2018高中英语 1.4练习课件 新人教版必修1(福建专版)

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1、Section Grammar & Writing,直接引语和间接引语() 一、概念,1直接引语:当我们引用别人的话语时,如果引用的是原话,被引用的部分就叫直接引语。 The teacher asked,“Do you like English?” The girl said,“I like English very much.” 注意:引语前常使用逗号,而不是冒号;引号内直接引语的单词首字母要大写。,2间接引语:当我们要引用别人的话语时,可以用自己的话把意思转述过来,被转述的部分叫做间接引语。 The teacher asked the girl if she liked English.

2、The girl said that she liked English very much. 注意:间接引语不用逗号、引号;间接引语要考虑人称、时态、时间状语、地点状语和指示代词的变化。,二、直接引语变间接引语的规则,三、时态的变化 如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化;如主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态则无需变化。,四、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化,五、直接引语变间接引语时态“五不变”原则,.句型转换 将所给的直接引语变成间接引语。 1He asked her,“Where are you going?” He asked

3、 her_ _ _ _. 答案: where she was going,2The lady said,“I shall go there on time.” The lady said that_ _go there on time. 答案: she would 3He said to me,“I wrote to my father yesterday.” He told me_ _ _to his father_ _ _. 答案: he had written;the day before,4The teacher asked,“Are you waiting for the bus?”

4、 The teacher asked_ _ _waiting for the bus. 答案: if I was 5The professor said,“Light travels much faster than sound.” The professor said that light_much faster than sound. 答案: travels,6She said,“My mother took me to an exhibition yesterday.” She said that_mother_ _ _to an exhibition_ _ _. 答案: her;had

5、 taken her;the day before 7My sister said to me,“I will come here next week.” My sister_me that_ _ _ _ _next week. 答案: told;she would go there the,8“How are you feeling now?”the doctor asked him. The doctor asked him_ _ _feeling_. 答案: how he was;then,.单项填空 1The teacher said that Columbus_America in

6、1492. Adiscovered Bfound Chad discovered Dhad found 解析: 解答本题的关键在于把握整句的语境,确定正确的时态形式。直接引语中有具体的表过去的时间状语,变间接引语时,时态不变,故排除C、D两项,另外,find意为“找到失去的东西或在某个场所发现某人”,与此题句意不符。discover意为“发现了原本存在的事物”。 答案: A,2After the examination,my teacher told me that failure_the mother of success. Awas Bis Cbe Dbeen 解析: 表示“真理,事实”的

7、直接引语变为间接引语时,时态不变。 答案: B,3The child asked his mother_go out to play tennis. Athat he could Bif he could Cif could he Dthat could he 解析: 直接引语若为一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,常用if或whether来引导,且从句中用陈述句语序。 答案: B,4Mr Brown said he_me the next week. Awould see Bwill see Chad seen Dsaw 解析: 由句中the next week这一时间状语可知宾语从句的时态需用过去

8、将来时。 答案: A,5The mother asked her son_. Awhat did he do the day before Bwhere did he find his lost wallet Cwhat time he got up that morning Dthat if he had finished his homework,解析: 直接引语为特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时需用陈述语气,排除A、B两项;直接引语为陈述句时,变成间接引语可用引导词that引导;直接引语为一般疑问句,变成间接引语时常用if或whether引导,故排除D项。 答案: C,6He said,“Wh

9、ats the matter?” He asked_. Awhat the matter is Bwhat the matter was Cwhat is the matter Dwhat was the matter,解析: whats the matter是一个陈述句语序的句子,在变成间接引语时,语序不变,只改变时态。 答案: D,7My mother often says that she_happy with us. Ais Bwas Chad been Dwould be 解析: 当主句的谓语是一般现在时态时,从句中的时态不变。故用is。 答案: A,8Tom told the bo

10、ss of his company that he_born in 1956. Awas Bhad been Cis Dhas been 解析: 在有具体的过去时间作状语的直接引语变为间接引语时,时态不变,仍然用一般过去时。 答案: A,9He said that his car_stolen and that he_have to telephone the police. Awas;would Bhas been;will Chad been;would Dhad been;will,解析: 间接引语虽然是由and连接的两个并列的宾语从句,但时态却不一定一致,因为此句改为直接引语应为:He

11、 said,“My car was (has been) stolen and I will have to telephone the police.”车子被盗是过去,而给警察打电话是将来(马上,立即),所以变为间接引语应分别与所对应的时间一致。 答案: C,10He asked me_I would go to Beijing by air the next day. Athat if Bif Cthat whether Dhow 解析: that,if和whether都是连接词,不能连用;by air已经明确了去北京的方式,故不选how。 答案: B,11Could you please

12、 tell me_get to the nearest bookstore? Ahow I can Bhow can I Cwhere I can Dwhere can I 解析: 考查间接引语的引导词及语序。由the nearest bookstore可知,引导词不用where,又因为间接引语要用陈述语序,故选A项。 答案: A,12The teacher said that_. Apractice made perfect Bpractice would make perfect Cpractice makes perfect Dpractice will make perfect 解析:

13、 “Practice makes perfect.”为谚语,故其时态在宾语从句中不用变化,所以选C。 答案: C,13Mr Green asked Jack whether he had passed the exam_. Ayesterday Bthe day before Cthe day ago Dbefore the day 解析: 由主句谓语动词asked可知从句动作发生在“过去的过去”,the day before常与过去完成时连用。 答案: B,14The teacher told the students that there_a meeting at three oclock

14、. Awere going to have Bare going to be Cwill have Dwas going to be 解析: 主句谓语动词(told)为过去式,后面宾语从句中的谓语动词也要用相应的过去时态,故排除B项和C项。A项句子结构错误。 答案: D,15When Tom_ ,please let me know. Mary said when Tom_,just tell her about it. Acomes;comes Bcame;came Ccomes;came Dcomes;coming 解析: 考查动词时态。第一空为状语从句中一般现在时表将来;第二空因主句谓语(said)为过去时,宾语从句中谓语动词应用相应的过去时态。 答案: C,写信:致歉 一、题目要求 假如你是王平,你和你的好朋友李强因为组织班级活动时意见不一致产生了争吵,当时你的态度非常粗鲁,结果李强不再理你了。事后你非常后悔,想向李强道歉,可是李强不给你解释的机会。请你给李强写一封信表达你的歉意,并请求他的原谅。,注意:1.词数:100左右;2.内容要适当发挥,注意行文连贯;3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Li Qiang, In the past few days_ _ _



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