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1、 Manpower China Interview Toolkit 万宝盛华面试工具包万宝盛华面试工具包 Competency Library任职能力资料库任职能力资料库 Interview Guideline 面试指南 Interview Worksheet 面试工作表 Candidate Report Template 应聘者报告模板 COMPETENCY LIBRARY 任职能力资料库 A guide that helps user to select and identify essential competency for a successful behavioral interv

2、iew. 帮助使用者通过行为面试法识别及甄选职位所必需的任职能力的指引 Copyright 2007 Manpower China Commercial in Confidence Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited Contents How to Use this Library资料库使用方法 5 Introduction介绍 6 What are Competencies? 什么是任职能力? .6 How are competencies applied into behavior interview?.6 怎样在行为面试中应用任职能力模型? .6 C

3、ompetencies List任职能力列表 7 General Competencies常见的任职能力 8 Knowledge / Job Effectiveness知识/工作效率 8 Analytical Skills 8 分析技能. 8 Business Acumen / Understanding the Organization 8 业务能力/了解组织 8 Client Focus. 9 客户导向. 9 Commitment to Task. 9 工作投入度. 9 Goal Setting. 10 设定目标. 10 Negotiation. 10 谈判. 10 Perceptivit

4、y感知力. 11 Policy and Procedures制度与程序 . 11 Quality Orientation 12 质量为本. 12 Reading the System . 12 系统解读. 12 Stress Tolerance承受压力 13 Technical/Professional Knowledge and Skills技术/专业知识和技能 13 Tolerance of Ambiguity应对不确定性. 14 Versatility 14 变通能力. 14 Work Standards. 15 工作标准. 15 Written Communication 15 Cop

5、yright 2007 Manpower China Commercial in Confidence Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited 2 书面沟通. 15 Problem Solving and Management 问题的解决和管理.17 Confronting Direct Report Problems / Issues / Concerns. 17 解决下属的问题/需求/顾虑. 17 Coping. 17 为人处世. 17 Decision Making 18 决策. 18 Decisiveness 18 决断力. 18 Managing C

6、onflict. 19 冲突管理. 19 Problem Solving 19 解决问题. 19 Team Type and Communication 团队类型和沟通.20 Building Trust. 20 建立信任. 20 Energizing 20 鼓舞他人. 20 Gaining Commitment获得认可 21 Influencing Others. 21 影响他人. 21 Information Gathering获取信息. 22 Interaction. 22 互动. 22 Team Building 23 团队建设. 23 Personality Type 性格类型24

7、Alertness. 24 机警. 24 Approachability 24 亲和力. 24 Assertiveness 25 自信. 25 Composure. 25 沉着. 25 Continuous Learning好学 26 Creativity. 26 创造力. 26 Detail Orientation / Attention to Detail 27 关注细节. 27 Emotional Intelligence / Awareness 27 情绪控制力/自我意识 27 Initiating Action 28 采取行动. 28 Innovation / Creativity创

8、新精神. 28 Tenacity. 29 坚忍不拔. 29 Understanding Others理解他人 29 Copyright 2007 Manpower China Commercial in Confidence Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited 3 Leadership Competencies领导力 30 Leadership Competencies领导力30 Aligning Performance for Success. 30 行动与目标一致. 30 Building a Successful Team. 30 建立高效的团队.

9、30 Building Strategic Working Relationships建立战略性工作关系 31 Coaching 31 指导. 31 Delegating Responsibility授权. 32 Developing Others 32 培养他人. 32 Follow up 33 跟进. 33 Leadership . 33 领导力. 33 Meeting Leadership 34 会议组织能力. 34 Motivating Others 34 激励他人. 34 Planning and Organizing 35 计划与组织. 35 Motivational Fit动机匹

10、配 36 Motivational Fit 36 动机匹配度. 36 Copyright 2007 Manpower China Commercial in Confidence Unauthorized Reproduction Prohibited 4 How to Use this Library 资料库使用方法资料库使用方法 The primary purpose of this library is to help our people to identify and select the right competency. The library offers a list of

11、common competencies that grouped into meaningful clusters provide consultant with an indication of the behaviors that will be valued, recognized and rewarded. This library is an important tool that could help consultant to enhance the behavioral interview. 本资料库的基本目的是帮助使用者识别并选择适当的任职能力模型。本资料库提供了一些常见的任

12、职能力。 通过一定顺序排列,便于使用者对特定行为进行评估、识别以及奖励。本资料库是帮助使用者完善行为面试 法的重要工具。 Each competency in the library has a clear Definition 定义, which could help user to understand the purpose of using it. Besides, the library provides some Sample Question 问题示例 s that could be considered to ask candidate during the interview

13、. Recommend to use STAR model to evaluate candidate competency based on his/her previous experiences. 本资料库中的每个任职能力都具有一个明确的定义,可以帮助使用者了解其使用用途。本资料库同时还包含 了一些问题示例,可以供面试时采用。建议在面试者过往经验的基础上使用 STAR 模型来评估面试者的任职 能力。 Included in the library are the following: 在本资料库中: ? 41 General Competencies 41 项常见的任职能力项常见的任职能

14、力 - 16 Knowledge / Job Effectiveness Competencies16 项知识/工作效力任职能力 - 6 Problem Solving and Management Competencies6 项解决问题和管理技能任职能力 - 7 Team Type and Communication Competencies7 项团队表现和沟通任职能力 - 12 Personality Type Competencies 12 项性格任职能力 ? 11 Leadership Competencies11 项领导力任职能力项领导力任职能力 ? 1 Motivational F

15、it1 项动机匹配度项动机匹配度 If you have any questions about either the competency framework or how to apply to competence based behavior interview please contact or 如 果 你 想 了 解 更 多 任 职 能 力 模 型 或 怎 样 应 用 基 于 行 为 面 试 法 的 任 职 能 力 , 请 联 系 : 或 Copyright 2007 Manpower China Commercial in Confidence Unauthorized

16、Reproduction Prohibited 5 Introduction 介绍 What are Competencies? 什么是任职能力? Competency is simply a blend of knowledge, skills, and behavioral values that help an individual or team succeed in the enterprise. A competency is generally defined as the behavior that candidate must demonstrate, or must acquire, in order to achiev



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