江苏省泰兴市新市初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 (新版)牛津版

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江苏省泰兴市新市初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 (新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省泰兴市新市初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省泰兴市新市初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 (新版)牛津版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省泰兴市新市初级中学2013-2014学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 (分值:100分 考试时间:90分钟)第卷 选择题(共65分) 请注意:考生须将第I卷155题所选答案填涂到答题卡上,答在试卷上无效!一、听力(20分)A) 根据所听内容选择正确答案(听两遍)1. What do they do first in the morning? A B C2. When does Sandy play volleyball? A B C3. Who is Bettys father? A B C4. What present does Lucy want to give Amy? A B C5.

2、 What does Millies uncle do? A B C 6. What does Cathy do on Friday evening? A. Read books. B. Do her homework. C. Play games .7. Whats Sams favorite sport? A. Playing tennis. B. Skating. C. Swimming. 8. Who wears a red coat? A. Jim. B. Bill. C. Amy.9. What does Amy like doing after supper? A. Readin

3、g newspapers. B. Chatting with friends. C. Watching TV.10. What time is it now? A. 7: 15. B. 8: 15. C. 7: 45.B. 听对话和短文回答问题。(每段对话或短文听两遍) 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11. How many classes does Linda have every day? A. Four B. Six C. Seven12. Why does Linda like her school life? A. Because she likes English. B. Be

4、cause she has many friends in school. C. Because her teachers like her.13. A. Drinks B. Walks C. Plays14. A. reading newspapers B. listening to music C. watching TV15. A. her brother B. her sister C. her cat听第二篇短文,回答第16-20 小题。16. Where do the twins have breakfast? A. At home B. at school C. At a res

5、taurant. 17. What lessons do they have on Thursday morning? A. Maths, Chinese, English and P. E. B. Maths, Chinese, English and Computer. C. Maths, Chinese, English and Music. 18. What do they often do at lunchtime? A. They chat with their friends at lunchtime B. They read newspapers at lunchtime. C

6、. They listen to music at lunchtime.19.What sport do they like playing after school?APlaying basketball B. Playing table tennis C. Playing badminton20 What time do they go to bed? A. At 9:00 B. At 9:30 C. At 10:30二选择填空:(15分)21.You see, its my dream to buy iphone5s. Oh, you can ask your parents to bu

7、y for you. A.a, it B.an, one C.an, it D.a, one 22.Tom usually reads English 6:00 every morning.A. in ,at B.at, at C.at, / D.in ,in 23.LiQi is a singer and sings very .A.good, good B.well, well C.well, good D.good, well24.Tom,Lucy and I Chinese food. A.all like B.are all C.are all like D.are like25.I

8、 like fishing. I would like with my father this Sunday.A.going, to go B.going, going C.go, to go D.to go, going26.Kitty, how does your brother look? .A.His name is David. B.He is tall and slim C.He is 13 D.He is a student.27.Mr. Liu teaches English. We like class very much. A.me ,he B.me ,her C.us ,

9、his D.us, her 28.His parents arent in China, he lives with his grandparents.A.and B.but C.so D.with29.Do Simon and Daniel play volleyball? .A.No,they arent. B.No,they doesnt. C.Yes,they are. D.No,they dont. 30.Look!The teacher is standing of the classroom.A. in front B. in the front C. behind D. bac

10、k 31.I live 2,200 meters the school.A.away B.far away C.far away from D.away from 32.You can borrow a pencil Jim.A.on B.to C.for D.from33.Can you me about your school Open Day?A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell 34.They only have reading rooms in their school.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little35.Gutehere uma

11、kes a sound .A. B. C. D.三、完形填空:(10分)Every year students in many countries learn English. 36 of these students are children, the other students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn 37 ? It is 38 to answer this question. There are different kinds of reasons. Many boys and girls lear

12、n English at school. It is one of their 39 . Many people learn English because it is _40_ for their work. Some young people learn English 41 their higher studies because some of their books are 42 English. Other people learn English because they want to 43 newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to 44 in the USA, England or Australia. English is very 45 in our li


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