江苏省高中英语 unit 1 tales of the unexpected针对性训练 新人教版必修2

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1、江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 1 Tales of the unexpected针对性训练 新人教版必修2I. 选择填空(本题有30小题,每小题1分,满分30分)1、One of my good friends is _ young man and _ man you will like to work with. A. the ; theB. a ; theC. a ; aD. the ; a2、My sons birthday is _ . A. after two weeks timeB. two weeks away C. for two weeks timeD. in two w

2、eeks time3、Whenever talking of _ incidents, the old man would be very excited. A. so littleB. such littleC. so manyD. so much4、He failed to come for the meeting, otherwise we _ the meeting much earlier. A. have startedB. would startC. had startedD. would have started5. _ waste your time trying worki

3、ng it out by yourself, why not ask Tom for help? A. Since youB. Rather notC. Rather thanD. Would rather6、Some of the workers have to sleep _ day and work _ night. I usually work _ the daytime A. by ; at ; inB. in ; in ; onC. by ; at ; byD. on ; on ; at 7、_ where to go, the old lady stood in the stre

4、et, looking for a policeman. A. Lost her way and not knowingB. Lost her way and didnt know C. Losing her way and didnt knowD. Having lost her way and not knowing8、It is worth much _ is worth doing. A. doing whatB. to do whatC. what to do D. do what9、Many a time _ me good advice. A. he gaveB. does he

5、 giveC. he has givenD. has he given10、I dont expect you will go there alone, _ ? A. will youB. do youC. wont youD. do I11、It is our wish that he _ what he pleases. A. doesB. will doC. doD. would do12、_ , he has a wide range of knowledge. A. A science reporter B. Science reporter C. Being science rep

6、orterD. When science reporter13、Girl students, _ , are ahead of boy students in learning a foreign language. A. if anythingB. if somethingC. if anyD. if some14、 Look! Someone has spilt coffee on the carpet. Well, it _ me. A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt been D. hadnt been15、 Has Tommy finished his job yet

7、? I have no idea of it; he _ it this morning. A. was doing B. bad been doing C. has done D. did16、 Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now. Ok. _.A. Take it easy. B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you17、 Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? _?A. What for B. What is it C. How is

8、it D. How come18、I dont mind picking up your things from the store. _, the walk will do me good.A. Sooner or later B. Still C. In time D. Besides19、Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing20、Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _

9、 advertisements showing happy families.A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen21、Everyone was on time for the meeting,_ Chris, whos usually ten minutes late for everything.A. but B. only C. even D. yet22、 Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report. You

10、_ have my computer if you dont take care of it. A. shant B. might not C. neednt D. shouldnt23、That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul, Ive seen _. What did you like most about the film?A. better B. worse C. best D. worst24、You cant wear a blue jacket _ that shirt- itll look terrible.A. on B. above

11、C. up D. over25、Since you will have an important interview tomorrow morning, we _ now.A. might as well leave B. had better to leave C. ought to have left D. should have to leave.26、 How would you like your money? _.A. Ten hundreds, please B. Ten hundred will be fineC. Very much D. Not at all27、With

12、the development of the Internet, _ communication is done by regular mails.A. much B. more and more C. none D. less and less28、He speaks Chinese so well that he is often _ for a native.A. taken B. thought C. regarded D. receives29、The weather is too changeable and it _ rain at any moment. Why not tak

13、e an umbrella with you?A. must B. shall C. can D. should30、 You should have been well prepared for the speech, John. Yes, I know. But could I _ the meeting date fixed so soon?A. which B. after C. as D. withII. 完型填空(本题有20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)“Fire! Fire!” What 31 words to hear when one wakes up in a stra

14、nge house in the middle of the 32 ! It was a large old wooden house and my room was 33 floor. I jumped 34 bed, opened the door and stepped out into passage. It was full of thick 35_ . I began to run but 36 I was still only half awake, 37 of going towards the stairs I went into the opposite(相反的) direction. The smoke grew 38 and I could see flames (火苗) all around. The floor became 39 under my feet. I found an open



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