2015-2016学年高中英语 1.2learning about language &amp using language课后演练 新人教版必修2

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1、1.2Learning about Language & Using Language 夯实基础.课文单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1Chen Lei studied art history and the early _(dynasty) of China in a university.答案dynastiesdynasty“朝代”,为可数名词。2It was a mirror _(design) in the Song Dynasty and _(decorate) in the fancy style of that time.答案designed;

2、 decorateddesign, decorate与mirror均为被动关系,故应填过去分词。3The people there were very happy and without _(doubt) consider it one of the treasures of their collection.答案doubtwithout doubt “毫无疑问”。4To them, it was _(worth) much more than Chen Lei paid.答案worthworth“值;有的价值”。5The King_palace was decorated in gold a

3、nd jewels had many beautiful art objects.答案whose句意:宫殿里装饰有金银珠宝的那位国王有许多漂亮的艺术品。定语从句中缺少定语,故填whose,修饰palace。6A fact is anything _can be proved.答案that当先行词为不定代词时,定语从句需用that引导。7_can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.答案ItIt作形式主语,真正主语为that从句。8He/She only cares about _ th

4、e eyewitness has given true information, which must be facts rather _ opinions.答案whether; than句意:他(她)关心的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,这些信息必须是事实而不是个人观点。据句意可知第一空应填whether,意为“是否”;第二空rather than“而不是”。9Im Jan Hasek, _ old miner from the Czech Republic.答案an元音音素前应用不定冠词an。10_ my surprise the entrance to the mine was clos

5、ed.答案Toto ones surprise“令某人惊讶的是”。.选词填空think highly of, for example, agree with, care about, rather than 1You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose.答案agree with2We _their research in this field.答案think highly of3Whether it is a cheap pipe or a diamond necklace, the prope

6、r response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift _ the thing.答案rather than4_, we improve the living standard blindly, but lower the quality of life.答案For example5I know he doesnt _ what happens to me.答案care about.完成句子1Though he knows about the computer, _costs him a lot of time.(take)尽管他

7、懂电脑,但把电脑拆开花了他许多时间。答案taking it apart2With _, many passengers jumped into the sea.(sink)由于船慢慢下沉,许多乘客跳进海里。答案the ship sinking slowly3_ the topic was a waste of time. (debate)和他争论这个话题是浪费时间。答案Debating with him about4The suggestion he put forward in the meeting _(think)他在会议上提出的建议受到高度赞扬。答案was highly thought

8、 of5He _ a golden chance came. (give up)他就要放弃这时突然一个黄金机会出现了。答案was about to give up when提升能力.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1After that we never saw her again, nor_ we hear from her.答案did句意:在那之后我们再也没有看见过她,我们也没有收到过她的来信。此题考查nor引导的倒装句,根据上文应用一般过去时,故填did。2It is too cold today. I think Ill have a hot coffee _

9、than a cold drink.答案ratherrather than“而不是”。句意:今天很冷,我想喝一杯热咖啡而不是一杯冷饮。3Mr. Brown not only works hard,but also is always ready to help others, so all the teachers in our school think_of him.答案highly/much/well句意:布朗先生不仅努力工作,而且还总是愿意帮助其他人,因此我们学校里的老师们对他都高度评价。think highly of或think much/well of意为“对高度评价”。4In th

10、is case,nobody can give_ (evident) before the judge.答案evidence句意:在这个案件中,没人能在法官面前提供证据。give evidence“出庭作证,提供证据”,是固定搭配。5Take the clock_and see if you can see whats wrong with it.答案apart钟表属于小的设备,表示“拆开”时,应该使用take apart。6Traffic accidents are usually very hard to deal with.Sure enough, remember what we_wi

11、th the last one. It was troublesome.答案did由答句中what可知应用do,根据语境中的时态可判断填did。7Have you thought about_to give her as a present?答案what考查动词不定式的用法。疑问词和动词不定式连用,可以作主语、宾语和表语,相当于这些名词性从句的用法。此处就可用宾语从句what you will give her as a present代替。8The two sides debated_each other_who was the better for a whole day.答案with;

12、about句意:双方就一天中谁表现更好而争论不休。debate with sb. about sth.意为“就某事和某人争论”,为固定搭配。9Helen exploded_ anger when she saw a fly in her soup.答案with句意:当看到汤里有一只苍蝇时,海伦勃然大怒。explode可意为“(感情)迸发,勃然大怒”,常与介词with连用。10After the car accident, the drivers_(prove) to be good at first aid.答案provedprove此处为系动词,无被动语态,无进行时态。.阅读理解ACarni

13、val (狂欢节) is the most famous holiday in Brazil. It is not about an important time in history or about a famous person, but it is important for the people because its a time of friendship, freedom, and almost a whole week without work. People can have parties or have a rest, and most people choose pa

14、rties, day after day, night after night. It starts forty days before Easter (复活节). It lasts four days and four nights. It starts on Saturday and finishes on Wednesday. People wear their colourful clothes and go out into the streets or to the clubs. There are also groups of people who make a parade (游行) showing their music and cars. Every year the parade tells a different story. Each city has at least one group like this.In the south, life returns to normal by Wednesday. However, it is not accepted by the church in the northwest, where Carnival is more common. There people dont respect it


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