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1、倒装句1、否定倒装句就是把否定副词、否定副词短语和否定状从移至句首的倒装句。A. 常用的否定副词never hardly=scarcely rarely seldom littleHe is never happy. Never is he happy.He is hardly ever quiet. Hardly is he quiet.He has never done it before. Never has he done it before.He seldom sings. He little knew that Tom likes music so much. He rarely

2、goes to swimming. B.常用的否定副词短语绝对不by no means in no way on no account under no circumstancein no situation You are by no means the person we need.By no means are you the person we need.Students are under no circumstance allowed to smoke.Under no circumstance are students allowed to smoke. We by no mea

3、ns understand what he says. Everyone in no situation disobey the traffic rules. 短语运用我们绝对不能为了赚钱(make money)而破坏环境(destroy environment)。In on way 学生们绝对不能因为(because of)玩游戏而熬夜。(stay up) On no account C.常用否定状语从句Not until 直到.Only when 只有到.的时候Only after 只有到.之后He is happy only when his mother let him play co

4、mputer games.Only when his mother let him play computer games is he happy.They didnt know the truth until Marry came.Not until Marry came did they know the truth.只有当我们离开学校之后,我们才意识到学习的重要性。(realize) 只有当我们团结在一起的时候,才能克服所有困难。(work together,overcome) 补充:Only in this way.Only by doing so.Only at that time.

5、只有这样做,我们才能学好英语。 只有用这种方式,我们才能丰富我们的知识,开拓我们的眼界。(enrich knowledge,widen horizon) 2、 not only.but also.不仅,而且Not only I but (also) he is wrong.I came not only to see you but (also) to say goodbye to you.倒装:仅第一个句子倒装,also省略Not only can she sing,but she can (also )dance.1.Reading not only enrich our knowledg

6、e but also expand our eyesight.(改为倒装) 2.Shakespeare wasnot onlya writer but also an actor.(同上) 3、 否定倒装的状语从句1、 no sooner+过去完成时.than.+过去式 一.就./还没来得及,就. I had no sooner reached home than it began to rain. No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain. She had no sooner realized than the bus arrive

7、d.(改为倒装句) He had no sooner returned than he bought a house. 2、 Hardly/scarcely.+过去完成时.when.+过去式 I have hardly get home when the telephone rings.Hardly have I got home when the telephone rings.Tom had hardly realized what was happening when he was captured(抓住). The meeting had scarcely begun when it was interrupted(打断). 好记性不如烂笔头never从不 hardly=scarcely 几乎不 rarely 很少 seldom很少 little一点也不绝对不by no means in no way on no account under no circumstancein no situation Not until 直到.Only when 只有到.的时候Only after 只有到.之后Only in this way.只有用这种方式Only by doing so.只有这样做Only at that time.只有在那时



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