人教版英语九下教案 unit14

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1、Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7Section B (2a-2e)Teaching and learning goals: 【知识与能力目标】1.熟练掌握以下词汇和短语 : gentleman graduation ceremony congratulate thirsty thankful lastly task ahead responsible separate wing first of all be thirsty forbe thankful to sb. ahead of along with be responsibl

2、e for set out separate from2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1)You were so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.(2) I hope you will remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported. (3) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. (4)The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new l

3、ife.(5)Choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions. 3. Talk about changes in the students. 【学习策略】1.依据文章题目和所给图片,预测(predicting)文章内容。2.通过速读的方式,捕捉文章大意。3.通过细读的方式,找寻细节内容。【情感态度】学生通过谈论学生的变化。要求学生在生活中如何学会感恩(对你的父母、老师、朋友以及你周围的人)【文化意识】如何写演讲稿。了解各国的初中毕业典礼,如何开一个别开生面的毕业典礼Teaching and learnin

4、g steps:Step Pre-reading activities1. Preview1.Look at P70, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at thetextbook.1) 连同;除以外还 ) 对有责任;) 分离;隔开 4). 首先 5) 在前面 6) 渴望;苛求 7) 出发;启程 8) 对某人心存感激 2. Translate the following sentences.1).你们冲忙活力和对生活的渴望。 .2)我希望你记得那些在你生命中给与你帮助和支持的重要的人。_.3)

5、.永远不要忘记对你身边的人充满感激。_.4).明智的选择,对你的决定的和行为负责。_.5)初中生活的结束是新生活的开始。_.(设计意图:通过课前预习作业,可以帮助学生更有针对性的预习,并对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解;通过检测预习效果,教师可以有针对性的教,学生可以有针对性的学,并且能够培养学生发现问题的能力。此部分,老师设立最佳表现奖,采用激励机制对有所表现的学生加以鼓励,目的是让不同层次的学生在学习过程中体验成功和快乐,培养学生的兴趣和自信,教师应始终遵循一个原则,那就是让学生乐学,因为兴趣才是最好的老师。)2.Warming up and leading inShow some pic

6、tures The graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School.Thank you for coming today the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School. First of all, Id like to congratulate all the students who are here today.I hope you will remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported. Neve

7、r fail to be thankful to the people around you.Youve all grown up so much and Im so proud of you.The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.Choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actionsThey are all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.They are now tale

8、nted young adults who are full of hope for the future.They should thank the important people in their lives their parents, teachers and friends because these are full of hope for the future.T: Boys and girls, how the time goes quickly! You are graduating soon! I should congratulate all of you! But I

9、 am sad. What about you? What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school? Discuss it with your partner. (设计意图:通过谈论图片来导入2a 引出本课所学习的话题,及复习了本课的生词,又达到热身的目的。同时也可以毕业典礼过程,也为下面的语篇阅读做好了语言铺垫。)Step II While readingT: Boys and girls, we discussed the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior Hi

10、gh School.You are great!We have known about the graduation ceremony .Do you want to know more about graduation ceremony? Ok, lets come to 2b to learn more.Task 1: Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.1.What kind of text is this? Is it a story, a speech or a notice?2.Who do you

11、 think wrote it?3.Who is it for?(设计意图:训练学生快速阅读文章的能力,并从中获取有效信息,实现对课文的整体感知。)Task 2: Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. (读取细节) 1. What were the students like in Grade 7?2.How have the students changed?3.Who should the students thank and why? 4. How should the students deal

12、 with the future?5. What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school?Task3: Read the passage again and use the suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Read the first sentence and the last sentence of each paragraph carefully, then complete the table

13、.ParagraphMain ideaSupporting details12 3(设计意图:读取细节,任务设置由易到难,学生可以更好的理解与掌握文本,设置不同的阅读任务,学生独立完成阅读理解,回答相应的问题,并能提出问题, 完成表格并理解文章中一些重要短语的用法,掌握阅读技巧,培养学生自主探究的精神。)Step III Postreading activitiesTask1:Listen to the tape and read after the tape one sentence after another.Task2: Retell the passage according to t

14、he mind map. (设计意图:思维导图是将语篇梳理成段落,并呈现部分关键词、关键短语或句子,学生由思维导图可以产生联想、唤起记忆。鼓励学生根据思维导图提示复述课文,降低了难度,并且巩固了所学文本内容。)Task3:Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.attend be thirsty for none set out be proud of1. It is time to say goodbye, but _ of us want to leave.2. It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so mu


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