.(-ing形式的形容词) + that 宿舍总是没有热水,这真让人讨厌。 _,It is annoying that there is always no hot water in the d

8、orm.,【补充翻译】 这些弱视的人能完成这个任务,这真让人感到惊讶。 It was amazing that these weak-sighted people could finish the task.,5. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. (Page11, Para 4) sympathy n. 同情心 【固定短语】 have / feel sympathy for sb./ sth. in sympathy with sb./sth. 1) 这个建筑师非常同情灾区无家可归的孩子。

9、_ 2) Dont be sad, _. (我支持你。),同情某人,对某人/某事表示支持,The architect has great sympathy for the homeless children in the disaster area.,I am in sympathy with you,6. As a favour , Tony promised to help Claire make (page 11, para 5) favor n. 喜爱 【短语】 in favour of win sb. favour do sb a favor 这个小男孩赞成养鹦鹉。 _,赞成,获得、

10、赢得某人的好感,帮助某人,The little boy is in favour of keeping a parrot.,7. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops (page 11, para 6) accompany vt. 陪同 accompany on / at 为伴奏 1) I _ her to the concert last night. 2) Lighting _ usually _ by thunder. 闪电常常伴着雷声 3) The singer _ _ _ (伴奏) the piano by his s

11、tudents.,accompanied,is,accompanied,is accompanied on,8. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. (Para 6, Page11) turn around 转身 There stood Gladys Claffern. 为全倒装句。 汽车来了。_ 那里站着一只鹦鹉。_,Here comes the bus,There stood a parrot.,9. Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. (Par

12、a 6, Page 11) affair n. 事情,恋爱事件,私通事件 【固定短语】 current affairs foreign affairs have an affair with sb.,时事,外交事务,和某人关系暧昧,10. What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! (Para 10, Page 11) envy n.&v. 羡慕,嫉妒 羡慕某人某物 是羡慕的对象 1) 他很羡慕我的成功。 2) 所有的同事们都羡慕她的才能。 All her colleagues / workmates envied her talents

13、. Her talents were the envy of all her colleagues.,envy sb. (for) sth. / be envious of,be the envy of,He envies my success.,11. You cannot have women falling in love with machines. (Para12, Page11) have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 【注意】not have sb doing sth 不允许某人做某事 have sb. do sth 让某人做某事 have sth done 让别人做/遭遇 1) We cannot have them _(waste) time in this way. 2) We had our photos _(take) by a passer-by. 3) The headteacher had the naughty student _ (sweep) the classroom today.,wasting,taken,sweep,12. making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble? (Page 15) be bound to 他们一定能赚取更高的利润。 _



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