外研版module 1一年级英语教案

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1、单元Unit 1课题Hello课时2课时学案设计教师 教材分析用Hello!或Hi!和别人打招呼,用:Im 介绍自己.用Goodbye!告别是大多数孩子在幼儿园学过的英语,老师只需要顺其自然用句型介绍自己,教孩子在情景中,能听、会说日常问候语和道别用语,创设情境让孩子们用英语互相问候并自我介绍,熟悉老师和同伴。三维目标知识目标:学会日常问候语和道别用语。能力目标: 在情景中,能听、会说以下词汇:hello hi morning afternoon I am情感目标: 学会结交新朋友,并互相问候和道别。重点难点1.对重点词汇的识记与应用。2. 学生能掌握并熟练运用Hello!或Hi!等句型进行问

2、答。 教学准备评价单、课件、教学光盘预习质疑和爸爸妈妈一起回忆幼儿园学过的一些英语口语导学方式四段十元素教学方法,小组合作导学过程一、组织教学及复习巩固: 1. 热身:欣赏英文歌曲:Good morning! 2. 问候:Greeting. Greet the students and introduce yourself to them e.g., T: Good morning! Hello! Im Miss/Mr (surname).二、新知识的呈现与归纳 1、Use the puppets and flashcards to elicit the formulaic expressio

3、ns Good morning! and Good afternoon! e.g., Puppet 1: Good morning! (Present the flashcard morning) Puppet 2: Good afternoon! (Present the flashcard afternoon) Puppet 3: Hello! Puppet 4: Hi!三、 新知识的巩固与活用 Have the students practise the words and the greetings.e.g., morning, afternoon, Good morning!/Goo

4、d afternoon!/Hello!/Hi!/Goodbye!Use the puppets to imitate the characters that appeared in Unit 1. e.g., Puppet 1: Good morning! (Background: Present the flashcard morning) Puppet 2: Good afternoon! (Background: Present the flashcard afternoon) Puppet 3: Hello! Puppet 4: Hi! . Have the students list

5、en to the recording on pages 2 and 3. Illustrate the meaning of the dialogues with the help of pictures, puppets and your body language. The students are only required to understand the general meaning of the dialogues.Then have the students try to complete the dialogues with you. You may use the pu

6、ppet and the flashcards. e.g., T: Hello! Ss: Hi! T: Goodbye! Ss: Goodbye! Tell the story on pages 2 and 3 slowly and clearly to the class with the help of pictures,puppets or your body language. The students are only required to understand the general meaning of the story. 1) In the morning, Kitty a

7、nd Ben are going to school. Alice and Tom are going to school, too. They meet at the school bus stop.Ben and Kitty say, “Hello!”Alice, Alices mum and Tom say, “Hi!” 2) The school bus is coming. They get on the school bus. “Goodbye!” Alice says to her mum. Mum says, “Goodbye!” 3) Kitty, Ben, Alice an

8、d Tom arrive at school.They see Miss Wang. Ben, Kitty, Tom and Alice say, “Good morning!” Miss Wang says, “Good morning!” 4) In the afternoon, Kitty, Alice, Danny and Eddie are in the classroom. Miss Wang says, “Good afternoon!” Kitty, Alice, Danny and Eddie say, “Good afternoon!”School is over.Kitt

9、y, Alice, Danny and Eddie say, “Goodbye!” Miss Wang says, “Goodbye!” Tell the story to the class again. Then ask the students to complete the story with you. e.g., T: In the morning, Kitty and Ben are going to school. Alice and Tom are going to school, too. They meet at the school bus stop. Ben and

10、Kitty say, “Hello!” Alice and Tom say . Ss: Hi! T: The school bus is coming. Alice gets on the school bus. Alice says “Goodbye!” Mum says .Ss: Goodbye!练习设计 Ask the students to act out the story “A school day” on page 4. Then have the students listen to the song “Good morning” on page 5 and sing alon

11、g using hand motions. Ask the students to make short dialogues in groups. Then have the students listen to the song “Good morning” on page 5. Have the students do “Look, listen and say” on Workbook page 2. Have the students do “Listen and tick” on Workbook page 3. Then check the answers. Have them a

12、ct out the short dialogues.拓展生成从Morning,afternoon拓展到evening,night,Good evening./Good night.板书设计 Unit 1 Hello Hello./Hi!Morning Good morning.Afternoon Good afternoon.教学反思对于简单的问候语,很多学生在上一年级之前已经学过,因此培养学生学会与老师,与其它同学对话互动才是本课重点.对于morning和afternoon这两个时间段的鉴定,有的学生对时间还比较模糊,但通过图片时行感性认识,还是容易接受的. 备注 第2课时教学内容Hell

13、o./Good morning./Good afternoon./Goodbye.教学目标 Using the key words in contexte.g., morning, afternoon Using formulaic expressions to greet people and bid farewelle.g., Hello./Good morning./Good afternoon./Goodbye.教学重难点 Listening Identifying the key words in an utterance by hearing the pronunciatione.

14、g., morning, afternoon Understanding formulaic expressions of greetings and farewell in context, and respondingappropriatelye.g., Hello./Good morning./Good afternoon./Goodbye. Understanding a simple story with the help of pictures, puppets or the teachers body languageSpeakingUsing formulaic express

15、ions to greet people and bid farewell in the appropriate contexte.g., Good morning./Goodbye.导学过程一、组织教学及复习巩固: 1. Warm-up:Good morning.2. Greeting.3. Tell the story “A school day” in “Lets act” on Students Book page 4 slowly and clearly, with the help of pictures, puppets and your body language. Prompt your students to complete the sentences whe



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