2018届高三英语一轮复习 m7 unit 21-2 human biology课件 北师大版

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1、Unit 21 Human Biology,Module 7,Part 2 Of 2,9. put off put sth. off或put off doing sth.推迟或取消,相 当于postpone, delay。 Its raining hard. Wed better put off the sports meet. 正在下大雨,我们最好把运动会延期。 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。,put off还可指关掉某物,相当于switch off或 turn off。 Be sure to put of

2、f the light before you go out. 在你出去前别忘了关灯。 The central heating will be put off next month. 下个月暖气不开放了。,put sth. aside 把某事放到一边;不顾 put sth. away 把某物收起来 put sth. back 把某物放回原处 put sth. down 把某物放下;镇压某事;记录下某事 put sth. on 穿上,戴上;演出,举办,put out 扑灭;关掉 put sb. / sth. through (to sb.) 为某人接通(打给某人的)电话 put sb. up 为某

3、人提供食宿 put sth. up 建立;展示,张贴,1. 她老是拖延着不去看牙医。 _ 2. 因为太晚,我们请你今晚就住在这里。 _ 3. 你的玩具满屋乱放,请把它们收拾一下。 _ _,She keeps putting off going to the dentist.,Since its late, well put you up for the night.,Your toys are scattered over the room. Please put them away.,10. bring up 提出;谈到 Why did you have to bring up the su

4、bject of money? 为什么你非要提钱这个话题? 养育;教育 In my day, children were brought up to respect the law. 在我小时候,孩子们都接受教育要遵守法律。,呕吐 He cant eat anything without bringing it up. 他吃什么都吐。,bring about 导致(某事的发生) bring down 降低(价格等) bring on 导致,造成(某事) bring in 带进,引入,1. The manager _ many questions at the meeting. 2. Scien

5、ce have _ many changes in our lives. 3. Experts _ to advise the Government. 4. She was five and she _ by her aunt. 5. He drank so much that he finally _ all the food.,brought up,brought about,were brought in,was brought up,brought up,11. wipe out 彻底毁灭 The earthquake wiped out many villages. 地震摧毁了许多村

6、庄。 Five hundred years ago the plague almost wiped out the population of the island. 500年前,黑死病几乎消灭了岛上所有的人。 No matter when the invaders come, they will be wiped out clean. 不管侵略者什么时候来,都将被消灭。,wipe vt. 擦除 I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in. 我在进门前在垫子上擦了擦鞋。 She wiped her tears away. 她擦掉了眼泪。,1. 所有

7、的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去了生命。 _ _ 2. 母亲叫儿子把脸擦干净。 _ _ 3. 整个村子都被洪水淹没了。 _,The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.,The mother told her son to wipe his face clean.,The whole village was wiped out in the flood.,12. fall into a coma 陷入昏迷 The girl has fallen into a coma after the traffic accident. 车

8、祸后那个女孩陷入了昏迷状态。 be in a coma 处于昏迷 go into a coma 进入昏迷状态,1. 25岁的玛丽在过去4个月里一直处于昏迷状态。 _ _ 2. 温先生从马上摔下来,昏了过去。 _ _,Mary, 25, has been in a coma for the past four months.,Mr. Wen fell from the horse and got into a coma.,13. decline vt. 婉言拒绝,谢绝(后可跟不定式或名词等); 下降;倾斜 He declined their invitation. 他婉言谢绝了他们的邀请。 Th

9、e prices are declining. 物价在下降。 The wall declined slightly on account of the earthquake. 墙壁因地震而稍有倾斜。,n. 减弱,减少,衰退;倾斜 in decline 衰退,下降 fall / go into a decline 失去力量、影响等 There is a sharp decline in interest in sports in our town. 我们城市对体育的兴趣急剧下降。 We are studying the decline of ancient Rome. 我们在研究古罗马的衰落。,

10、用decline或其有关短语的适当形式填空 1. Industry in Britain has been _ since the 1970s. 2. I offered to give them a lift but they _. 3. The number of tourists to the resort _ by 10% last year. 4. The town _ after the mine near it closed two years ago.,in decline,declined,fell / went into a decline,declined,14. at

11、any rate 无论如何 At any rate we shall have enough. 不管怎样我们还是够的。 I will come at any rate. 无论如何我都会来。 Ill do nothing until I hear from you, at any rate. 无论如何,我在收到你的信以前不采取任 何措施。,at this rate 照这样下去,Were working so slowly that, at this rate, well never finish the job. 我们干得太慢了,照这样下去,永远也干不 完这个活儿。,用at any rate,

12、at this rate填空 1. If we spend money _, well be broken in six months. 2. Thats one part of the job done _. 3. _ we will not be able to afford a holiday.,at this rate,at any rate,At this rate,4. _ we must go on Tuesday. 5. _ there will be no wedding presents in heaven.,At any rate,At any rate,15. poin

13、t out 指出 He pointed out the importance of the work. 他指出这一工作的重要性。 If I make any mistakes, please point them out. 如果我出了错,请指出。 point out that指出,使注意 I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect. 恕我指出你所讲的情况不属实。,to the point 中肯,恰当 get / come to the point 说正事,谈重点 in point of fact 事实上 point of view 看法,观

14、点 on the point of doing sth. 正要做某事时 a turning point 转折点,用point有关短语的适当形式填空 1. The guard _ the gun _ the prisoner. 2. I must _ to her the foolish things she has done. 3. The girl _ the lion and cried, “Danger!” 4. I was _ going out when you rang.,pointed at,point out,pointed at,on the point of,16. in despair 绝望地 He gave up the attempt in despair. 他绝望之下放弃了尝试。 The poor woma


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