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1、Unit 6 Corporate Management,Overview,Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises,Unit 6 Corporate Management,Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exerc

2、ises,Sentence Interpretation,(1) I am pleased to announce that Prime Minister has agreed to host the next Entrepreneurship Summit next year in Turkey. (创业峰会) (2) Through this program, we will work with the private sector partners and local businesses, along with civil society groups, to help create

3、successful entrepreneurial environments. (民间社会团体) (3) Governments should make the legal and commercial reforms to encourage trade, allow for the free flow of ideas, and lower the barriers to launching new businesses. (创业),Sentence Interpretation,(4)不论从盈利方面还是市场份额方面,我们已经成为举足轻重的亚洲电脑市场的领导者。(market share

4、) (5)我们是全球唯一自主生产笔记本电脑的公司 95%的ThinkPad笔记本电脑是在联想旗下的工厂生产的。(under the flag) (6)我们将不断打造我们的核心竞争力,包括了解我们的客户,我们的品牌以及我们敬业、出色的员工。(core competitiveness),Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises,Unit 6 Corporate Management,Interpreta

5、tion Skills -Proper Nouns,口译中常见专有名词有哪些呢,其翻译难点何在? 答:口译中常遇到的专有名词包括地名、人名、建筑物名、机构和条约名等。其翻译难点在于专有名词出现频率高,且难于记忆。初学者在口译程中应该怎样处理众多的专有名词呢?我们认为,总的原则是:就大不就小,分清主次,辨明从属。,对于以上几种专有名词口译的难点,有何对策? 译员一般情况下可以事先通过索要资料、名片等方法对所涉及的人名、地名、公司名称等进行一定的准备。如果来不及索要相关资料,译员可采取的方法有: (i) 音译法(transliteration) 音译法就是用译语中同原词发音相近的字来翻译原词。如:

6、Jane Austin 简.奥斯丁。对于还没有形成约定俗成的词,可以根据读音进行合理猜测。同时,一开始有些专有名词使用音译,后来在使用过程中又逐渐有了相应的意译译词。这时,我们应当使用后来通用的意译词。如:laser 音译为雷射,后多使用意译为激光。 (ii) 结构分析(structure analysis) 口译中提到某人时,其格式通常是:国籍+职位或身份+姓名(中);姓名+ 职位或身份+国籍(英)。如:Steve Ballmer,CEO of Microsoft is ready to take the offensive. 微软CEO史蒂夫鲍尔默准备好出击了。译员记住了足够的国名、政府及

7、其机构名称,再加上听众知道一些主要头衔,这样就能比较准确地把握口译内容了。,Interpretation Skills -Proper Nouns,积累相关词汇,特别是专有名词,对口译有何助? 答:专有名词的中心词一般出现在首个或末尾单词,把握核心词进行合理联想,可以帮助掌握专有名词的含义。如:Word Trade Organization(世界贸易组织);Federation International Football Association(FIFA,国际足联);北京奥组委(The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXI

8、X Olympiad (BOCOG)。掌握一些固定的句型、词汇搭配,熟悉时态,对句子结构的分析,这些语法分析对于口译内容的整体把握也很有益处。,Interpretation Skills -Proper Nouns,Interpretation Skills -Proper Nouns,如果口译现场有些专有名词译员真的翻不出怎么办? 答:那就要用到我们谈的最后一个办法事后补救法。当信息量大而译员没有机会事前搜集好资料时,译员应当集中精力,解决重点专有名词和头衔等重要信息的翻译,而对于遗漏的只能舍弃或者事后酌情补充说明。 例如:译员最初听到“Prof. XXX, Dean of IPASD, s

9、aid”如果一下子不知道IPASD是什么组织,只能省略该词先译为“XXX教授说过”,后文再次遇到并已借机查明正确译法时,可作补充“山东知识产权研究院的XXX教授还提到过”。有的专有名词本来就没有较为理想的译语说法,译员只能现场发动灵感用音译或者解释说明的方法在说话双方做好沟通。,Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises,Unit 6 Corporate Management,Word Match,l

10、ift people out of poverty foster opportunity and prosperity from the bottom up online community launch new exchange programs venture capital Silicon Valley technology development regional conferences new era of entrepreneurship,硅谷 网络社群 自下而上 摆脱贫困 区域会议 风险投资 技术开发 增进机会和繁荣 发起新交流项目 创业精神的新时代,Passage Interp

11、retation (E-C),Now, I know some have asked - given all the security and political and social challenges we face, why a summit on entrepreneurship 1? The answer is simple. / 我知道有些人曾经问道,在我们面临各种安全与政治和社会挑战的情况下,为什么要召开创业峰会?答案很简单。/,entrepreneurship 创业,company with limited liability有限责任公司 unlimited liabilit

12、y company无限责任公司 joint-stock company股份公司 joint venture company合资公司 sole corporation独资公司 co-operative corporation合作公司 private enterprise私营企业 private enterprise民营企业 individual household个体户 listed corporation上市公司,Passage Interpretation (E-C),Entrepreneurship - because you told us that this was an area w

13、here we can learn from each other; where America can share our experience as a society that empowers 2 the inventor and the innovator. / 创业因为你们曾告诉我们,这是我们可以相互学习的一个领域;在这个领域,美国作为一个使发明者和创新者获得自主能力的社会,可以分享我们的经验。/,Passage Interpretation (E-C),Entrepreneurship - because throughout history, the market has be

14、en the most powerful force the world has ever known. It helps to create opportunity and lift people out of poverty 3. / 创业因为纵观历史,市场是全世界一股前所未有的最强大的力量。它能够创造机会并使人们摆脱贫困。/,lift people out of poverty 摆脱贫困,raise oneself from poverty put an end to poverty eliminate poverty shake off poverty get rid of pover

15、ty get away from poverty break out of the poverty trap be relieved from poverty,Passage Interpretation (E-C),Entrepreneurship - because its in our mutual economic interest. Trade between the United States and Muslim-majority countries has grown. But the combined trade is still only about the same as

16、 our trade with one country - Mexico. / 创业因为这符合我们的共同经济利益。美国与穆斯林占人口大多数的各国之间的贸易获得增长。但其贸易总额仍然只相当于我国与墨西哥一国的贸易。/,Passage Interpretation (E-C),So theres so much more we can do together, in partnership, to bring opportunity and prosperity to all our countries. / 因此,我们还有大量的工作可以共同承担,结成伙伴关系,为我们各国创造机会并带来繁荣。/,Passage Interpretation (E-C),And social entrepreneurship because of that real change comes from the bottom up, from the grassr



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