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1、,Standard Work / 标准化作业,IMI Cornelius Learning & Innovation,Page 1,Introductions / 介绍,Your name?/ 你的名字? How long have you been with the company?/ 你来公司多久了? What you do and where?/ 你都做些什么工作?在哪做? What is something that we wouldnt know about you unless you told us?/ 有没有你不告诉我们,我们就不知道的事情? What experience h

2、ave you had with Kaizen, Visual Management, Problem Solving at the workplace? 有没有Kaizen,可视化管理及解决问题的现场经验? What are your expectations of this workshop what do you hope to learn?对工厂你有什么期望-你希望学习些什么?,Page 2,Workshop Ground Rules / 车间自然工作组规则,Open honest and direct communication / 开诚布公的直接的对话 Always ask que

3、stions / 总是问问题 We will take the time to explain and gain understanding 我要要花时间去解释和理解 It is very important that the concepts are well understood at the end of the week / 概念易懂很重要 Focus on session no blackberries, e-mail, computers outside of breaks / 课堂上要集中精力-上课时间不允许接收机,收发邮件及用电脑 We need to put into pra

4、ctice what we learn Do not consider this classroom education 要将所学用于实践不要仅指着课堂上的学习,Page 3,Standard Work Agenda 标准化作业 安排,Introduction Agenda Standard Work Definition and Philosophy Benefits 标准工作收益 Lean Concepts 精益生产工具,Page 4,Training Objectives / 培训目标,Understand the Basics of Standard Work. 理解标准化的基本概念

5、Understand the Tools of Standard Work. 明白标准化的工具 Proved a Structured and Consistent approach to Eliminate Waste. 提供一个有体系的持续的消除浪费的方法 Prepare for Work Cell Implementations and Training of the Work Force. 为实施单元化生产模式及培训员工做准备,Page 5,Standard Work Definition: 标准化定义: A Precise Description of Each Work Activ

6、ity, Specifying Cycle Time, TAKT Time, the Work Sequence of Specific Tasks, and the Minimum Inventory or Parts Needed to Conduct the Activity. 每一项工作的精确定义,具体到工作周期(CT),工作节拍(TT),工作顺序,最小库存量或在制品数量(WIP)等进行定义和指导.,What is Standard Work ? / 什么是标准化工作?,Page 6,What is Standard Work ? / 标准化作业是什么?,The BEST and AG

7、REED UPON combination of people, machines, and materials to do a job with MINIMAL WASTE. 是将人、机器、材料最好的整合在一起工作,只产生最小的浪费 CLEAR, accessible documentation of that best combination. 使整合文件清晰、易懂 Work done CONSISTENTLY, guided by the documentation. 工作要始终如一的遵循标准文件的规定 An ongoing search for BETTER standard proc

8、esses. 持续的寻找一个更优的标准化程序 Improve the “STATUS QUO”. 改善现状 Helps ESTABLISH the best and most reliable methods and sequences for each process. 帮助建立每一道工序的最优及最可靠的方法和顺序。,Page 7,Standard Work is NOT:标准化作业不是: Imposition of Rules 强迫接受的规则 Standard Work is an Agreed upon set of Work Procedures in order to be the

9、BEST! 标准化作业是经协商后的一系列工作程序,其目的是达到最好。 Incentive Based Work 基于激励的工作; The more Work, is not Always the Better. Produce what is Necessary to Meet the Current Needs. 干的更多,并不总意味着更好。生产必要的产品来满足当前的需求。 Documenting Current Process that are Out of Control 文件化当前超出控制范围的工艺。工业化两个特征:效率、品质的一致性。 Excessive Variation and

10、Instability of the Process must be Eliminated FIRST in Order to Develop Standard Work 为了发展标准化作业,必需首先消除工艺上过多的变异及不稳定性。(系统性误差和偶然性误差),Philosophy,Page 8,Goals of Standard Work:标准化作业的目标 Capture and Use the BEST Method.追寻并使用最优的方法(动作、顺序、制造工艺、行走及物流路线) Build Quality, Safety, Work In Process (WIP) limits and P

11、roductivity Considerations into Process Steps. 将质量、安全、在制品控制、以及生产力因素考虑到程序当中去 Change Easily Continuous Improvement. 更改的简易性-持续改进 (节拍变、方便进一步改进,持续改进) Identify areas of WASTE which are Opportunities for Improvement. 通过标准化作业过程,识别有机会改进的浪费 Each step in a Lean Process should be Defined and must be Performed R

12、epeatedly in the Same Manner. 精益程序的每一步都需要定义,并且必须以同样的方式重复执行。(标准化,可执行的系统),Minimize and Control Variations in Output to Improve Quality 通过最小化产出(JIT)并控制过程变异来提高质量,Philosophy,Page 9,What Does Standard Work Look Like? 标准化作业看起来像什么?,Operation Methods are Documented and Posted at the Work Station.操作方法被记录并张贴在工

13、作站旁。 Operators follow the Same Steps each time they do Work.每次工作,操作员都遵守同样的步骤。 Operators use the Same, Proper Tools and Machines. 操作员使用同一的、适当的工具和设备。 Material is Stored in the Same Place Every Day. 每天原材料都储存在同一个位置。 Helps to Set Up a Point of Use Storage for Materials and Tools. 帮助建立一个原材料和工具的储存点。(三定),Ph

14、ilosophy,Page 10,Traditional Work 传统作业 Manage Symptoms 管理特征(侧重于人员管理,而非标准化制度化管理) React to fires救火 Search for things 寻找物品 Engineers design processes 程序方法由工程师自行设计,Standard Work 标准化作业 Solve Problems解决问题(异常情况处理) Prevent Problems预防错误 Find Things Easily 更容易找到物品 Process Design by Associate Consensus 程序方法由相关

15、人员协商设定,What Does Standard Work Look Like? 标准化作业看起来像什么?,Philosophy,Page 11,Who Generates Standard Work? 谁来制定标准化作业程序?,The Supervisor / Leader and Manufacturing Engineer / Technician MUST work with the Associates of the area. 主管/领导和制造工程师/技师必须与本领域的负责人合作。 The Creation of the Documents needs to be a Joint

16、 Effort in order to be Effective otherwise they are Doomed for Failure. 标准化文件的建立需要大家共同的努力以达到有效果的目的。否则它们是注定失败的。,Philosophy,Page 12,Benefits of Standard Work标准化作业的好处,Documentation of the Actual Process and Improvements. 记录(文件化标准化)实际工艺及改进 Reduction in Process Variability (if followed).减少程序(工艺)可变性 Improve Process Stability.改善工艺稳定性(标准化) Easier to Train New / Existing Operators容易培训新/老员工。 Increase in Safety and Quality.提高安全性和质量。 Baseline for Further Improvements.将来改进的基础。 Reduce Inventor



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