(江苏专用)2016届高考英语二轮语法专题复习 动词和动词词组

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1、动词和动词词组1【2012江西】We were all agreed that the cottage would a perfect holiday home for the family.AmakeBturnCtakeDhave30【答案】A【解析】我们一致同意,这个小舍将会给我们的家庭营造一个完美的假日家园。make表“可以用作,可发展为”,与for连用。Turn表示“变为”,一般后跟into。2【2012辽宁卷】Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.A. taking apart B

2、. giving awayC. making up D. turning off3-4【答案与解析】D 考查动词短语辨析。break in打断; 闯入; 开始工作;break up结束,散开;分解;break out爆发;break down崩溃,垮掉;出毛病;抛锚。题干意思是:他时不时地停下来擦去额头的汗水,因为空掉出毛病了。选D。5【2012全国II】We _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.A. set about B. set up C. set out D. set down【答案】

3、C【解析】此处set about开始做. . .,后接名词、动名词;set up建立;set out开始做. . .,后接不定式;set down写下,记下。根据to paint可知选set out。句意:那天我们开始粉刷整个房子但只完成了前面的部分。【考点定位】考查动词短语的含义。6【2012天津卷】 Parents and children should communicate more to _the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.A. openB. narrowC. widenD. leav

4、e【答案】【B】7-9【答案】B【解析】此处put out熄灭; put down记下,写下;put away收拾,把东西放好;put together放在一起。句意:Mary非常擅长在课上记笔记。她能把她的老师说得每个词写下来。【考点定位】考查动词短语的含义及语境理解。10【2012浙江卷】Armed with the information you have gathered, you can_ preparing your business plan.A. set outB. set aboutC. set offD. set up【答案】B【解析】根据句意:有这么些个你所收集的信息,你

5、可以着手【set about doing sth】准备你的商业计划了。Set out to do sth着手;set off出发;set up建立,均不符合语境,故排除。11【2012浙江卷】According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to_from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.A. differB. shrinkC. failD. decline【答案】D【解析】根据句意:根据科学家研究,我们的精神气在22岁达到高峰值之后便从27岁开始下滑【decline

6、】。Differ不同;shrink缩水;fail失败、衰竭,均不符合语境,故排除。12【2012湖北卷】Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to _ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.A. sponsorB. launchC. organize D. plan【答案】A【命题立意】考查动词辨析。难度中等。【解题思路】该句意为:两位律师捐赠了5,0000美元赞助我校“帮助贫困生”活动A项意为“赞助”,符合句

7、意;B项意为“发射,开办”,C项意为“组织”,D项意为“计划”,都与句意不同。故A项正确。13【2012湖北卷】Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _ every page of my draft.A. approvedB. quotedC. polishedD. folded【答案】C【命题立意】考查动词辨析。难度中等。【解题思路】句意为:最后,我要感谢我的辅导老师,他给我的论文提出了很多批评和建议,并对每张稿件作了推敲。C项意

8、为“推敲”,符合句意,故C项正确。A项意为“通过”,B项意为“引用”,D项意为“折叠”,都与句意不符。14【2012湖北卷】Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _ his courage.A. hold up B. keep up C. set up D. take up【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词短语辨析。难度中等。【解题思路】句意为:独自在黑暗中行走,男孩吹口哨保持勇气。B项意为“维持,不使低落”,符合句意。A项意为“举起”,C项意为“建立”,D项意为“拿起”,都与句意不符。15【2012湖北卷】Im so glad youve

9、come here to _ this matter in person.A. lead to B. see to C. turn to D. refer to【答案】B【命题立意】考查动词短语辨析。难度中等。【解题思路】句意为:很高兴你能来亲自负责这起事件。B项意为“负责”,符合句意;A项意为“导致”,C项意为“向求助”,D项意为“参考”,都与语意不符。16【2012江苏卷】- OK, Ive had enough of it. I give up.-You cantyour responsibilities.A. run off with B. run up against C. run

10、out ofD. run away from【答案】D【解析】run away from意为“逃离,躲避”,run off with意为“偷走;与私奔”;run up against意为“偶遇”;run out of意为“用完”。句意为:-好了,我已受够了,我放弃。-你不能逃避你的责任。根据句意,应选D项。17【2012安徽卷】The athletes years of hard training when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up【答案】C

11、.本题考查动词词组,pay off 有很多含义:1 付清某人的工资并解雇他 偿清欠款等等 2. 对某人或某事进行报复 3.使人得益,有报偿 4.贿赂18【2013年福建】Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with students.A. enjoysB. involvesC. practicesD. suggests【答案】B。本题考查动词词义辨异。enjoy喜欢、享受;involve包含、牵涉、使陷于、潜心于;practice练习、实习;suggest提议、建议

12、、启发。根据句意选B。句意:米歇尔找到一份在一所中学当老师的工作,这份工作需要在学生身上花很多时间。19【2013年福建】Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disastersA. turn down B. turn out C. break down D. break out【答案】C。本题考查动词短语词义辨析。turn down关小、调低、拒绝;turn out证明是、结果是、生产;break down分解、发生故障、失败;break out爆发。无线网络会瘫痪,所以选C。句意:当无线网络发生灾难性故障的时候,过时

13、的电话变得很重要。194【2013年湖北】While intelligent people can often _ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.A. sacrifice B. substitute C. simplify D. survive【答案】C。本题考查动词词义辨析。sacrifice献祭;奉献;牲;substitute用替代; simplify简化;使简易; survive比活得长,经历之后还存在;幸存;句意:而聪明的人往往可以简化复杂的,而傻瓜则是极有可能使简单的更加复杂化。20【2013年

14、湖北】According to the law, all foreigners have to _ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.A. associate B. dispute C. negotiate D. register【答案】D。本题考查动词词义辨析。associate联合;结交; 联想; dispute辩论,争论;negotiate谈判,协商,交涉;register登记,注册 ;句意:根据法律规定,所有的外国人必须在两个星期内到当地警察局登记。21【2013年湖北】Butterflies _ a sweet liq

15、uid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.A. carry on B. feed on C. put on D. focus on【答案】D。本题考查动词短语辨析。carry on继续进行;feed on以为食;put on增加;穿上;上演;focus on致力于;使聚焦于;句意:蝴蝶以花产生的甜的液体为食,这些甜的液体也是蜜蜂和其他昆虫所要收集的。22【2013年湖北】In much of the animal world, night is the time_ for sleeppure and simple.A. set aside B. set down C. set off D. set up【答



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