1.5 Unit3 Pardon Me 同步素材(冀教版九年级下册).doc

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1、 教材内容全解Lesson 17 Do Mistakes Matter? 错了要紧吗?课文英汉对照THINK ABOUT IT! 想一想!Have you ever paid too much for something? 你曾经为某件物品付过过多的钱吗?Why did Bruce pay more for two pops than LiMing? 为什么布鲁斯买两瓶汽水比李明付了更多的钱?A Visit from a pen pal拜访一个笔友Hi, Jenny!你好,詹妮!My Australian pen pal, Bruce, whom I have mentioned before

2、, is coming to Shijiazhuang!我以前提到过的澳大利亚笔友布鲁斯要来石家庄了!Bruces father works for a magazine in Australia. He is writing an article about our city. Hes 布鲁斯的爸爸在澳大利亚的一个杂志社工作。 他正在写一篇关于我们城市的文章。 他bringing Bruce with him.将带布鲁斯和他一起来。To have Australian guests will be exciting! I have told Bruce many things about 有

3、澳大利亚客人将是多么令人兴奋啊! 我已经告诉过布斯关于石家庄的许多事情,Shijiazhuang, and how he will see it. It is interesting for him to read about a foreign country. 并且他多想来看看石家庄。对他来说阅读有关外国的事情是有趣的。To visit it will be even more interesting! I hope Bruce will have a good visit. He has never 参观石家庄那会更有趣的! 我希望布鲁斯旅途愉快。 他从未到国外traveled to a

4、 foreign country. China is very different from Australia. Will he like it here?旅游过。 中国与澳大利亚不同。 他会喜欢这儿吗?I will write you again soon to tell you about Bruces visit.不久我会再写信告诉你布鲁斯来访的情景的。LiMing李明图片译文The weather in Australia is quite different from that of Shijiazhuang. When its summer in 澳大利亚的天气与石家庄的天气十分

5、不同。 当澳大利亚是夏天时,Australia, its winter in Shijiazhuang. 石家庄是冬天。Two for the price of one两个的价格是一个价格Bruce and LiMing are walking down the street. They see a man whos selling pop. “Im thirsty,” 布鲁斯和李明正沿街走着。 他们看见一个正在卖汽水。 “我口渴了,”says LiMing. “Im going to buy a pop. Would you like one too, Bruce?”李明说。 “我要买一瓶汽

6、水。 你也想要一瓶吗,布鲁斯?”“Yes, please!” says Bruce.“是的,谢谢!”布斯说。LiMing speaks to the man. Then, he takes some money from his pocket and pays the man two 李明跟那个人交谈着。 然后,他从他的衣袋里拿出一些钱并付给那个人两元钱。yuan. The man gives LiMing two pops. LiMing passes a pop to Bruce. 那个人给了李明两瓶汽水。 李明递给布鲁斯一瓶。“Thanks, LiMing,” says Bruce, b

7、ut he looks confused.“谢谢你,李明,”布鲁斯说,但他看上去很迷惑的样子。“Youre welcome,” replies LiMing. “Whats the matter?”“没关系的”,李明回答说。 “你怎么啦?”“You got two pops for two yuan!” says Bruce. “ I bought pop from that man yesterday. I paid “你两元钱买了两瓶!” 布鲁斯说。“昨天,我从那个人那儿买了汽水。 我花双倍double for one pop!”的价钱买了一瓶!”“Why did you pay so m

8、uch?” asks Li Ming.“你为什么付那么多?” 李明问。“I asked him how much it costs for one pop,” says Bruce, “ and he said two yuan.”“我问他一瓶要多少钱,” 布鲁斯说,“他说两元。”“Thats what he said to me, too!” laughs LiMing. “I told him that I would pay only one yuan for “他也是为这样对我说的!” 李明笑着说。 “我告诉他我将一瓶付一元钱。each pop. He said no. so I sa

9、id that I would buy my pop from someone else. Then he said that I 他说不行。因此我说,我要在其他人那儿买汽水。 然后他说我可以两could have two pops for two yuan.”元买两瓶汽水。”Bruce says,”Oh, I made a mistake!”布鲁斯说:“噢,我犯了一个错误!”“Dont worry about it, Bruce,” says Li Ming. “It doesnt matter.”“别担心,布鲁斯。” 李明说。 “没关系。” 图片译文In Australia, a pric

10、e is a price. People dont try to change it! Buying things in China is confusing!在澳大利亚,价格就价格,人们不会试图去改变它! 在中国买东西是让人难以理解的!It really depends on where you are. Bargaining is common here. Next time when you buy 那取决于你在哪儿。 在这儿讨价还价是常有的。下次当你买东西时,something, I will help you! 我会帮助你的!LETS DO IT! 做一做!Do you think

11、Bruce could learn how to bargain if he stayed longer in China? Make up a 你认为布鲁斯如果在中国呆的时间长一点,他能学会如何讨价还价吗?和你的同位编一个dialogue with a partner to show “Bruce can bargain, too.”对话并展示一下“布鲁斯也会讨价还价了”。重点难点详解1. Pardon me!原谅我!pardon在此作动词,意为“原谅”。 Pardon me!相当于I beg your pardon. pardon的用法:(1)作名词,意为“原谅;宽恕 ”I beg you

12、r pardon.=Pardon=Beg pardon.对不起,请原谅。If you break someones things, you should ask for pardon and pay for them.如果你弄坏了别人的东西,你应该请求原谅并付钱。Beg pardon, I didnt quite catch your meaning. 对不起,我没听清楚你的意思。(2)作及物动词1)原谅Pardon me - I didnt hear what you said. 对不起,我没听见你说的话。Pardon me for interrupting (you). 对不起打扰(你)了

13、。2)饶恕;宽恕We must pardon the young man his little faults. 我们必须宽恕这个年轻人的小过错。The teacher pardoned that little boys mistakes.3)(法律上)赦免;赦免状The government pardoned the criminal. 政府赦免了那个罪犯。The police has pardoned that thief. 警察局已经赦免了那个小偷。2.Do mistakes matter?(1)mistakes在此作名词,意为“错误”,它是mistake的复数形式。mistake的用法:

14、1)作名词弄错,错误,过失There are many spelling mistakes in your dictation. 你的听写里有许多拼写错误。I am very sorry, this is my mistake, he has nothing to do with it. 对不起,这是我的错,与他无关。make a mistake “犯错误,出错”I am very careless, I often make a mistake in my test. 我非常粗心,常常在考试中出错。He is very clever, but he always makes mistakes

15、. 他很聪明,但是总是犯错。by mistake “错误地”I took your pen by mistake. 我错拿了你的钢笔。I think today is Monday by mistake.我误以为今天是星期一。2)作动词 vt. & vi. “误会,误解”,它的过去式和过去分词分别是:mistake和mistaken。They mistake their man if they think they can frighten him. 如果他们认为可以把他吓倒,那是认错人了。LinTao didnt break the school rules, you have mistaken him.林涛没有违反校规,你



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