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1、,“导学自悟”新课程教学观摩课 Unit6 Topic2 Section B,罗源民族中学 颜志坚,收到,receive,明信片,postcard,考察,explore,对话,dialog,完美的,perfect,野营,camp,北部,north,拱门,arch,标明,mark,官员,official,骆驼,camel,东部,east,东部的,eastern,东北,northeast,东南,southeast,西北,northwest,Phrases competitions,神道,Sacred Way,的开始,the beginning of,在的西北,in the northwest of

2、,在的脚下,at the foot of,遍布,spread over,在古代,in the old days,朝南,face south,考察地形,survey the area,确定,make sure,两个半小时,two and a half hours,Sure-,Hello, KangKang-,Free talk,I believe you know the directions,N (north),S (south),E (east),W (west),Northeast,Northwest,Southwest,Southeast,to/in/on+方位名词,请选用to/in/o

3、n完成下列句子。 1.My hometown, Xiamen, is the southeast of Taiyuan. 2.Tibet is the west of the China. 3.Chongqing is the southwest of Zhengzhou. 4.Russia lies the north of China,to,in,to,on,结论,in、 on、 to 表示方位的区别,in 指在同一范围内的两地,on指在不同范围内的两地接壤,to 指在不同范围内的不接壤的两地,in,to,on,用in ,on , to 填空,1.China is the west of

4、Japan. China and Japan are both the east of Asia( 亚洲) 2.Jiangxi Province is the west of Fujian Province. 3.Beijing is the north of China.,to,in,on,in,Pair work talk about the map of China in pairs,定陵,茂陵,裕陵,德陵,昭陵,庆陵,泰陵,思陵,Siling is in the _ of the Ming tombs.,2. Qingling is to the _ of Yuling,Dinglin

5、g is _ the southwest of Kangling.,4. Maoling lies to the _ of Tailing.,Zhaoling lies _ the west of the Ming Tombs,6.The most eastern tomb is _,west,east,to,southwest,in,Deling,康陵,Listen to the dialog and mark ”T” or “F”,( ) 1,The Ming Tombs are at the top of the Tianshou Mountain . ( ) 2,The Tombs s

6、pread over an area of 14k. ( ) 3. There are some stone animals and stone officials on both sides of the way. ( ) 4.The emperors surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south.,F,F,T,T,Listen and repeat,Language,points,1.They are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountain, (in the) northwest of Bei

7、jing.,2.The tombs spread over an area of 40 K.,3.The Stone Arch marks the beginning of the Sacred Way to the tombs,4.On both sides of the ways,there are some stone animals and stone officials.,5. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.,6. Its about

8、two and a half hours by bike,Read again answer the questions,1,Where are the Ming Tombs ?,They are at the foot of the Tianshou Mountains , in the northwest of Beijing,2,Whats on each side of the Sacred Way ?,They are some stone animals and stone officials.,3,When did the emperors start to build thei

9、r tombs?,When they became emperors.,4,what kind of place did the emperors choose for their tombs ?,They chose the places that faced south and had mountains behind their tombs,5,How long does it take them to get there by bike?,Its about two and a half hours,Group work Retell the Ming Tombs,Key words At the foot of northwest spread over the beginning of on both sides of survey the area face south,Listen and match,Lion,Camel,Horse,Elephant,Qilin,Xiezhi,high prestige,an important vehicle,large area of the country,good luck,the peace of the country,tell good from bad,Bye-Bye,



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