(江苏专用)2016届高考英语二轮语法专题复习 介词

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1、介词 介词辨析1 【2014安徽卷】 What we expect from you is working hard _ hardly working.Aless than Brather thanCas well as Das much as【答案】B考查介词短语。less than少于,不及;rather than而不是;as well as也,又,像一样;as much as和一样,差不多。working hard和hardly working为完全相反的两个概念,显然前后为对照关系。句意:我们期待你的是努力工作,而非很少工作。故选B。2【2014北京卷】 Some animals ca

2、rry seeds from one place to another,_ plants can spread to new places.AsoBor Cfor Dbut【答案】A考查连词。本题前半部分讲“有些动物把种子从一个地方带到另外一个地方”,所以导致“植物传播”。此为表示因果关系的并列句,故选A。3【2014北京卷】 Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour.Aby BinCfor Duntil【答案】B考查介词。表示某段时间后将发生某事,一般用介词in。所以选B。4 【2014

3、全国大纲卷】 September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill.A. by B. for C. with D. in【答案】A考查介词。句意:9月30日是你必须付账单的最后期限。此处by意为“截止到日期”。根据句意选A。5【2014福建卷】 Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational background.Adue to Bexcept for Calong with Dregardless of【答案】D 考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们的俱乐部对每个人开放,不考虑年龄、

4、性别和教育背景。【be】 due to由于,因为,到期限;except for除了;along with和,一起;regardless of无论,不管,不考虑。根据句意可知选择D项。6【2014江苏卷】 Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does pushups too to stay _Ain place Bin orderCin shape Din fashion【答案】C考查介词短语辨析。句意:汤姆总是在早晨慢跑,并且他也经常做俯卧撑来保持体形。in place在合适的位置上;in order按顺序,秩序井然; i

5、n shape在外形上,在形状上;in fashion流行。根据语境可知C项正确。7【2014江苏卷】 The idea “happiness”, _, will not sit still for easy definition.Ato be rigid Bto be sureCto be perfect Dto be fair【答案】B 考查介词短语辨析。句意:幸福,明确说来,仍然不容易定义。to be rigid严格说来;to be sure明确说来;to be perfect完美说来;to be fair公平说来。根据语境可知B项正确。8【2014江西卷】 Starting your

6、own business could be a way to achieving financial independence. _, it could just put you in debt.A. In other words B. All in allC. As a result D. On the other hand【答案】D考查介词短语辨析。句意:开始你自己的事业是一种获得经济独立的方法。可另一方面,它可能让你置于债务之中。in other words换句话说;all in all总之;as a result结果;on the other hand另一方面。9 【2014江西卷】

7、It is unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life _ his great wealth.A. without B. despiteC. in D. to【答案】B考查介词。句意:尽管Lucas先生有大量的财富,但是他过着简单的生活,这让人难以置信。根据a simple life以及his great wealth可知此处表转折。10【2014山东卷】 I dont really like the author,_ I have to admit his books are very exciting.Aalthough Bunless C

8、until Donce【答案】A考查连词。句意:尽管我不得不承认他的书很令人兴奋,但是我真的不喜欢这个作者。although尽管;unless除非;until直到为止;once一旦。根据句意可知选A项。11【2014陕西卷】 The Scottish girl _ blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest.A. by B. ofC. in D. with【答案】D考查介词。句意:在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位蓝眼睛的苏格兰女孩赢得了第一名。所填词意思是“有”,用with,故选D。12 【2014天津卷】 _

9、 the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.A. In reply to B. In addition to C. In charge of D. In place of【答案】 B考查介词短语。in reply to 答复;in addition to 除之外,也,和;in charge of 负责;in place of代替,取代。句意:除了学校,村庄还有一个诊所,也是在政府的资助下建起来的。13【2014浙江卷】 While staying in the villa

10、ge, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything _.Ain return Bin commonCin turn Din place【答案】A考查介词词组辨析。句意:在村子里生活期间, 詹姆斯非常无私地与村民们分享了他所有的一切,而无回报索求。根据句意知,空格处表示“作为回报”,所以用in return。in common共同;in turn反过来,反之;in place恰当,在适当位置。故选A项。14【2014浙江卷】 Facing up to your pr

11、oblems _ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.Amore than Brather thanCalong with Dor rather【答案】B考查连词词组辨析。句意:最好的解决问题的方法是面对你的问题,而不是逃避它们。rather than而不是;more than不仅仅;along with 与一起;or rather更确切地说。故选B项。15【2014浙江卷】 People wont pay attention to you when they still have a lot of

12、 ideas of their own crying _ expression.Afrom Bover Cwith Dfor【答案】D考查介词辨析。句意:当人们还有许多自己的想法需要表达的时候,他们是不会注意到你的。根据句意知,此处cry for expression可以看作是固定表达,意为“哭着要,急需,要求”,所以选D项。16【2014浙江卷】 Theres no reason to be disappointed._,this could be rather amusing.AAbove all BAs a result CIn addition DAs a matter of fact

13、【答案】D考查介词词组辨析。句意:没有理由失望。实际上,这似乎还很可笑。as a matter of fact意为“事实上,实际上”,符合句意。above all首要的是;as a result结果;in addition另外。故选D项。17 【2014重庆卷】 She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went _ the road.A. on B. along C. from D. off【答案】D考查介词的用法。句意:她开车开得太快,以至于在拐弯处差点开下了公路。此处off表示“离开,偏离”。1【2013新课标卷】It was a

14、 real race_time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.Aover Bby Cfor Dagainst【解析】句意为:完成这项工程真的是在与时间赛跑。幸运的是,我们成功了。本题考查介词辨析。over在上面;by被,由,经由;for支持,赞成;against反对,违背。【答案】D2【2013新课标卷】A serious study of physics is impossible_some knowledge of mathematics.Aagainst Bbefore Cbeyond Dwithout【解析】句意为:没有一定的数学知识,进行严肃的物理学研究是不可能的。本题考查介词辨析。against反对,映衬,靠着;before在之前;beyond超出;without没有。【答案】D3【2013山东卷】The Smiths are praised_the way they bring up their children.Afrom Bby Cat Dfor【解析】句意为:史密斯夫妇因为他们培养孩子的方式而受到了赞扬。本题考查介词辨析。根据语境可知此处表达夫妇二人受赞扬的原因,应该用介词for。【答案】D介词短语辨析4【2013福建卷】Mrs Smith finds it



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