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1、小学升外国语学校英语语法专项 50-34( )1. From that time on Mary practiced _ the piano every day Aplays Bplaying Cplayed Dto play 【解析】考查非谓语动词。练习做某事。本题较易。( )2.Thank you for the presentsThey are so great! APlease dont say so BNo,thanks CIm glad you like them DNo,they are not good enough【解析】考查交际用语。当别人感谢你所赠的礼物时,你应该说很高兴

2、对方能喜欢。、三项都是汉语的说法,不符合英美国家的文化习惯。故选。( )3. Im just going to _ market,mumDo you want _? A(不填);something Bthe;everything C(不填);nothing Dthe;anything 【解析】考查冠词和不定代词。意为“去市场”。句意为“我正要去市场,妈妈。你想要些东西吗?”故选。( )4. The baby is too youngYou _ give her big pieces of food Amay Bmust Cmay not Dmust not 【解析】考查情态动词。“可以”;“必

3、须”;“禁止”;“不能”,用来表示“禁止,不许”。而本句意为“这个婴儿太小了。你不可以给他体积太大的食物吃。”故选。本题难。( )5. Computers,however,are actually _ they were five years ago Aso cheap as Bcheaper than Cso expensive as Dmuch expensive than 【解析】考查比较等级。、两项表示原级之间,故排除;项“”的比较级应为 。故选。( )6.Wheres Mrs Li taking Polly and Mickey? Shes taking _ across the s

4、treet Athem Bus Cyou Dit 【解析】考查代词用法。是第三人称复数作主语,应用代替。故选。( )7. This week,the weather _ to change every day:One day is hot,the next is cold Aseems B1ooks Csounds Dfeels 【解析】考查系动词。意为“似乎”,构成。故选。( )8. At the end of the volleyball match,our school _ won by 3:1 Amembers Bgroup Cteam Dfans 【解析】考查几个相似名词的含义。句意

5、为:“在排球比赛结束的时候,我们队以获胜。”“成员”;“组”;“队”,“球迷”。根据句意判断选。( )9. There was an exciting moment in our class when a large bird flew _ the room Afrom Binto Conto Dwith 【解析】考查动词与介词搭配。地点,意为“飞入”,故选。( ) 10. I think its _ useful advice, so I will always remember it.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填【解析】考查的词性。是不可数名词,所以不用冠词,故选。( )

6、11.Is the film interesting?I thought it would be. But _, its very boring.A. in all B. in fact C. in addition D. in futureB【解析】近义词辨析。In all意思是“总共”; in fact意思是“事实上”;in addition意思是“附加”; in future意思是“将来”。结合文意:事实上,我认为令人讨厌。( )12. He had to retire(退休) early _ poor health.A. as a result B. becauseC. so D. b

7、ecause ofD【解析】连词考查。Because与because of都表示原因,但because必须引导句子,而because of后跟名词。( )13. If anybody calls, tell them Im out and ask them to _ their name and addresses. A. pass B. write C. take D. leaveD【解析】词义辨析。Pass 意思是“递过去”;write意思是“写下”;take意思是“带走”; leave意思是“留下”。根据句意:告诉他们留下他们的姓名和地址( )14.When _ you _ readin

8、g Jane Eyre? Its hard to say. Im busy these days. A. did; finish B. have; finished C. will; finish D. do; finishC【解析】考查时态。根据句意:你什么时间读完这本书?很难说,最近我很忙。指的是将来的某个时间读完书。( )15.Listen! Someone is playing the piano.Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much.A. What B. How a C. What a D. HowA【解析】感叹句。感叹句由how或what 引导。 其结构分别为“How+advadj+主语+谓语!”“What+aan +adj+n+主语+谓语!”“What+adj+名词复数不可数名词+主语+谓语!”。把结构代入可知答案为B。


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