2018年高三英语一轮复习 unit5 meeting your ancestors课件 新人教版选修8

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1、(2012浙江四校联合体高三下学期开学考试)假定有一批外宾要在中国过春节(Spring Festival),他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况,请你根据下列要点写一篇短文,以作介绍。 要点:1. 春节就是中国的新年,一般在二月份。 2. 中国的年份是按12生肖命名的,如狗年、猴年等。今年是龙年。,3春节前人们要大扫除。大年夜家人在一起吃年夜饭。 4年初一走访亲友。孩子们会得到压岁钱。 5人们在春节常常过得很愉快。 注意:1.要有标题。 2. 记叙必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 3字数:100左右。 _,【满分作文】 The Spring Festival The Chinese N

2、ew Year is called the Spring Festival.It usually comes in February.There is a name for each year.It may be called the year of the dog or the year of the monkey.And this year is the year of the dragon. Before the New Years Day,the Chinese people usually give their houses a thorough cleaning.,On the l

3、ast day of the old year,there is a big family dinner.All members of the family try to be present at the meal.On the first day of the new year,people go to visit their relatives and friends.As a rule,children are given some money to buy things they like. People often have a good time during the Sprin

4、g Festival.,【高级词汇】 a thorough cleaning大扫除 to visit their relatives and friends走亲访友,【佳句变换】 1The Spring Festival,also known as the Lunar New Year,is the most important traditional festival in China,which usually falls on in February. 2From December 23rd in the Chinese calendar,people begin to clean th

5、eir houses to bid farewell to the old year and greet the new year. 3The Spring Festival is a time for celebrating with family and friends.No matter where,how busy they are,the Chinese will go back home to spend the festival with their family members. 4During the Spring Festival,the children will rec

6、eive a lot of lucky money as a rule,and they can buy whatever they want,such as fireworks and candies.,.词汇链条 1_vt.& vi.挨饿 _n挨饿;饿死 2_adj.足够的;充足的;富裕的 _adv.充足地 3_adj.有意义的 _n意义;重要性 4_v鼓掌欢迎;赞赏 _n鼓掌 掌声 5_v加速;促进 _n加速 6_n& v逮捕;拘留,starve,starvation,ample,amply,significant,significance,applaud,applause,accele

7、rate,acceleration,arrest,7_vt.& vi.改变;使改动 _n可能的选择 adj.供选择的;其他的 _adj.& vi.轮流 8_n植物学 _n植物学家 _adj.植物学的 9_n接待;欢迎会 _n接待员;招待员 10_adj.精确的 _n精确 11_adj.锋利的;尖锐的 _vt.使锋利 12_vt.分开;分割 _n分割;划分;分配,alter,alternative,alternate,botany,botanist,botanical,reception,receptionist,accurate,accuracy,sharp,sharpen,divide,di

8、vision,.重点短语 1_由制成 2_至多;最多 3_关心;在意 4_受够了;饱受;厌烦 5_追溯到 6regardless of_ 7cut up_ 8look ahead_ 9keep out_ _,be made of,at most,care about,be fed up with,date back,不管;不顾,切碎,向前看;为将来打算,挡住;使进不来;不让进入;,不要进来,.经典句式 1_ _ stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。 2The amount will be paid to everyone _ wh

9、ether they have children or not. 不管有没有孩子,每个人都会得到相同的金额。 3Mother will _ that you didnt telephone. 若你不打电话,妈妈会不高兴的。,It is generally assumed that,regardless of,be fed up,4The notice says,“Danger! _!” 标志牌上写着:“危险!禁止入内!” 5He has a large collection of records _ the 1950s. 他有可追溯到20世纪50年代的一大批唱片收藏品。,Keep out,da

10、ting back to,.短文填空 Nowadays a_1_ every family has a TV set and almost everyone likes watching TV.TV becomes one necessity in our life._2_ we all know,TV has many advantages.For instance,it informs us of the _3_ (最新的) news that has h_4_ in the world.In addition,it can broaden our eyes,enlarge our _5_

11、(知识)and help us to see more about the world.At the same time it also has some disadvantages.People _6_(浪费) too much time in _7_TV so their normal life and work are affected.Whats worse,to those children who spend too much time in watching TV,it can do much _8_ to their eyesight and health.As far as

12、I am c_9_,we should take the advantage of TV and control our time of watching TV.B_10_,we should choose helpful and instructive TV programs.,答案 1.almost 2.As 3.latest 4.happened 5.knowledge 6.waste 7.watching 8.harm 9.concerned 10.Besides,interrupt the path 阻断道路 interrupt sbs speech 打断某人的讲话 interrup

13、t traffic 中断交通 interrupt the view 遮住视线 be interrupted by被打断阻断 interrupt sb in his talk 打断某人的话 interrupt with 打断,interrupt/disturb/interfere/intervene 辨析 interrupt:是指你打断插入了某项正在进行的动作。例如一段对话,在参与者正在对话时,你打断了他们的对话是不礼貌的行为。例如: He interrupted the teachers explanation and put forward his own opinion.他打断了老师的讲解

14、并提出了自己的观点。 disturb:着重指的是精神状态层面的被打扰,你disturb某人时,会使他人感到焦虑,打断他人的思路而使对方无法平静。My sister always disturbs me when I study.我妹妹总是在我学习时打扰我。,interfere:侧重指无权或未获允许而妨碍、阻扰、干涉他人之事,语气较轻。interfere是不及物动词,interfere with sth。 intervene : 书面用词,指介入争端,进行调停,也指干涉他人之事,语气重。既可以作不及物动词 也可以作及物动词。 (1)These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们观海的视线。英华大辞典 (2)Traffic a snowstorm. 交通被暴风雪所阻断。英华大辞典,Was interrupted by,直通高考看看高考怎么考 Production at the factory was_for two hours because there was no electricity.(2012天津南开中学质检) Ainterrupted Bdisturbed Cmissed Dlost 答案 A,assume a leading position 担任领导职务 assume a


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