高中英语 unit 3 section ⅱ warming up & reading-language points课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points 精品课件1(人教版必修1),速效提能演练,Unit 1,Section ,重点难点探究,重点难点探究,1Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train? 你愿意用哪种交通方式:汽车还是火车?,品味经典 He prefers reading books to watching TV. 他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。 I prefer to walk there rather than ride on a crowded bus. 我

2、宁愿走着去那里也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。 I preferred him to do it in a different way. 我更希望他用不同的方法去做。 I should prefer you not to stay there too long. 我倒宁愿你别在那里呆得太久。,自我探究 prefer vt.意为更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)。 prefer过去式、过去分词为preferred,现在分词为preferring。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)她宁愿去机场迎接她的朋友也不愿呆在这里等候。 She _ _ meet her friend at the airport _

3、 _ stay here waiting. 答案:preferred to;rather than (2)像许多老人一样,他喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。 In common with many old people,he _ classical music _ _ _. 答案:prefers;to pop music,2 Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the following chart. 思考每种交通方式的有利条件和不利条件,并填入下列表格。,品味经典 Th

4、ere are many disadvantages to the plan. 这个计划有许多不利因素。 She was at a disadvantage compared to the young graduates. 和那些年轻的毕业生相比,她处于不利地位。 The fact that he didnt speak English put him at a disadvantage. 他不会说英语使他处于不利地位。,自我探究 disadvantage n意为不利条件,不便之处,其反义词为advantage意为有利条件,优点,好处。 归纳拓展 (1)at a disadvantage处于不

5、利地位 put sb.at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位(2)take advantage of利用;利用(人或人的弱点等 I would like to take advantage of this chance to express my thanks for your help. 我想借这个机会,对你们的帮助表示感谢。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)视力不佳是他的劣势。 His poor eyesight was _ _ _ _. 答案:a disadvantage to him (2)住在大城市里有很多不便。 Living in a big city has _ _. 答

6、案:many disadvantages,3 Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. 两年前她买了一辆昂贵的山地车,然后她说服我也买了一辆。,品味经典 I persuaded her into giving up that foolish idea. 我劝她放弃了那个愚蠢的想法。 I persuaded my husband out of drinking too much at the party. 我劝服了丈夫在舞会上不能喝得太多。 I persuad

7、ed him not to smoke again. 我说服了他不再吸烟。 I persuaded him that it was true. 我使他相信这是真的。,自我探究 persuade vt.意为说服;劝说;使相信。,归纳拓展,易混辨析 persuade,advise persuade强调说服,劝说的结果,含有成功之意;而advise相当于try to persuade,只表示劝说的动作,不表结果,可能成功也可能不成功。 Ive persuaded him to stop drinking by advising him many times. 通过多次劝说,我说服他戒了酒。 Jack

8、 tried to persuade Tom to go,but failed at last. 杰克试图说服汤姆,但最终失败了。,牛刀小试 (2011年泰安高一检测)We trust you;only you can _ him to give up smoking. Apersuade Battract Ccommand Dorganize 解析:选A。句意为:我们相信你,只有你能说服他戒烟。persuade“说服”;attract“吸引”,command“命令”;organize“组织”。由句意可知选A项。,4 Although she didnt know the best way o

9、f getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 虽然她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。,品味经典 The headmaster was organizing a meeting when Mary broke in. 当玛丽闯入时校长正在组织会议。 It is a good way for the teachers to organize the students to discuss what they dont understand. 老师组织学生讨论他们不懂

10、的东西是一个非常好的办法。 The teacher asked him to organize his time better. 老师要他更有效地分配时间。 Organize your thoughts before you begin to speak. 把思绪理清楚再说话。,自我探究 organize vt.意为组织,成立;安排;处理。 归纳拓展 organization n.U组织工作;C组织,机构organized adj.有组织的,有秩序的 organizer n.C组织者,创办者,牛刀小试 The professor _ his thoughts before giving his

11、 lecture,so that he could make himself understood well. Aorganized Brecognized Crealized Dadvertised 解析:选A。考查动词辨析。句意为:教授在演讲之前组织他的思想,以便于别人能很好地理解他的意思。organize意思是“组织”,其宾语常常是“会议、活动”等;当以ones idea,ones thoughts,oneself作宾语时,其意思是“使思想条理化、打腹稿”。recognize辨认,辨别。realize实现。advertise做广告。,5 Of course she hadnt;my si

12、ster doesnt care about details. 当然,她并没有看过;我姐姐是不会关心细节的。 品味经典 The only thing he seems to care about is money. 他好像只在乎钱。 I dont care about the price,so long as the car is in good condition. 我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。 He often cares about his parents health. 他老是担心父母的健康问题。,自我探究 care about意为关心;忧虑;惦念;介意,在乎。 归纳拓展 car

13、e for喜欢;照料 take care注意,当心 take care of照顾;负责 with care当心;仔细地,He likes pop music;he doesnt care for classic music. 他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。 She moved back home to care for her elderly parents. 她搬回家住,好照料年迈的双亲。 You are not(physically)strong,so you may as well take care of your health. 你的体格不壮,因此最好注意健康。,牛刀小试 用car

14、e about与care for填空 (1)After the earthquake,the injured were _ in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in neighbouring cities. 答案:cared for (2)Parents all over the world_ their childrens health and future. 答案:care about,6 She gave me a determined lookthe kind that said she would not c

15、hange her mind. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。 品味经典 He was determined to get rid of his bad habits. 他下决心改掉他的坏习惯。 His determined look showed that he had made up his mind. 他坚定的表情表明他已下定决心。,自我探究 determined adj.意为坚决的,有决心的; be determined to do sth.意为决定做某事。,(2)determination n决定,决心 No matter what happens,she has determined to tell the truth. 无论发生什么事,她都已经决定把真相说出来。 I have determined the date for the wedding. 我已决定了婚礼的日期。 What my teacher said determined me to try again. 老师的话使我下定决心再试一次。 Have you determined what you are going to do after graduation? 你已经决定毕业后


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