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1、小学升外国语学校英语完型填空专项 50-11ALook at the picture. The old man is 79 years old. He is learning(学习) how to 16 emails to his friends in America.Now thousands of young people like to 17 to their friends in computer terms(术语). 18 their grandparents cant 19 their grandchildrens hi-tech language(语言). So they sta

2、rt to learn something 20 computers.“I want to know what my 21 are talking about,” says Grandmother Lopa. She is a student at a(n) 22 school. There are many computer schools 23 the big city.These old people learn Microsoft Word, Windows and the Internet surfing. But the teaching method(方法) is 24 . “I

3、 have to teach them 25 and again,” says a computer teacher.( ) 16. A. read B. send C. look( ) 17. A. talk B. listen C. get( ) 18. A. And B. So C. But( ) 19. A. think B. choose C. speak( ) 20. A. about B. in C. for( ) 21. A. family B. grandchildren C. sisters( ) 22. A. computer B. middle C. internati

4、onal( ) 23. A. lots of B. come from C. all around( ) 24. A. healthy B. different C. last( ) 25. A. again B. never C. then【解析】1. send emails to his friends in America,给美国的朋友发email,选择B。【解析】2. talk to sb,和某人交谈。选择A。【解析】3. 前后是转折关系,选择C。【解析】4. speak a language,说一门语言,选择C。【解析】5. learn something about,学习与相关的东

5、西,选择A。【解析】6. 根据上下问,奶奶想知道儿孙们在谈论些什么,所以选择B。【解析】7. 根据后一句,知道奶奶在电脑学校学习知识,选择A。【解析】8. all around the big city= all over the big city,整个城市。选择C。【解析】9. 教学方法与(年轻人)不一样,选择B。【解析】10. again and again,一次又一次。选择A。BToday is Sunday. Jim and his classmates 16 no classes. They are at the zoo. Amy 17 to see birds flying in

6、the sky. Lucy has a 18 in her hand, and she wants to give it 19 a monkey. Jane likes pandas. They 20 from Sichuan. Tom 21 tigers are lovely, 22 Lily doesnt think so. She thinks 23 are dangerous (危险的). She asks Tom 24 the dolphins (海豚). She thinks dolphins are 25 , and they can dance very well. Jim a

7、nd his classmates are happy at the zoo.( ) 16. A. has B. is C. have( ) 17. A. likes B. look C. says( ) 18. A. book B. knife C. banana( ) 19. A. at B. for C. to( ) 20. A. want B. come C. go( ) 21. A. thinks B. loves C. speaks( ) 22. A. and B. too C. but( ) 23. A. it B. she C. they( ) 24. A. to see B. go out C. make( ) 25. A. bad B. clever C. dirty【解析】1. 周日没有课,主语是复数,选择C。【解析】2. like to do sth,选择A。【解析】3. 猴子喜欢香蕉,选择C。【解析】4. giveto,给某人某物,选择C。【解析】5. come from来自于,选择B。【解析】6. 后面是一个句子,用think来引导,所以选择A。【解析】7. 前后是转折关系,选择C。【解析】8. 主语是tigers,选择C。【解析】9. ask sb to do sth,选择A。【解析】10. A、C为贬义词,选择B。


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