八年级英语下册 unit 5-6单元综合测试卷 人教新目标版

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1、毕业班复习八年级(下)units56.根据上下文填空,使句义完整。1.Its very dry. The _ _ on the window of our classroom are in need of water. Let water them.2.There is a football match this afternoon. Our class will play _ _ Class 8.3.If you have a _ _ to go, take it.4.There is a new movie at 9:00 _ _. Shall we go to it together?5

2、.I have so many kites that I have run out of room to _ them.6.Beijing is the _ _ of China.7.The people in Russia speak _ _.8.He comes from Australia and he is an _ _.9.Long time no see and how I _ _ you.10.The students are having a talent show and they want to _ _ money for charity.从方框内选择适当的词型填空。org

3、anize, injure, law, skate, be, Europe, 1.Russia is an _ _ country.2.How long have you _ _ collecting kites? For two years.3.My parents bought a pair of _ _ for my birthday.4.The boy likes studying law very much and he wants to be a _ _ in the future.5.To be a professional athlete is sometimes a litt

4、le dangerous and you may get _ _6.Mark is going to organize an _ _ game.选择填空。( )1.If you _ to the party, you will have a great time. I wonder if you _. A. go, will go B.will go, go C.go, go D.will go, will go( )2.Dont take the food to the classroom. If you do, the teacher will _. A.take it away B.ta

5、ke away it C.take them away D.take away them( )3.If I have enough money, I will travel _ the world. A.around B.to C.at D./( )4.If you are rich, you can make a living _ things you like. A.doing B.to do C.do D.does( )5.Can you explain the _ two sentences? A.following B.follow C.follows D.followed( )6.

6、He _ the shells since he_ to the seaside. A.collect, came B.has collected, came C.collected, comes D.have collected, comes( )7.Its an _ film and Im _ in it.A.interest, interest B.interesting, interested C.interested.interesting D.interesting, interesting( )8.Is _ _ at home? A.someone B.anyone C.some

7、body D.no one( )9._ _, is there a bank near here? A.In a way B.By the way C.On the way D.In this way( )10.Several _ _ like me learn about Chinese history. A.foreigns B.foreigners C.foreigner D.foreigns( )11.I live _ _ school, its _ _ to go. A.quite far from, quite long a distance B.quite far from, q

8、uite long distance C.quite far from, quite a long distance D.from quite far, quite a long distance( )12.-_ have you been skating and _ _ will you finish skating? -For five hours and in one hour. A.How soon, how long B.How, how soon C.How long, how soon D.How , How ( )13.I got a birthday cake snow gl

9、obe _ my _ birthday. A.at, six B.on, six C.on, sixth D.at, sixth( )14.My teacher is always _ _ and _ _. A.the first come, last leave B.first to come, last to leave C.the first to come, the last to leave D.the first come, last to leave( )15._ _ we get along ,_ _ I like you. Maybe when you leave here,

10、 I will miss you. A better, more B.The more, more C.The better, the more DThe.more, the more.交际运用。A阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话意思完整,其中有一项是多余的。A: Betty,1. . Lets go somewhere this evening.B: Fine.2. ? To see a film or to watch a play?A: A new play is on this week.3. ?B: The newspaper said it was the wor

11、st play of the year.A: How about the film World Without Thieves? That should be enjoyable.B:4. . Dont you remember ?A: Then lets go to the neighbourhood cinema. The film Not One Less is on.B: Good. What time does it start ?A: 15 minutes ago. We just missed it.B: Well, 5. .A: Now it will take me anot

12、her month to get you interested in going out.A.I guess all we can do is to stay home and watch TVB.Weve already seen itC.Lets go and watch it, shall weD.Where would you like to goE.we havent been out for over a monthF.Good idea.B.根据对话内容和所给的首字母,写出对话中所缺的单词、短语或句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。A:Are you going to the school party?B:Yes, I am. Im going to wear my new jeans!A:1._.B:2._?A:The teachers wont let you in. You should wear your cool pants.B:Thats a great idea. But I really like jeans, they are for both work and play.A:Yes, 3._. By the way,



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