2016届高考英语一轮复习 综合课外趣味阅读练习题(三)

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2016届高考英语一轮复习 综合课外趣味阅读练习题(三)_第1页
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1、高考一轮复习综合课外趣味阅读及练习题(三)课外趣味阅读精彩故事The Milkmaid and Her Pail of Milk(牛奶女工與她的牛奶桶)Dolled the Milkmaid having been a good girl, and careful in her work, her mistress gave her a pail of fresh milk for herself. With the pail upon her head, Dolly tripped gaily along on her way to the town, where she was going

2、 to sell her milk. “ For this milk,” said Dolly, “ I shall get a shilling, and with it I will buy twenty of the eggs laid by our neighbor s fine fowls. “ The mistress will surely lend me a hen, and, allowing for all mishaps, I shall raise a good dozen of chicks. “ They will be well grown before the

3、next fair-time comes round, and it is then that chickens bring the highest price. I shall be able to sell them for a guinea. “ Then I will buy that sweater that I saw in the village the other day, and a hat and ribbons, too; and when I go to the fair, how smart I shall be! “ Robin will be there and

4、will come up and offer to be friends again. But I won t come round too easily; and when he wants me for a partner in the dance, I shall just toss up my head and_ ” Here Dolly gave her head the least bit of a toss, when down came the pail, and all the milk was spilled upon the ground. Poor Dolly! It

5、was hr good-by to eggs, chickens, sweater, hat, ribbons, and all. * “Dont count your chicken before they are hatched.”Ulysses and the Bag of Winds(Ulysses與風袋)Long, long ago, there lived upon a little island a Greek king named Ulysses. One time Ulysses sailed far away across the sea to fight for his

6、country, and for ten long years he was away from his beautiful wife and his little son. At last the Greeks captured the city they were fighting against, and the war ended. “Now I can go back to my island home,” said Ulysses, joyfully, as he and his men set sail for home. “ Once more I can see my wif

7、e and son!” on the way, they stopped to rest at the home of a king named Eolus, who lived on an island in the sea. It was a wonderful island; all around it was a high wall of bronze. Eolus was king of the winds. He could make the winds sleep so soundly that the sea would be as smooth as glass, or he

8、 could make them blow so hard that the waves would be as high as mountains. When Ulysses was ready to start on his way again, Eolus said, “I will help you to reach your home, Ulysses. I will put all the stormy winds in this great bag of ox-hide. Then they cannot harm you. “I will the bag with this g

9、olden chain; but I will leave out the gentle west wind, do bear you safely home. Guard the bag of winds carefully. And do not let anyone untie the chain.” Then the west wind blew softly and sent them in safety on their way. For nine days and nine nights Ulysses guarded the bag of winds, until at las

10、t he became very tired and sleepy. Now the men with Ulysses did not know what was in the great bag. “see how he guards it !” they said. “Surely it has gold and silver in it, for it is tied with a golden chain. We helped Ulysses in the war; why should he have all the gold and the silver?” at last, on

11、 the tenth day, they came in sight of their dear island. “Look, look!” cried the men, joyfully. “There are our green fields! Soon we shall see our homes.” Then the weary Ulysses, thinking that he need not guard the bag any longer, fell fast asleep. “now we can see what is in the bag!” so they crept

12、up to the bag and untied the golden chain. Out flew all the stormy winds, roaring and howling! In a moment, great waves arose and drove the ship far from the land. The noise of the winds and the waves awoke Ulysses. Where was his little island home? Where were the green fields he loved so well? They

13、 were far, far away, for the ship was out on the stormy sea. “Oh, what shall I do?” cried Ulysses. “I fear that I shall never see my home again. But I must not give up; I will try again and again. Some day I may reach my home, and see my wife and son once more.” “After a long time, the stormy winds

14、drove the ship back to the island where Eolus lived. How glad Ulysses was when “Eolus can help us,” he said. “He will the winds again” but Eolus was angry with Ulysses and his men. “Go away!” Eolus said. “I will not help you a second time, for it is your own fault that he stormy winds are out of the

15、 bag.” So once more Ulysses set out upon the sea, and it was many long years before he saw his island home again.英语短文欣赏蚱蜢和蚂蚁The Grasshopper And The AntDo right things at the proper time, or its too late to regret for what has passed.在合适的时节做应该做的事情,否则,错过时节才醒悟为时已晚。A grasshopper was playing on his violi

16、n where the ants were busy collecting food. “Its the grasshopper again!”they said.“Hes always playing that violin of his. He never seems to do any work.”蚱蜢在拉小提琴,而蚂蚁却在忙着收集食物。“又是蚱蜢。”它们说,“它总是在拉小提琴,似乎从来不工作。”The grasshopper stopped when he saw the ants.“Why are you working on such a beautiful day?”he asked.“Dont you feel the gaiety of spring? Why arent you dancing and singing while I play my violin?”“We must collect food now,”said the Queen of ants.“If we don


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