七年级英语上册 unit4单元整体课件4 人教新目标版

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1、Canpoint English Class,GO FOR IT UNIT 4,Where is my backpack ?,一、 教学目标,1. 认知目标 掌握有关物品的新单词。 table; bed ; sofa; dresser; bookcase; chair; drawer; plant; bag; alarm clock; CD; video; video cassette; hat. 熟练运用in; on; under; beside; in front of ; near 等介词。 熟练运用Where is / are 疑问句和一般疑问句及回答。 注意名词单复数和代词they的

2、用法。,2.认知目标与 能力目标,培养语用能力,让学生真正做到用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结合起来,使学习过程生活化。 培养英语思维能力和创新意识。 学会不断地发现问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。 通过小组对话,讨论,调查和设计等一系列的课堂活动,培养学生寻求帮助,乐于与他人合作的精神。,二、教学理念,方法和手段,2.1 教学设计理念 2.2 教学方法 2.3 教学手段,学生用书,三、教学设计 Unit 4 Where is my backpack?,Things around the house.,Things of the room,Talking abou

3、t my room,Asking for help,My ideal room,Period 1: Section A 1a 2b Period 2: Section A: 2c 3c Period 3: Section A :4Section 2b Period 4: Section B: 3a Self check,四、 教学设计,课时设计(Time Allocation),Step 1. Warming up,Greeting. Sing an English song Clap your hands Look for things.(Put something in different

4、 places and askWhere is/are +object(s) ? ) Learn the new words in; on; under; near by helping the teacher find out the things she lost. T: Where is my English book? S1: Its in the desk. Then present in ;on; under; nearby pictures.,Where is the cat ?,Its on the chair,Its under the chair,Where is the

5、cat ?,Its near the desk,Where is the chair ?,Where are the vegetables?,They are in the box .,They are On the floor,Where are the sofas?,Step 2 Pairwork :Talk about where things are in the classroom like this :,Where is / are ? Its /Theyre in/ on /under /near ,Step 3. Group work,Have a competition: s

6、ix students as a group . Design a bedroom for themselvs and use all the new words of this lesson then talk about where things are. At last choose the best group. You may begin like this : This is our bedroom.The TV is on the table .The backpack is under the table,Match the words with the right pictu

7、res. (Section A 1a & 1b) Pair work. Talk about the pictures in the textbooks. (Section A 1C) Listen and imitate. (Section A 2a & 2b ),Step 4. Make up dialogues,Step 5. Listen and read,Finish off the exercises in the exercise book. Imitate the dialogue. Make a survey. Interview one of their teachers.

8、 Whats in your room? Where is it?,Homework,Chatting. Chat with the students by showing them pictures. A guessing game. Have the students guess the places of the things in the classroom. T: There is a key in the classroom. S1: Is the key on the desk?,Step One Warming up,Watch the video. The students

9、watch a clip of the video about the room for a few minutes. Have a competition. See who can remember all the things and places. A: Where is / are the ? A: Is / Are the in ? B: I think its / theyre . B: Yes,. / No,.,Step Two Memory Challenge,Group work. Share the information . S1:There is / are in Ms

10、. Mas room. S2: Where is the? S3: Is thenear the ? Report. The others listen carefully and try to draw the room. They are encouraged to ask any questions. Evaluation. The able student evaluate the rooms. I like Ms. Ma room , because its nice.,Step Three Group Work,Step Three Make a survey,Make a sur

11、vey (Where is your ? Its.),A: I interviewed . There is a in his room. B: Where is the ? OR Is the in ? A: Its in . OR Yes,. / No,. I think its nice.,Pair work,Step Four Self-assessment,Finish off the exercises in the exercises book. Act out the dialogues. (Section A 2a & 2b),Homework,Step One Warmin

12、g up,Act out the dialogues.,Show the students a picture of a room. Let the students say like this, “The book is on the sofa.” Let some able students list the new words. Match the new words with the things in the pictures.(Section B, 1a.) Pair work. Talk about the pictures.,设计依据:课外活动成果课堂展示。通过直观图片学习 第

13、二部分新单词,并在小组活动中加以操练。 任务运用: Listing & Matching,Step Two New words learning,Two different pictures. Show the students two different pictures. Ask and answer. The teacher asks questions, and the students answer them. Have a competition. Where is the plant in Picture One? What can you see near the bed in

14、 Picture Two? Make an orally report In picture one , the plant is on the table , but in picture two its under the chair.,Step Three Find the differences,Look at the two pictures carefully and find the differences between them. In Picture 1 the boy is In Picture 2 the boy is ,Step Four Group Work,Sho

15、w the students a picture of an untidy room. Discussion Class work,设计依据:从自我评价延伸到对他人的评价,同时也为最后一节课的设计活动打基础。,任务运用:Sharing,Finish off the exercises in the exercise book. Write a short passage. In picture one , the plant is on the table , but in picture two its under the chair. 设计依据:由口头训练转向笔头训练, 单句的练习为一 步

16、的篇章书写打下基础。,Homework,Show Tommys photo to the class, and let the students ask the teacher any questions about Tommy. Discussion. Have them discuss in groups what Tommy needs for school and try to tell the reasons. Make a report We think Tommy may need because,做听力预测,可以降低听力的难度 Listing & Discussion,Step One Warming up,Listen and circle



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