2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(18)

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《2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(18)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空寒假精练(18)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、完形填空精练(18)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Passage 1TonyTomeiwaswell-knowninLosAlamos,N.M.forhisheroicactionwhentheforestfiressweptthroughlastMay.Tomeihad_41_runawayfromhishouse,whichwas_42_.Butsoonafterreachingasafeplace,Tomei_43_thatalthoughhehadsavedmostofhiscollectionofaccordions (a

2、 kind of musical instruments), hispreciousItalianBugariArmandoaccordionwas_44_inthehouse.Heracedhometo_45_it.“WhenIdroveup,therewasalotofsmoke,”hesays,andatthatmomenthemade_46_.“Iwasgoingto_47_thefire.Iwastheonlyoneleftto_48_theneighborshouse.” Tomei,52,anengineerandaccordioninstructor,hadnoideawhat



5、eneighborhood.“Isawallthosedamagedhouseandthought,oh,myGod,”_57_hedsavedhishomealongwithtwoothers.WhenhisneighborNancyTenbrink_58_tothehousethat shedthoughtwaslost,she_59_threwherarmsaroundTomei.“Myhousewasimportant,buthislifewasmuchmore_60_,”shesays.“Imdeeplythankfulforwhathedidforus.”41A.happilyB.

6、bravelyC.safelyD.nearly42A.infireB.outoforderC.indanger D.outofshape43A.thoughtB.realizedC.saidD.wondered44A.stillB.alsoC.justD.yet45A.findB.hideC.checkD.get46A.asuggestionB. thechoiceC.adecisionD.thepreparation47A.putupB.keepfromC.takeupD.holdoff48A.preventB.save C.watchD.keep49A.faceB.expectC.prot

7、ectD.fight50A.rest B.lastC.hardD. next51A.waterB.windC.smokeD.fire52A.toolsB.successC.meaningD.help53A.takingB.leavingC.knockingD.getting54A.FunnilyB.UnluckilyC.UndoubtedlyD. Fortunately55A.nightB.afternoonC. midnightD.daybreak56A. normallyB.onlyC.hardlyD.almost57A.ForB.AsC.ButD.If58A.removedB.retur

8、nedC.referredD.reported59A.tearfullyB.surprisinglyC.repeatedlyD.thoughtfully60A.specialB.lovelyC.valuableD.usefulPassage 1:41-45 CCBAD 46-50 CDBAD 51-55 BBCDA 56-60 BCBACPassage 2Once upon a time in a land far far away, there was a _41_ old man who loved everything. Animals, spiders, insects. One da

9、y _42_ walking through the woods the nice old man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly. He _43_it home. A few days later, a small _44_appeared; he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours _45_it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to _46_making any progress. It a

10、ppeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go_47_ farther. Then the man decided to help the _48_ , so he took a pair of scissors and _49_the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then came out _50_. _51_it had a swollen (浮肿的) body and small, shriveled (枯萎的) wings. The man _52_

11、to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would _53_ to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! _54_ , the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to _55_

12、. What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting (限制的) _56_and the struggle required for the butterfly to _57_ the tiny opening were Natures way of forcing fluid (液体) from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achiev

13、ed its_58_ from the cocoon. Sometimes _59_ are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through our life without any challenges, it would weaken us. We would not be as _60_as what we could have been. And we could never fly.41. A. coldB. kindC. politeD. tiresome42. A. unlessB. ifC. whileD. because43. A. tookB. movedC. circulatedD. dashed44. A. signB. shadowC. shadeD. opening45. A. and


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