1.5 Unit2 DNA 同步素材(冀教版九年级下册).doc

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1、 Lesson 12 Did You Ever See a “ Chorse”? 你曾经见过“ Chorse”吗?课文英汉对照图片译文You need two groups to sing this song. One group sings the purple words. The other group 你们需要两个小组唱这首歌。 一个小组唱紫色的歌词,别一个小组唱绿色的歌词。sings the green words.Did you ever see a “chores”?你曾经见过“chores”吗?What? A “chores”?什么?“chores”?Yes, a “chore

2、s”.是的,“chores”。Did you ever see a “chores”你曾经见过“chores”吗?So fine?好看吗?No, I never saw a “chores.”不,我从未见过“chores”。Its a chicken and a horse它是一只鸡和一匹马But a chicken and a horse但是一只鸡和一匹马Dont combine.不能组合啊。Did you ever see a “ fabbit”?你曾经见过“ fabbit”吗?What? A “fabbit”?什么?“fabbit”?Yes, a “fabbit”.是的,“fabbit”

3、。Did you ever see a “fabbit”你曾经见过“ fabbit”吗?So fine?好看吗?No, I never saw a “fabbit.”不,我从未见过“fabbit.”Its a fish and a rabbit!它是一条鱼和一只兔子!But a fish and a rabbit但是一条鱼和一只兔子Dont combine.不能组合啊。图片译文What if you could combine a cow and a tiger? Try it in the song.如果你把一头牛和一只老虎组合起来将会怎样?在这首歌中试唱一下!Hmmwould you ca

4、ll a cow and a tiger a “ciger”? or a “tow”?恩你会把奶牛和老虎叫做“ciger”还是“tow”?LETS DO IT!做一做!Work in a small group. Imagine you are a zookeeper whose zoo is losing money. You want to 小组活动。假设你是一名动物园的负责人,你的动物园正在亏损。 你想制造 make some exciting new animals. What animals will you combine? What will you name them? 一些令

5、人兴奋的新动物。 你将组合哪些动物? 你将给它们起什么名字?Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals. Sing the new song to the 使用歌曲中的形式告诉你的顾客你的新动物。 把这首新歌唱给班里其rest of the class.余的同学听。重点难点详解1. One group sings the purple words. The other group sings the green words.一个小组唱紫色的歌词,别一个小组唱绿色的歌词。(1)onethe other意

6、为“(两个中)一个另一个”,总数是二个,one和the other后如果接名词,则所接的名词相同且都是可数名词单数;如果前面已经提到了具体的人或物,为了避免重复也可以用onethe other one。也可意为“(两部分中)一部分另一部分”。There are two basketball teams in our school. One team is a girl team, the other team is a boy team.我们学校有两个篮球队,一个是女子篮球队,另一个是男子篮球队。I have two bikes, one is new and the other one is

7、 old. 我有两辆自行车,一辆是新,另一辆是旧的。There are three dictionaries on the desk. One is mine, the other two are my sisters.桌上有三本词典。一本是我的,另外两本是我的妹妹的。(2)the other+可数名词单数,表示两个特定数量中的另一个;the other+可数名词复数,表示特定范围内所有其余的人或物。other既可用作形容词,也可以用作代词。In our class, ten girls likes dancing , the other girls like singing or drawi

8、ng. 在我们班,有十个女孩儿喜欢跳舞,其他的女孩儿喜欢唱歌或绘画。There a post office on one side of the street and a big company on the other. 街道的一边是邮局,另一边是一个大公司。Ive put one of my shoes on the shelf, but wheres the other one?我把一只鞋放在鞋架上,可另一只哪儿去了呢?(3)on the one hand, on the other hand意为“一方面,另一方面”,有时on the other hand可单独使用,相当于but或how

9、ever。On the one hand the price is high, but on the other hand the quality is poor.一方面价格太高,但另一方面质量却很差。On the other hand, teaching students well is teachers duty. 另一方面,教好学生是老师的责任。经典考例选择最佳答案。1. He has two balls, one is a basketball, _ one is a volleyball.A. another B. other C. the other D. the others解答

10、 固定搭配onethe other意为“(两个中)一个另一个”。正确答案是:C2. Some students are in the library,_ are in the classroom.A. another B. the other C. the others D. the other student解答 由空后的are可知前面应该用复数,只有指the other students。正确答案是:C2. So fine?好看吗?(1)so在句中作副词,表示程度,意为“很,非常”。so的用法:1)作副词表示方式, 方法, 情况等,意为“那么, 那样; 这么,这样”。You must no

11、t do so. 你一定不要那么做。 表示程度,意为“到那个程度, 那样, 如此地,很,非常”。Dont speak so fast. 别讲得那 么快。 表示强调,意为“非常, 很, 极, 十分”Im so glad to hear from you. 接到你的来信, 我非常高兴。 代替表语或谓语, 使用倒装语序,意为“也”Mary can speak Chinese, so can her brother. 玛丽会讲汉语, 她的兄弟也会讲汉语。 代替上文提过的形容词、名词、动词等,意为“那样的, 不错, 真的”。You say he is clever, so he is. 你说他很聪明,

12、他确实很聪明。 作关联副词,用于一些固定的结构。a. 用于sothat结构,意为“这样以便, 如此以致”。It is so quiet in the room that you can hear the drop of a pin. 房间里静得连(地上)掉根针都能听见。b. 用于so that 结构, 有时 that 可以省略,意为“以便, 为了, 所以”。Speak louder so the people in the hall can all hear you. 大声点讲, 以便大厅里的人都能听清。c. 用于not so as结构,意为“不象那样”。Tom is not so tall

13、as Mike. 汤姆没有迈克高。d. 用于soas to,意为“那样以致 / 以便”。We left for the station so early as to catch the first train. 我们很早就动身去车站以便赶上头班火车。 加强语气,意为“原来, 那么”。So you have come back at last. 那么你终于回来了。1) 作连词 因而, 所以, 结果是It was late, so we went home. 天晚了, 所以我们就回家去了。(=so that)为的是,以便, 使得Be quiet so he can sleep. 肃静些好使他能睡觉

14、。2) 作代词 用作 say, call, speak, tell, think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, fear, hear, do等动词的宾语。-It will be sunny tomorrow.-I hope so.明天会是晴天。我希望如此。 用在or之后,意为“左右, 上下, 约”。He can come here in an hour or so. 他会在一小时左右来这儿。(2)fine的用法1)作形容词健康的;舒适的-Hows your wife? Shes fine, thank you. 你妻子好吗? 她很好,谢谢。This flat

15、s fine for two people. 这套公寓适合两个人住。 晴朗的,好的(天气)We hope the fine weather will last the whole week. 我们希望这个星期天气一直能这样好。 美好的;优良的Thats a fine thing to say! 那样说太好了!2)作副词,意为“优美地;极好地;细致地”。This pair of shoes suits me fine.这双鞋子对我来说太合适了。经典考例选择最佳答案。1. He hates his English teacher _ he isnt interested in English.A. so B. so that C. b


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