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1、血液系统疾病,Blood system disease,Features Of Hematopoiesis And Blood In Children, Nutritional Anemia,小儿造血、血像特点、营养性贫血,Abstract,Features Of Hematopoiesis And Blood In Children Anemia In ChildrenGeneral Introduction Nutritional iron deficiency anemia(IDA) Nutritional Megaloblastic Anemia,purpose,To understa

2、nd features of hematopoiesis and blood in children To comprehend clinical features, diagnosis and therapy of anemia. To understand the definition, grade division and classification of anemia in children. To master etiology, pathogenosis, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of nutritional iron deficien

3、cy anemia and nutritional megaloblastic anemia.,Features of hematopoiesis in children,小儿造血特点,Features of hematopoiesis in children,一、Hematopoiesis in fetal period(胎儿期造血) Developmental hematopoiesis occurs in three anatomic stagesmesoblastic(中胚层), hepatic(肝), and myeloid(骨髓).,Hematopoiesis in fetal p

4、eriod,yolk sac,liver,spleen,Bone marrow,lymph node,Time of Hematopoiesis,Blood cell,Features of Hematopoiesis in children,二、Hematopoiesis after birth Hematopoesis in bone marrow Extramedullary hematopoiesis (骨髓外造血),Hematopoesis in bone marrow,red bone marrow(红骨髓): in infant and toddler period Yellow

5、 bone marrow(黄骨髓):after 57y, 潜在造血功能,Hematopoesis in bone marrow,Yellow bone marrow(黄骨髓) can come back to red bone marrow(红骨髓)when hematopoetic need increases Yellow bone marrow is deficiency in children, especially in infant and toddler period,Extramedullary hemopoiesis(髓外造血),When hematopoietic dema

6、nd increases, liver, spleen and lymph nodes come back to the status to produce blood cells hepatomegaly(肝肿大) and splenomegaly(脾肿大) appears and maybe there are immature erythrocytes and granulocytes in circulating blood Extramedullary hemopoiesis is the specific phenomena only appearing in infant and

7、 toddler,Extramedullary hemopoiesis(髓外造血),年龄:in infant and toddler 病因: When hematopoietic demand increases. E.g. anemia(贫血) 造血部位: liver, spleen and lymph nodes come back to the status to produce blood cells 体征: hepatomegaly(肝肿大) and splenomegaly(脾肿大),Extramedullary hemopoiesis(髓外造血),血象: there are im

8、mature erythrocytes and granulocytes in circulating blood,Features of blood in children,小儿血象特点,血容量blood capacitance,新生儿:占体重10% 儿童:占体重8-10% 成人:占体重6-8%,Erythrocyte and hemoglobin,Erythrocyte and hemoglobin,Hemoglobin,At birth,1 yr,2 yr,Hemoglobin,Leucocyte count,0,0,0,0,0,Leucocyte count,Differential

9、count of WBC (白细胞分类计数),Differential count of WBC (白细胞分类计数),血小板blood platelet,出生时偏低,以后增多(但10万) 正常:10-30万,Anemia In Children-General Introduction,小儿贫血总论,贫血的定义Definition of anemia,外周血中单位容积内的红细胞数、血红蛋白量或红细胞压积低于正常值 但临床上通常用血红蛋白量低于正常值来诊断贫血,The criterion of anemia,海拔每升高1000米,血红蛋白上升4%,生理性贫血 Physiologic Anemia

10、,定义 特指生后23月且无病理性因素存在时, RBC 3.0 x 1012/L、Hb100g/L轻度贫血 原因 自主呼吸/ EPO / RBC寿命/ 生长快/ 循环血量 特点 自限性 ,无需治疗,贫血的分类 Classification of anemia,贫血程度分类 病因分类 细胞形态分类,贫血分度标准The criteria of degrees on anemia,根据外周血血红蛋白含量或红细胞数分为四度,贫血分度标准The criteria of degrees on anemia,新生儿贫血分度,病因分类 Etiological classification,根据造成贫血的原因不同

11、分为: 红细胞或血红蛋白生成不足性贫血 溶血性贫血 失血性贫血,红细胞或血红蛋白生成不足性贫血,造血物质缺乏 缺铁性贫血 巨幼细胞贫血 维生素B6缺乏性贫血 铜缺乏、维生素C缺乏、蛋白缺乏等 骨髓造血功能障碍 再生障碍性贫血 单纯红细胞再生障碍性贫血 其他 感染性及炎症性贫血 慢性肾病所致贫血,铅中毒,癌症性贫血,溶血性贫血,红细胞内在异常 红细胞膜结构缺陷 如遗传性球形红细胞增多症 红细胞酶缺乏 如G-6-PD缺乏、丙酮酸激酶缺乏症 血红蛋白合成或结构异常 如地中海贫血、血红蛋白病 红细胞外在因素 免疫因素 如新生儿溶血症,自身免疫性溶血性贫血,药物所致的免疫性溶血性贫血等 非免疫因素 感染

12、、物理化学因素、毒素、脾功能亢进、DIC,失血性贫血,急性失血 慢性失血,病因分类 Etiological classification,小儿贫血原因,造血减少,溶血,失血,造血物质缺乏,造血功能障碍,缺铁性 缺VB12 缺叶酸 缺VB6,骨髓造血不良:再生障碍性贫血,红细胞内在异常,红细胞外在因素,膜缺陷,血红蛋白,酶缺乏,球形红细胞增多症,G-6-PDR缺乏,地中海贫血,非免疫,免疫,新生儿溶血症,感染 物理化学 毒素 脾功亢进,失血,慢性,急性,脏器破裂,蛲虫病,形态分类 Morphological classification,根据红细胞数、血红蛋白量、红细压积计算: 红细胞平均容积(

13、MCV) 红细胞平均血红蛋白(MCH) 红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC) 根据MCV、 MCH、 MCHC三者结果分为四类,形态分类 Morphological classification,Blood routine Hypochromic microcytic Macrocytic Normocytic (HbRBC) (HbRBC) (Hb=RBC) IDA (缺铁性贫血) megaloblastic acute bleeding Thalassemia Vit B12 hemolytic anemia sideroblastic anemia folic acid aplastic

14、anemia Chronic infection most of secondary anemia,分类方法表,贫血的共同临床表现The common clinical manifestations of anemia,一般表现 皮肤粘膜苍白、乏力、黄疸、生长发育迟缓 造血器官反应:骨髓外造血表现 肝脾淋巴结肿大 外周血中可见:有核红细胞、幼稚粒细胞 各系统的表现 循环系统 呼吸系统 消化系统 神经系统,小儿贫血的诊断The diagnosis of anemia of children,贫血的原因,依据: 询问病史 体格检查 实验室检查,询问病史时应注意,发病年龄 病程经过和伴随症状 喂养史

15、 过去史 家族史,发病年龄,新生儿:溶血,失血 婴幼儿:营养,先天、感染 儿童:慢性,造血,病程经过,急性:出血,溶血 慢性:营养,溶血,失血,伴随症状,伴有黄疸和血红蛋白尿溶血 伴有呕血、便血、血尿、瘀斑出血性疾病 伴有神经和精神症状VB12缺乏 伴骨病骨髓浸润性病变, 伴发热、肝脾及淋巴结肿大肿瘤性病变,喂养史,单纯乳类喂养未及时添加辅食缺铁、巨幼 饮食质量差或搭配不合理缺铁,过去史,寄生虫 慢性:消化道,结核,肝肾 药物史:氯霉素、磺胺药 居住环境:疫水区、化学物质,家族史,遗传性球形红细胞增多症 G-6-PD缺乏 地中海贫血 血友病 等等,体格检查,生长发育 营养状况 皮肤、粘膜 苍白

16、,苍黄,出血点、瘀斑,黄疸 指甲和毛发 菲薄、脆弱,匙形反甲, 头发细黄、干稀、无光泽、呈绒毛状 肝脾和淋巴结肿大 贫血对各系统的影响,实验室检查,外周血象 骨髓检查 血红蛋白分析检查 红细胞脆性试验 特殊检查,外周血象,RBC Hb MCV MCH MCHC 涂片镜检 WBC、BPC 网织RBC计数,有无贫血,细胞形态分类,细胞形态分类,大致病因,涂片镜检,红细胞小、染色浅、中央淡染色区扩大缺铁 红细胞球形,染色深遗传性球形红细胞增多症 红细胞大小不等,染色浅,异形、靶形、碎片地中海贫血 红细胞形态正常急性溶血、造血障碍,网织RBC计数,反映骨髓造血功能 增多:急慢溶血或失血 减少:再障、营养性贫血,骨髓检查


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