2018届高考英语一轮复习 第11讲 非谓语动词课件 新人教版(浙江专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版浙江专用,找出各句的谓语动词并指出其具体形式 1. He had a good memory like an elephant. 他以前有很好的记忆力。 2. It would be a waste of money building such a luxurious villa. 建这么豪华的别墅太浪费钱。,答案 1. had,过去式 2. would be,附加情态动词的动词原形,3. When asked why, please just keep silent. 当问到原因时,就保持沉默。 4. The president was warmly

2、welcomed by the residents. 总统受到了居民的热烈欢迎。,答案 3. keep,动词原形 4. was welcomed,动词的被动形式,1,谓语动词的形式包括主动句各种时态下的谓语形式和被动句各种时态下的谓语形式以及情态动词与动词连用的各种形式。,指出下列动词形式是谓语动词形式还是非谓语动词形式,1. teaches _ 2. teaching _ 3. will teach _ 4. having taught _ 5. was taught _ 6. are teaching _ 7. to teach _,指出下列动词形式是谓语动词形式还是非谓语动词形式,答案

3、非谓语动词形式:2,4,7; 谓语动词的形式:1,3,5,6。,2,动名词,现在分词,不定式与过去分词以及它们相应时态与语态下的各种形式叫作动词的非谓语形式。换言之,不能作谓语的动词形式叫非谓语动词。,根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) 1. 因为不按时上学,他经常受到老师批评。 He is often criticized by the teacher because of _ _ to school on time. 2. 因为不知道真相,这些村民抗议修建高速公路。 _ _ _ the truth, the villagers protested against building an ex

4、press way.,Not having known,not going,3. 为了不让公众认出来,这个明星戴了副墨镜。 In order _ _ _ _ by the public, the star wore a pair of sunglasses. 4. 没人告诉你怎样做,你就先休息一会儿吧。 _ _ how to do it you can, take a rest first.,答案 3. not to be recognized 4. Not told,3,非谓语动词的否定式为 not 非谓语动词,非谓语动词不仅有时态,而且有语态,具体形式见下表,翻译下列句子并指出非谓语动词在

5、句中充当的成分 1. The HR manager hurried to the airport only to be told the plane had taken off.,那位人事经理急匆匆赶到机场想不到被告知飞机已经起飞。to be told作结果状语。,2. Talking to such a man is just like talking to a wall. 3. He came running.,答案 2与这样的人谈话等于对牛弹琴。第一个“talking”短语作主语;后一个talking短语作宾语。 3他跑着来了。running作方式状语。,4. Taken as a wh

6、ole, the 16th Asian Games are well organized.,答案 整体来看,第十六届亚运会组织得很好。taken作条件状语。,5,非谓语动词动名词,现在分词,动词不定式及过去分词在句中可充当除谓语以外的各种成分,具体用法见下表(一般情况下),5,翻译下列句子,指出ing形式的不同含义并判断其类别 1. Let the sleeping dog lie. 2. A sleeping car is expensive.,答案 1不要自找麻烦(让正在睡觉的狗躺着)。dog与sleeping有逻辑上的主谓关系,即“狗睡觉”。sleeping 是现在分词。,翻译下列句子,

7、指出ing形式的不同含义并判断其类别 1. Let the sleeping dog lie. 2. A sleeping car is expensive.,答案 2卧车是很昂贵的。sleeping表示car的用途,即“用来睡觉的车”。sleeping是动名词。,6,动名词和现在分词均可作定语,动名词作定语时,动名词表达被修饰词的用途。现在分词作定语时表达被修饰词与该分词逻辑上的主谓关系。,翻译下列句子,指出ing形式的不同含义并判断其类别 1. My job is teaching.,答案 我的职业是教书。teaching与my job是等同关系,teaching表达my job的具体内容

8、。表语teaching和主语my job可交换位置,即可表达为:Teaching is my job. teaching是动名词。,翻译下列句子,指出ing形式的不同含义并判断其类别 2. My job is interesting.,答案 我的职业很有趣。interesting与my job是修饰与被修饰关系,interesting表达my job的特征、性质。表语interesting和主语my job不可交换位置。interesting是现在分词。,7,动名词作表语表达主语的具体内容,此时表语与主语可交换位置。现在分词作表语表达主语的性质与特征,一般情况不可与主语交换位置。,翻译下列句子

9、,指出句中画线部分充当的成分及其含义 1. The old lady hurried to the bus station to see her son off only to be told the bus had left.,答案 老太太匆匆赶到车站给儿子送行,想不到被告知车已开走。不定式短语to be told the bus had left作结果状语,表达出人意料或不情愿看到的结果。,翻译下列句子,指出句中画线部分充当的成分及其含义 2. We reached the top of the mountain, breathing hard.,答案 我们到达了山顶,上气不接下气。分词短

10、语breathing hard作结果状语,表达合乎情理的自然的结果。,8,不定式(短语)作结果状语时,前面往往有only/just修饰,表达出人意料或不情愿看到的结果;现在分词(短语)作结果状语,表达合乎情理的自然的结果。,改写句子 Would you mind if I opened the window? Would you mind_ _ the window? Would you mind _ _ the window?,My opening,me opening,9,为了表达动名词动作的发出者,此时使用名词所有格或形容词性物主代词动名词结构,此结构叫作动名词复合结构。动名词复合结构不

11、作主语时,其中的名词所有格可以改为普通格,物主代词可改为宾格。如: my fathers going alone my father going alone; our taking part in it us taking part in it。,用动词的非谓语形式完成句子,总结各组句子宾补的用法 1. (1) Though he is unwilling to give up his choice, Ill have him_(do) so. (2) Its a waste of water having the tap _(run) while washing clothes.,答案 (1

12、) do (2)running,(3) Unfortunately, the basketball player had had his leg_(break) just before the match began. 2. (1) I saw her _(dance) with her partner when I passed by the dancing room.,答案 (3)broken 2. (1)dancing,(2) The CCTV camera saw the two masked men _(enter) the bank and _(run) out with a bl

13、ack bag. (3) Young people are advised not to reply when they hear their names_ (call) at night.,答案 (2)enter; run (3)called,3. (1) If caught _(steal) in the supermarket, the employee will be severely punished. (2) When arriving at home, the host found all the drawers _(make) upside down.,答案 (1) steal

14、ing (2)made,4. (1) He was online chatting, leaving his homework _(finish). (2) The manager went into the meeting room and left his driver _ (wait) in the car. (3) The director left his secretary _(attend) to the matter.,答案 (1)unfinished (2)waiting (3) to attend,从非谓语动词角度看,英语中动词不定式,现在分词,过去分词都可充当宾补。,10,根据提示,用with复合结构完成下列句子 1.有如此多的工作要做,新秘书感到很紧张。 _ so much work_ _, the new secretary felt stressed. 2. 让灯通宵亮着,这个男孩早早睡觉了。 _ the light _ all night long, the boy went to sleep early.,答案 1With; to do 2. With; burning,根据提示,用with复合结构完成下列句子 3.所有的书都标注了字母,我们很容易找到要看的书。 _ all the books _ with le


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