高中英语 虚拟语气 新人教选修6

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1、虚拟语气,The Subjunctive Mood,语气,英语的动词一般可带有三种不同的语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。不同的语气用动词的不同形式(有的还借助句法形式)来表示。,语气,陈述语气(The Indicative Mood)用来陈述一个事实,或提出一个看法,有肯定,否定,疑问或感叹等形式。 People get AIDS after having been infected with HIV. Her mother did not know that she had AIDS until after Xiaohua was born.,How should we act towa

2、rds people who have AIDS? What a brave girl!,语气,祈使语气(The Imperative Mood)用来表示请求,邀请,命令,警告或劝告等。 Let me do it. Please keep quiet in the reading room.,虚拟语气,虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、猜测、怀疑等(在条件从句中或让步状语从句中);一是表示说话人的愿望、要求、命令、建议等 (在宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)。,虚拟语气的概念,虚拟语气,一、在条件从句中 (叫虚拟条件句),表示与事实相反的条件。

3、分三种情况(以 do 为例):,虚拟语气在 在条件从句中,虚拟语气,例句 要是你早来几分钟的话,你就能见到他了。 If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him. (与过去事实相反) 2.明天要是天气好的话,我来看你。 If it were(were to be/should be) sunny tomorrow, I would come to see you. (与将来事实可能相反) 3.假如我是你的话,我现在就走。 If I were you, I would go now. (与现在事实相反,事实上我不可能是你

4、),虚拟语气在 在条件从句中,If + 主 + did(were), 主+would/should/could/might +动词原形,If I were you, I would try it again.,If he were free, he would go with you.,1. 如果我是你,我会再试一次。,2.如果他有空,他会与你一起去的。,3.如果我有一百万美元,我会买下这架飞机。,If I had one million dollars, I would buy the plane.,与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,If +主 +had done sth, 主+would/sho

5、uld/could/might +动词完成式(have done),If he had worked hard, he would have passed the examination.,1.如果他努力学的话,他就通过这次考试。,If he had been there, he could have seen the film,If I had married her, I would have been unhappy.,3.要是当时我和她结了婚的话,那我是很不幸的。,2.如果他那时在那儿的话,他就能看到那部电影了。,与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句(通常有时间状语)

6、,If he came here tomorrow, I would tell him about it.,2.If he were to come here tomorrow, I would tell him about it. 3.If he should come tomorrow,I would tell him about it.,1.如果他明天来的话,我会告诉他这件事.,If + 主 + did(were to /should do), 主+would/should/ could/might +动词原形,虚拟语气,二、省略 if 的条件从句 当从句中有 were, had 或 s

7、hould 时,可省略if ,而把它们放在句首。 If I were to meet him tomorrow, I should ask him about it. Were I to meet him tomorrow, If he should fail in the experiment this time, he would try again. Should he fail in the experiment If you had come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.,虚拟语气在 在条件从句中,Had you com

8、e a few.,Were I you, I would try it again.,Had he been there yesterday, he would have seen the film.,Should it snow tomorrow, we wouldnt go out.,If I were you, I would try it again.,If he had been there yesterday, he would have seen the film.,If it should snow tomorrow, we wouldnt go out.,虚拟语气,三、错综时

9、间的条件句(交叉虚拟) 即从句与主句的动作发生的时间不同。此时,需要按时间来确定虚拟形式。如: If they had studied hard, they could do it easily now. 如果他们以前努力学习的话,现在干的就会容易些。 If he had not taken my advice, he wouldnt do it much better like this. 如果他不听取我的建议,他就不会干得这样好。,虚拟语气在复合句中的应用:,If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now. If

10、it had rained last night (过去), it would be very cold today (现在).,虚拟语气,Alan _ the party if he had gone to London. A. would have missed B. had missed C. would miss D. missed 2.It was the drug,not the disease,that killed the boy. He would be still alive today if he _ that drug. A.not take B.shouldnt ha

11、ve taken C.didnt take D.hadnt taken,Exercises,If you _tomorrow, you _ find the new manager working in the office.,A. should come; would B. would come; would C. will come; should D. comes; might,A,If the parents _at the hospital earlier after the accident, the child would have been saved.,A. arrives

12、B. arrive C. had arrived D. has arrived,C,I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother.,A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come,D,If my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from going .,A. had been; would have prevented B. had been; would prevent C. were; would pr

13、event D. were; would have prevented,A,If he _he _that food.,Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.,A. was warned; would not have taken B. had been warned; would not have taken C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken,B,If the doctor had come earlier, the p

14、oor child _.,A. wouldnt be lying there for two hours B. wouldnt have laid there for two hours C. wouldnt have lied there for two hours D. wouldnt have lain there for two hours,D,If you had told me in advance, I _him at the airport.,A. would meet B. would had meet C. would have met D. would have meet

15、,C,If there were not subjunctive mood, English _ much easier.,A. Will be B. would have been C. could have been D. would be,D,_the exam, he would have attend a college.,A. If he passed B. Had he passed C. Were he passed D. If he should pass,B,_five minutes earlier, you could have seen them off.,A. If you should arrive B. If you arrive C. Had you arrived D. Should you arrive,C,_it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to the Science Museum.,A. Were B. should C. would D. will,



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