八年级英语下册 chapter 7 a new newspaper词汇与短语 牛津上海版

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1、Chapter 7 A new newspaper Part A LanguageI. Words and Expressions1. brief adj. 简要的 briefly adv. 简要地can you give us a brief introduction? 你能简单的介绍一下你自己吗?Briefly, you are fired. 一句话,你被解雇了。2. choice n. 选择 choose v. 选择We have to choose a new manger among them. 我们要从他们中选一位新的经理。If I had the choice, I would

2、retire now. 如果我有选择的话,我马上退休。3. election n. 选举 elect v. 选举Tom is standing for election. We elect him chairman of the club. 汤姆是候选人,我们选他为俱乐部主席。4. reader n. 读者 read v. 读、看 reading n. 阅读,读物Some of the readers like to read books in the reading-room. 一些读者喜欢在阅览室看书。5. freedom n. 自由 free adj. 自由的 freely adv. 自

3、由地The prisoner has no freedom in the jail. He cant walk freely there. 囚犯在狱中没有自由。他不可以随便走动。The ticket is free. 这票是免费的。6. agree on 同意,达成协议We couldnt agree on when to start. 我们对何时出发不能达成共识。7. make a decision 决定My parents made a decision about my future study at the family meeting.父母在家庭会议上对于我今后的学业做也了决定。8.

4、 take charge of 负责Mr. Smith will take charge of our class next term.下学期史密斯先生将负责我们班。9. in one weeks time在一周内We will be back to school in one weeks time. 在一周内我们将回到学校。10. Youth League 共青团Have you joined the Youth League?你入团了吗?II. Language Structure 1. should 和ought to 用于劝告或建议,语气友善1) 都表示义务责任。中文译作“应该”。2)

5、 其否定形式为:shouldnt+动词原形;oughtnt to+ 动词原形They ought to go tomorrow. 他们应该明天去。You shouldnt be so careless. 你不该那么粗心。We should complete our papers in time. 我们应该按时完成考卷。2. 表示祝贺、赞美congratulations! 祝贺你!Well done! 真不错!You deserve to win! 你该赢的!Thats wonderful news! 真是个好消息!Im delighted for you! 我为你高兴!3. 表示同情Oh, I

6、 am sorry! 对不起!What a shame! 真可惜!What a pity! 真可怜!Thats terrible! 太可怕了!How awful! 多糟啊!III. Notes 1. suggest that sb should do sth.建议应做这是一种虚拟语气的表达,常省略that和shouldI would suggest the tourists go to LiJiang for holiday in summer.2. 英语报纸的有关表达:1) Head Flag 报名:e.g. China Daily (中国日报); Shanghai Star(上海星报);21st Century (世纪报); Shanghai Students post(上海学生报)2) Layout 版面:e.g. front page; world news; business; letters; sports; features; TV schedules; etc.3) Leading story 本期主要内容4) Column or Section 栏目5) 办报人员:e.g. chief editor(主编); copy designer(版面设计); editor (编辑); reporter(记者); photographer(摄影记者)



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