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1、永春一中七年级英语期中考试卷 (2016/11)命题老师:学校指定命题 (满分:150分 时间:120分钟)温馨提示:请把所有答案填写(涂)在答题卡上,请不要错位、越界答题!第卷(选择题共110分)第一部分 听力测试(满分30分)第一节 听句子:根据你听到的句子选择正确答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(7.5分)( )1.A.Her QQ number is 342438941. B. Her room number is 1214. C. Its 60136338.( )2.A.No,she isnt. B. Shes in Grade Nine. C. Shes in Cl

2、ass Five.( )3.A.No,she doesnt. B. Mark. C. Yes, I do.( )4.A.They are blue. B. They are old. C. They look nice.( )5.A.He is from England. B. Im from China. C. He is in England.第二节 听对话:根据你听到的对话内容选择正确答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每组对话读两遍(7.5分)( )6.Where does John come from?A. He comes from the U.S.A. B. He comes fro

3、m Cuba. C. He comes from England.( )7.Whose purple skirt is it? A. Its Miss Wangs.B. Its Miss Browns.C. Its Miss Greens.( )8.How does Mr. Black look?A. He looks young. B. He looks old. C. He looks strong.( )9.Who has big eyes?A. Jacks friend. B. Bob. C. Bobs friend.( )10.What class is Jane in?A. Cla

4、ss 3. B. Class 2. C. Class 6.第三节 听长对话:根据你听到的对话内容选择正确答案并将其标号填入题前括号内。对话读两遍(7.5分)( )11.Who is Lucy? A. She is Nancys classmate. B. She is Nancys friend. C. She is Nancys sister.( )12.What is Lucy?A. She is a doctor. B. She is an English teacher. C. She is a student.( )13.What does Lucy look like?A. She

5、 has a long face, long black hair and big eyes.B. She has a round face, long blond hair and big eyes.C. She has a round face, short black hair and small eyes.( )14.How old is Lucy?A. She is 13. B. She is 12 C. She is 14.( )15.What is Lucys favorite color?A. Blue. B. Purple. C. Pink.第四节 听短文:根据短文内容补全表

6、格,每空一词。短文读两遍。(7.5分)Mr. BlackFromLookHairT-shirts colorPants color16._tall and17._short and18._19._20._第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分35分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)( )21. Do you have _MP4? Yes, I have _. A.a,it B.an,one C.the,that( )22. _Jim? Hes_Cuba now. A. Where does,from B. Where is,from C. Wheres,in ( )23.

7、Dudu is a dog. It _a big head. _eyes are big. A.has,Its B.has,Its C.have,Its ( )24. _you spell apple? A-P-P-L-E,apple. A.How B.Can C.How do ( )25.Those are Lucys photos. Please _. A. give them to her B. give her them C. give her to them( )26. My mom_ a cap. I want _ one for her. A. has, buy B. isnt

8、have, to buy C. doesnt have, to buy ( )27.Is that room(房间) the_,Jane? No, theirs_ here.A. boys, is B. boys, are C. boys, is( )28. Ann and I _ sisters. We look _.A. am, like B. are, the same C.are,like ( )29. Whats seven and two? _.A.Its five. B.Theyre nine. C.Its nine. ( )30.OurEnglishteacherisJenny

9、Jones.Wecall(称呼)her.A.Mr.Jones B.MissJones C.Mrs.Jenny( )31. Jack cant _ his bike. Lets help_.A. look,heB. look at,himC. find,him( )32.What color is the orange?Its _ .A. an orange B. orange C. in green( )33. Thisismylittlesister._nameisJenny,wealllike_.A.Her,her B.She,she C.Shes,her( )34. _box is th

10、is? Its_.A. Whos, Lucy and Lilys B. Whose, Lucys and Lilys C. Whose, Lucy and Lilys( )35. are they ? They are fine . A. How old B. How C. Who第二节 补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面对话,从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有两项是多余的)A:Excuse me, is your name Jim?B: 36 .My name is John.A:Hi,John. 37 B:Yes, he is my good friend.A: 3

11、8 B:He is tall and he has a big nose.A:Are you in the same class?B: 39 A:Here is a letter for him. Can you give it to him?B:OK.A:Thank you.B: 40 A.Do you know Jim?B.Yes,we are.C.No,Im not.D.Thats right.E.No,it isnt.F.Thats OK.G.What does he look like?36._ 37._ 38._ 39._ 40._第三节 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分1

12、0分)My name is Bill. Im 41 . I have a small nose, 42 mouth and _43 hair. Im a student 44 a high school. Im in Class 4, Grade 8. Li Lei is my friend. He is in a 45 class. He is thirteen 46 . Here is a photo of his family. It is new. Please look at it. His dad is an English teacher. The one 47 is his mom. She is a doctor(医生). He has two sisters. Their names 48 Fangfang and Lingling. They look the same. In the photo,they are in 49 favorite pink skirts. They are junior high sc


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