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1、 非谓语动词教学重点1,非谓语动词和谓语动词的区别;2,非谓语动词的各种形式和应用;3,非谓语动词的考点解析。 一、非谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别1. 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语。如: Miss Mary teaches us English . 玛丽教我们英语。(teaches是谓语动词。) Mr Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week. 维克托先生上周末来到了我们教室和我们谈话。(to have a talk不定式作状语) 2. 谓语动词受主语的人称和数的限制,而非谓语动词形式没有

2、这种限制。如: Tom likes the pop music. 汤姆喜欢流行音乐。(动词用第三人称单数形式) Tom has nothing to do today. 汤姆今天没有什么事要做。(do用原形)2、 非谓语动词的各种形式和应用非谓语动词主要包括不定式、动名词和分词。其动能和形式如下:非谓语功能形式动名词具有名词功能,常在句中作主语,宾语主动式doing被动式being done完成式having done/having been done现在分词表主动和正在进行, 常在句中作定语, 状语,宾补一般式doing完成式having done 过去分词表被动和已完成,常在句中作定语,状

3、语,补语一般式done进行式being done 完成式having been done动词不定式表将来具体某一次,常在句中作主语,定语,状语,补语,宾语等一般式to do/to be done进行式to be doing完成式to have done/to have been done成分形式主语宾语表语定语状语补语不定式动名词现在分词过去分词非谓语动词在句中所做的成分如下:三、考点解析非谓语动词一直是高考中的热点。解答非谓语动词的题目时,一定要解析句子结构,确定所设空是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,以及非谓语动词在句子中充当的功能(如状语、定语或宾补);找准相关动词的逻辑主语,确定该动词与逻辑主

4、语是什么关系(主动还是被动);搜索句子中相关的时间信息,确定非谓语动词的恰当形式。 1 动名词和不定式作表语如果表语是不定式,主语也是不定式;表语是动名词,主语也是动名词。如:To see is to believe.Seeing is believing.动名词作主语的句型。如:It is no use/no good/useless doing sth.It is a waste of time doing(也可用It is a waste of time to do)动词不定式和动名词的复合结构:动词不定式的复合结构有两种:It is difficult/easy/possible/ne

5、cessary/.for sb. to do sth.和It is kind/wise/foolish/considerate/.of sb. to do。动名词的复合结构是由名词所有格或“物主代词动名词”构成。在口语和非正式语体中,只要不是作主语,动名词复合结构中的逻辑主语常采用名词通格或人称代词宾格。如:His coming made me happy.I cant imagine his/him living there alone.动名词被动式作主语(过去分词不可作主语)。如:Being exposed to the sunlight for a long time does harm

6、 to your skin.完成下列句子:Its foolish _(你相信他说的话)Its impossible _(他做这样的事)Do you mind _(我抽烟)?Its no use _(你和他争辩)_(go) abroad is an honour to me._(take) abroad is an honour to me._(devote) to his work made him succeed.【答案】of you to believe what he saidfor him to do such a thingmy/me smokingyour/you arguing

7、with himGoingBeing takenBeing devoted动名词和不定式作宾语 下面的动词要求用不定式作宾语:attempt(企图),afford(负担得起),demand(要求),long(渴望),desire(渴望),expect,hope,wish,want,swear(发誓),volunteer(自愿),offer(提供),fail(未能),plan,care(关心,喜欢),happen(碰巧),prepare(准备),learn(学习),choose(选择),hesitate(犹豫),claim(要求),promise,undertake(承接),appear(似乎)


9、escape(逃跑,逃避),excuse/pardon/forgive(原谅),fancy(幻想,爱好),imagine(想象),favour(造成,偏爱),mind(介意),miss(错过),finish(完成),resist(抵抗),risk(冒险),involve(包含),practise(实践),suggest/advise/recommend(建议),prevent(阻止),keep(保持),quit/abandon(放弃,停止),understand(理解),include(包括)后接动名词作宾语的动词短语和句型有:have(no/much/some/.) difficulty/t

10、rouble/a hard time(in),take pleasure in,spend time/money (in),waste time(in),be worth,be busy,feel like,be committed toto作为介词的短语有:look forward to,pay attention to,object tobe opposed to,be devoted to,stick to,come close to(差一点),get down to(开始认真做),get/be accustomed/used to(doing), lead tocontribute t

11、o(sb. doing/being done)allow,permit,forbid,advise,recommend的用法:allow/permit/forbid/advise/recommenddoingallow/permit/forbid/advise/recommendsb.to do如:I dont allow smoking in my room.I dont allow him to smoke in my room.用所给词的适当形式填空:We agreed _(meet) here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.The discove

12、ry of the new evidence led to the thief _(catch)Janey pretended _(write) when her mother came in.I can hardly imagine Peter _(sail) across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.The doctor advised him _(stop) smoking.【答案】to meetbeing caughtto be writingsailingto stop 注意区别下列动词后接不定式和动名词 forget to do sth.忘记要去

13、做某事(此事未做)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生)remember to do sth.记得去做某事(未做)remember doing sth.记得做过某事(已做)stop to do停止(某件事),目的是去做另一件事stop doing停止正在或经常做的事go on to do继续(去做另外一件事情)go on doing继续(原先没有做完的事情)regret to do sth.对要做的事感到遗憾(遗憾地要去做某事)regret doing sth.对过去做过的事或未做过的事感到后悔(后悔做过或未做过某事)try to do努力、企图做try doin

14、g试验、试一试某种办法mean to do(人)打算,有意要mean doing(物)意味着cant help (to) do sth.不能帮助做某事cant help doing sth.情不自禁做某事用所给词的适当形式填空:Dont you remember _(see) the man before?I regret _(inform) you that the meeting has been cancelled.Lets try _(do) the work some other way.I didnt mean _(hurt) your feeling.Im so busy that I cant help _(clean) the house with you.After we finished our homework,we went on _(review) t


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