云南省仁爱版七年级下册英语导学案:unit 6 topic 3 how can i get to the library section c

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1、Unit 6 Our Local AreaTopic 3 How can I get to the library?Section C来源:gkstk.Com编写人:刘长敏审核:谢佐晶 一、学习目标 1. 学习交通安全知识 2. 学习祈使句以及了解before, when引导的时间状语从句的用法 二、重点难点 1. 掌握词汇:safe, hurt, lose, accident, obey, rule, cross, sign, before, both, third, last, careful, ticket, speed, wrong, place, fast2.掌握句子:Dont dr

2、ive too fast. Stop when the light is red. Turn left/right. We must obey the traffic rules. 来源:gkstk.Com三、自学质疑 1. 自主阅读1a文章内容,完成1b。2. 根据2部分的内容,搭配与图片相对应的词汇。3. 把3部分的提示语和图片搭配起来。来源:gkstk.Com四、合作探究1.听5a录音对话,从括号中选出正确的词语。2. 祈使句的肯定句结构:_ 来源:学优高考网gkstk祈使句的否定句结构:_3. before,when引导的时间状语从句的用法。 五、当堂检测(1) 变否定句 1. He

3、does his homework at school. He _ his homework at school. 2. Come upstairs. _ come upstairs.3. Put them away. _ _ them away. (二)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空来源:学优高考网gkstk 1. Dont read in the sun(在阳光下). It may _ (hurt) your eyes. 2. Xiao Wang drives too fast, so he gets a ticket for _ (speed). 3. He is in _ (dangerous). Lets help him. 4.The station is about 15 (kilometer) away from here. 5. Its good to help children (cross) the road.


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