2013届高考英语一轮复习 module6 the internet and telecommunications课件 外研版必修1

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1、Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications因特网和电信,Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications因特网和电信,1_(n.)故障 2_(n.)来源;出处 3_(vt.)设计 4_(adj.)平均的,breakdown,source,design,average,5_(vt.)包含;包括 6_(n.)接近;通路_(adj.)可进入的;可使用的 7_(n.)保护;防卫 8_(n.)许可,contain,access,accessible,defence,permission,9_(vi.)集中(注意力、思想

2、等) 10independent(adj.)_ 11frequently(adv.)_ 12disadvantage(n.)_ 13shorten(vt.)_,concentrate,独立的,时常;经常,弊端;缺点,缩短,14Thomas Edison was a great _.He_a lot of things in his life,and his_changed the way people lived.(invention),inventor,invented,inventions,15_is very important for a countrys progress. So w

3、e should educate the students to be able to _in the future though the_process is not easy.(create),Creation,create,creative,1_ 注册/注销 2_ 由组成 3_ 也 4_ 作为而出名;被称为;叫作,log on/off,consist of,as well,become known as.,5_ 下降 6_ 提出 7_ 从那时起 8_ 聚精会神;集中思想 9_ 与相比 10_ 一系列的,go down,come up with,from that moment on,co

4、ncentrate on,compared with,a series of,1it作形式主语替代不定式短语 It then became possible _ (大学也使用这一系统).,for universities to use the system as well,2it作形式宾语替代不定式短语 BernersLee made _ possible for everyone _ (使用因特网),it,to use the Internet,3表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气 It _(会好得多)if we spent the time working on a computer.,woul

5、d be much better,4过去分词短语作状语 Two percent of the total population of China have acc ess to the Internet,_(与相比)45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.,compared with,冠词与零冠词 ;合成词 1(2011高考浙江卷)Experts think that _ recently discovered painting may be _ Picasso. Athe;不填 Ba;the Ca;不填 Dthe;a,解析:选D。句意:专家

6、们认为最近发现的那幅油画可能是毕加索的画。本题考查冠词的用法。第一空特指 “最近所发现的那幅画”,故用定冠词;第二空泛指“毕加索的一幅画”,故用不定冠词。,2(2011高考四川卷)Dr.Peter Spence,_ headmaster of the school,told us,“_fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.” A / ;A B/;The Cthe;The Da;A,解析:选A。句意:这所学校的校长Peter Spence博士告诉我们:“这里的学生五分之一都继续到牛津或者剑桥学习。”考查冠词。第一空

7、后的名词headmaster是职务的称呼,其前不加冠词;第二空是分数的表达,用a/one fifth表示“五分之一”。,3My brother is really _.He often works in his office far into the night. Aopenminded Bhardworking Cselfconfident Dwarmhearted,解析:选B。该题考查学生对题干中两个句子含义的理解以及对选项中四个复合形容词含义的理解。通过第二句的“works in his office far into the night”可知“我”哥哥是个勤奋工作的人,故正确答案为B。

8、A项含义为 “思想开放的,无偏见的”;,C项含义为“自信的”;D项含义为“热心肠的”。 4Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his_one. Abetterknown Bwellknown Cbestknown Dmostknown,解析:选C。考查复合形容词。“有名的”应为“wellknown”,其比较级和最高级分别为betterknown和bestknown。根据所给条件“说起他写过的所有歌曲”。,1 contain vt.包含;包括,里面装有;含有;忍住,抑制 (教材P51)A CDROM

9、is a separate disk that contains lots of information.,CD-ROM是一个包含了很多信息的单独的磁盘。 归纳拓展 contain oneself自制 container n容器,集装箱,The museum contains a number of original artworks. 这家博物馆藏有一些艺术品原件。 The big lecture hall can contain 10,000 people. 这个大报告厅可以容纳一万人。,(朗文P401)He was so excited that he could hardly cont

10、ain himself.他激动得不能自已。,辨析contain,include,助记,The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world,which contains a lot of fruits and vegetables. 中国饮食被认为是世界上最健康的,里面含有大量的水果和蔬菜。,Everyone present was given a gift,including me/me included. 在场的每个人都得到了一份礼物,包括我在内。,2 access n接近,通路;接近(或进入)的方法,到达(或进入

11、、使用、走访)的权利(或机会) vt.存(数据);取(数据);存取;访问;接近,使用,(教材P52)to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. 通过因特网从数以百万的网站上获取信息。,归纳拓展 access to接近的机会,进入的权利 have/get/gain/obtain access to得以接近,得以会见,得以进入 accessible adj.可到达的,可进入的;可理解的,be accessible to易接近的;能进入的;可以理解的 【注意】以上to为介词,后接名词、动名词。,(2011高考湖北

12、卷)Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty,our own generation has access to more nutritious food,more convenient transport,bigger houses, better cars,and,of course,more pounds and dollars than any who lived,before us. 即使很多人生活贫困,我们这一代人已获得更有营养的食品,更方便的交通,更大的房子,更好的车子,当然,比前人挣得更多的英镑和美元。

13、,The only access to the building is a long muddy track. 进入这座建筑的唯一通道是一条长长的泥泞小路。 You can access information on the computer screen. 你可以把资料存在电脑桌面上。,The collection of paintings is not accessible to the public.这批藏画是公众无法看到的。,3 design vt.& vi.设计,构思;计划,谋划 n计划;企图;设计;意图;构思 (教材P52) He designed the first “web b

14、rowser”,which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.,他设计了第一个“网络浏览器”,可以让电脑用户从其他电脑上获取文件. 归纳拓展 design.for.为设计;为拟定 be designed for./to do sth.打算给用的;目的是,by design有意地,故意地 by accident/chance 偶然 (2011高考课标全国卷)You will be allowed to make your own decisions,and to design courses as well as present them.,你将被允许自己作出决定,自主设计课程并提请批准。 This kind of dictionary is designed for English beginners.这种字典是打算给英语初学者使用的。,(朗文P507)Whether th


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