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1、- 与宝安区教师培训班老师们的一次交流 广东第二师范学院外语系傅瑞屏,语言的双重属性 外语课程的性质 基础阶段外语课程的性质 外语专业学生的困境及其对基础教育英语课程的启示 语言工具论的缺陷 6. 小学英语课程的工具性和人文性的统一 7. 初中英语课程工具性、人文性的统一 8. 结束语 8. 参考文献,语言的性质 工具性 语言是人类最重要的交际工具, 是人类思维的工具, 也是社会上传递信息的工具”( 王德春, 1977,转引自李慧,2001)。 “语言是工具”, 是就语言的基本职能而言的, 或者说是从语言功能的角度出发来定义语言的。,从功能角度去释义, 往往通俗易懂, 实用性强, 尤其符合人的

2、功利心理。用工具去定义语言, 或者说把语言仅仅当成工具, 并使其工具化就不行了。 从语言学和语言哲学角度, 语言工具论是对语言的不恭和对语言的践踏。从外语教学的角度看, 则很容易把人们引向工具主义和形式主义, 使人们只注意对“工具”本身, 即语言内部的组织规律的研究, 而忽视研究语言系统外部的制约因素(李慧,2001)。,人文性 1. 什么是人文? -人文是一个动态的概念。从一般的意义上讲,比如我国辞海中就这样写道:“人文指人类社会的各种文化现象”。人文就是人类文化中的先进部分和核心部分,即先进的价值观及其规范。其集中体现是,重视人,尊重人,关心人爱护人。简而言之,人文,即重视人的文化。,-

3、人文性,可以理解为人性与文化性的整合,包括文化、道德、情感等精神生活的方方面面。语言是最重要的文化载体,是人类文化的重要组成部分。“一个民族总是把自己全部精神生活的痕迹都珍藏在民族的语言里。”,- 人文的核心是“人”,以人为本,关心人,爱护人,尊重人。 - 人文思想,至少包括以下三个方面的内容: A. “人本观念”,即“人本位”。 B. “个人观念”,即承认和尊重个人的哲学 观念 C. “自由观念”,同时是指“每个人”的自 由,只有尊重他人的自由,才能有自己 的自由,争取自己的自由,决不损害他 人的自由。,因此,培养人文精神的核心是重视人的因素。表现为学生是学习的主人;是知识的构建者;是积极主

4、动参与信息交流活动的交流者;培养人文精神提倡主客体和情意、情景的多向流动和和谐互动的师生关系。 2. 语言的人文性 语言的负载的内容有丰富的人文性。语言所负载的信息内容承载着人的思想理念、人生观、价值观、文化观、伦理观和世界观等。 工具性是语言课程的根本属性,而人文性是是语言课程的重要属性。,Lord Chesterfields Letter to His Son London, October 9, O.S. 1747. Dear Boy: People of your age have, commonly, an unguarded frankness about them; which

5、makes them the easy prey and bubbles of the artful and the experienced; they look upon every knave or fool, who tells them that he is their friend, to be really so; and pay that profession of simulated friendship, with an indiscreet and unbounded confidence, always to their loss, often to their ruin

6、. Beware, therefore, now that you are coming into the world, of these preferred friendships. Receive them with great civility, but with great incredulity too; and pay them with compliments, but not with confidence. Do not let your vanity and self-love make you suppose that people become your friends

7、 at first sight, or even upon a short acquaintance. Real friendship is a slow grower and never thrives unless engrafted(嫁接) upon a stock of known and reciprocal merit. There is another kind of nominal friendship among young people, which is warm for the time, but by good luck, of short duration. Thi

8、s friendship is hastily produced, by their being accidentally thrown together, and pursuing the course of riot and debauchery(放荡、纵情酒色). A fine friendship, truly; and well cemented by drunkenness and lewdness(放荡、下流). It should rather be called a conspiracy against morals and good manners, and be puni

9、shed as such by the civil magistrate(地方保安官). However, they have the impudence(厚脸皮、傲慢) and folly to call this confederacy a friendship. They lend one another money, for bad purposes; they engage in quarrels, offensive and defensive for their accomplices; they tell one another all they know, and often

10、 more too, when, of a sudden, some accident disperses them, and they think no more of each other, unless it be to betray and laugh, at their imprudent(轻率的、粗心大意) confidence. Remember to make a great difference between companions and friends; for a very complaisant and agreeable companion may, and oft

11、en does, prove a very improper and a very dangerous friend. People will, in a great degree, and not without reason, form their opinion of you, upon that which they have of your fiends; and there is a Spanish proverb, which says very justly, TELL ME WHO YOU LIVE WITH AND I WILL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE.

12、The next thing to the choice of your friends, is the choice of your company. Endeavor, as much as you can, to keep company with people above you: there you rise, as much as you sink with people below you(as I have mentioned before) you are whatever the company you keep is. Dont mistake, when I say c

13、ompany above you, and think that I mean with regard to, their birth: that is the least consideration; but I mean with regard to their merit, and the light in which the world considers them. When I mean by low company, which should by all means be avoided, is the company of those, who, absolutely ins

14、ignificant and contemptible in themselves, think they are honored by being in your company; and who flatter every vice and every folly you have, in order to engage you to converse with them. The pride of being the first of the company is but too common; but it is very silly, and very prejudicial. No

15、thing in the world lets down a character quicker than the wrong turn.,分析:Sir Chesterfield是个社会名流,他写信给自己的私生子,给他传授立身处世之道。文中表达了自己的价值观念: (The next thing to the choice of your friends, is the choice of your company. )Endeavor, as much as you can, to keep company with people above you: there you rise, as m

16、uch as you sink with people below you(as I have mentioned before) you are whatever the company you keep is. 他要他的儿子“尽量结交比自己强的朋友(见划线部分)。比自己强的朋友有助你提升自己,而比自己差的朋友会使你沉沦。”,上述的交友论表明了伯爵的价值观。可以说,文章因此而具有人文性。而对学生人文素养的培养可以落实在中外名人交友观的比较上。如中国的孔子提出:“毋友不如己者”。通过对比分析,可以培养学生思维的广度和深度,并进行培养学生的批判精神,如通过引导学生讨论“How do you like Sir Chesterfields opinion of making friends?”。,February 7, 1755 My Lord, I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of the World, that two Papers, in which my Dictiona



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