江苏省东台市富安镇中学九年级英语《9a unit 2》随堂测验 人教新目标版

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1、江苏省东台市富安镇中学九年级英语9A Unit 2随堂测验 人教新目标版I 根据首字母提示,用合适的颜色名称填空。 1. You can see w_ snow here in winter.2. There is a r_ star in the middle of the paper.3. There are many b_ people in America. They are poor.4. Simon likes lying on the g _ grass and looking at the sky.5. Millie bought a purple and p_ dress y

2、esterday afternoon.II 单项选择。( ) 1. Dont _ the window in class.A. look for B. look after C. look out of D. look like( ) 2. Do you know _?A. where does he live B. who is the boy C. whats in the box D. how old is she( ) 3. Kitty has just _ a rainbow. She _ it ten minutes ago.A. looked, saw B. saw, sees

3、C. seen, saw D. seen, sees ( ) 4. _ the rain, you will see a beautiful rainbow_ the sky.A. Before, on B. Before, in C. After, on D. After, in ( ) 5. The boy would rather _ TV at home than _ to the zoo.A. watch, go B. watching, going C. watch, to go D. to watch, go III 按要求改写下列句子。1. The dress matches

4、my cousin well. (改为同义句)The dress_ _ _ my cousin.2. Id like to buy the white T-shirt. (对画线部分提问)_ _ would you like to buy?3. There isnt anything wrong with my new computer. (改为同义句)There is _ _ with my new computer.4. There are three boys in the classroom. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ are there in the classroom?5. M

5、y sister likes to wear blue better than red. (改为同义句)My sister_ _ wear blue _ red.IV 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。1. 我刚刚在街上看见我表姐了。Ive _ _ my cousin in the street. 2. 你叔叔穿黄色的衣服很不错。Yellow_ _ _ your uncle.3. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿去踢足球。I _ _ _ at home _ _ football.4. 你的眼睛有问题吗?Is there _ _ _ your eyes?5. 这个男孩喜欢吃香蕉胜过喜欢吃梨子。The boy wo

6、uld _ _bananas_ pears.Reading (1)I 根据汉语提示,写出合适的单词。 1. We know white is one of the _(平静的) colours. 2. I always feel _(放松的) when I listen to pop music.3. These colours can give us a comfortable_(感觉).4. My mother is _(担心的) about my brothers health.5. Sally was _(满意的) with the results of the exam.6. Our

7、 teacher tells us the sun gives us light and _ (热).7. My cousin was in a _ (酣睡的) sleep when I got home.8. The doctor says a healthy diet is good for our _ (智力).9. The death of my grandfather brought me a lot of _ (悲哀).10. The boy was too_ (欲睡的) to keep his eyes open in class.II 根据句意,用合适的介词填空。 1. We

8、all know that green is the colour _ nature.2. Those people live _ cold climates in the north.3. The boy didnt tell me anything _ colours. 4. Does your cousin often get good marks _ tests?5. My brother is studying _ the exam in the bedroom.III 单项选择。 ( ) 1. When we talk about Jims mood, we also talk a

9、bout his_.A. feeling B. quality C. wish D. happiness( ) 2.-Which colour represents wisdom?-_, of course.A. Green B. White C. Yellow D. Blue( ) 3. The smile on my mothers face showed that she was _ with us.A. worried B. satisfied C. angry D. sorry( ) 4. Red can represent _ and strength. If you feel w

10、eak, you can wear red.A. power B. peace C. sadness D. calm( ) 5. Can you explain _colours can do?A. where B. which C. when D. what( ) 6. Yellow can remind you _ a warm day.A. about B. of C. with for ( ) 7. When I feel sad, my friends always _. A. make me happier B. make me more happily C. cheer me u

11、p D. A and C ( ) 8. I hear _ blue clothes _ good for your health.A. wear, is B. wearing, are C. wearing, is D. wear, are ( ) 9. When the girl is feeling blue, _.A. she likes the blue very much B. shes feeling sadC. shes feeling calm D. she finds everything is blue( ) 10. There isnt _ in todays newsp

12、aper.A. interesting something B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. anything interesting Reading (2)I用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. _ you ever _ (visit) the Great Wall, Nick?2. The girl prefers _ (stay) at home and watch TV.3. What is the best colour _ (represent) your cousin?4. The walls of the clas

13、sroom _ (paint) white yesterday.5. Sams mother made him _ (do) his homework after supper.II用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We all think that Daniel is a boy of _ (wise).2. They had a good time on Millies _ (wed) day.3. Our teacher tells us that is a _ (physics) change.4. The _ (grow) of the plants needs water, air and sunlight.5. White can make you feel calm. It represents _ (pure). 6. My cousin wants to be the _ (lead) of the football team.7. Whats your _ (feel) after reading this English magazine?8. The young man is _ (energy) and he often goes to bed late.9. My grandfather


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