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1、词汇自学材料 新视野第三册第四单元Section AI. New words1. statue statue只有一个意思:雕塑,雕像。制作材料可以是石头,也可以是金属、树脂等。一般statue都是人的形象,但也可以是动物或卡通人物等。 树立一座雕像,可以说put up a statue,或者用动词erect a statue。erect这个词的形容词意义我们在第一单元学过,Jimmy跳上桌子,站得笔直,stand erect。 某人的雕像,叫做the statue of .。比如the statue of Mao Zedong。自由女神就是the Statue of Liberty。 请大家注

2、意把这个词和status区分。status的意思是“地位”,社会地位social status。2. liberty liberate v.使获得自由,解放 liberal adj. 自由的,包容的 a liberal society自由的社会 liberation n. 解放 the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) 人民解放军 小问题:请翻译Give me liberty or give me death!3. enlighten只要你懂得一点历史知识,这个词你就不会感到陌生。两百多年前,在欧洲的兴起的那场伟大的思想文化运动,那一段被中国人称作“启蒙运动”的历史,

3、在英文中叫做the Age of Enlightenment,简称the Enlightenment。仔细琢磨,用enlightenment这个词来为那段历史冠名再合适不过。Enlighten,en-是个法语前缀,表示put into。把人放入光里,让光明驱散他眼前的阴霾和心中的黑暗,这就是enlighten。 其实在东方文化里面也有enlightenment这个概念。In Buddhism, enlightenment is when a Buddhist discovers the truth about life. buddhism是佛教,buddhist是佛教徒。这里的enlighte

4、nment就是佛教所谓的“悟”。我们再用不那么文艺范儿的语言来解释enlighten这个词:to provide someone with information and understanding; to explain the true facts about something to someone,翻译成“启迪,启发,开化,教化”,等等。要记得,一个词在不同语境下会得到不同的诠释,不要把它只和一个中文词汇连结在一起,这种固化是我们理解英语的障碍。看看在下面不同的句子中,我们怎样翻译enlighten这个词。I dont understand this. Could you enligh

5、ten me?我不明白,你能给我点启发吗?当然,这个句子也可以说成Could you give me some enlightenment? She was anxious to enlighten me about the events that led up to the dispute她急着要使我明白引起这场争执的原因。再看一个有难度的句子。出自美国总统Thomas Jefferson:Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spir

6、its at the dawn of day只要广泛地开启民智,暴政及压迫无论是肉体上的还是精神上的,便会像魔鬼在黎明时分一样消失。4. monument这个词在我们的课本上,和许多词典里,都翻译成“纪念碑”。其实这是一个误导。请仔细看它的英文释义:a building, statue, etc. that is built to remind people of a famous person or important event. 为纪念某个重要的人物或者事件而修建的建筑物、雕像等等。它未必是一个碑。中国有许多著名的monuments,最熟悉的是the Monument to the Pe

7、oples Heroes,人民英雄纪念碑也许是它太有名了,以至于人们以为monument就是一个碑。其实,碑是一个monument,而monument不一定非得要是个碑。就好像fruit未必一定是apple一样。比如中华世纪坛,叫the China Millennium Monument。 the China Millennium Monument徐州最有名的标志物之一,淮海战役烈士纪念塔,叫the Monument to the Martyrs (烈士) in Huaiai Campaign. 再看这个句子:Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed

8、 to stand as historic monuments. 部分柏林墙被允许保留下来,作为对历史的纪念。5. independence 略6. alliance请注意这个词的发音,/lans/,l后面有两个字母ia,i发成双元音/a/,a发成/。Alliance的意思是同盟,联盟。比如来自外媒的一则新闻:China seeks Strategic alliance with Russia.中国一直宣称不结盟,所以标题用了strategic alliance这个说法。alliance不一定非得要是国家间的,也可以是政党、军队,以及有共同利益的普通人。比如: The three smalle

9、r parties have formed an alliance against the government. 这三个小党组成了联盟以对抗政府。 Some of us feel that the union is in alliance with management against us我们一些人觉得工会和管理方站在一边,和我们对立。7. approveapprove的意思是have a positive opinion of someone or something,课本上译为同意、赞成、赞许。(但在不同语境下还有别的译法) 看下面这个句子:The survey showed that

10、 32% of respondents approve, 54% disapprove and the rest are undecided. 调查表明,32%的回答者表示赞成,54%表示反对,剩下的则尚未表态。注意,这个单词是不及物动词vi,一般都需要用到词组approve of。比如:My parents dont approve of my plan to change my major. 父母不赞成我转专业的想法。No teacher can approve of cheating in exams. 没有老师会认同考试作弊。小问题:请翻译My mother doesnt approv

11、e of my friend.该词的反义词是disapprove,不喜欢、不赞成叫disapprove of。名词为approval8. affectionaffection是一种情感,a feeling of liking or love,一种喜爱、爱慕。对某人的情感,对某人的喜爱,我们用介词for,affection for sb. 当然,不只是对人,也可以是对一个地方,一只宠物。比如:He had a deep affection for his aunt. / She has a great affection for her hometown.注意这里出现了冠词a,说明affecti

12、on是可以作为可数名词的。动物也有affection,情感。A dog can show his affection in many ways.比如说lick your face, put his paws on your knees. 狗是warm and affectionate的动物,所以是人类的天然伴侣。affectionate,重感情的。小问题:课文中的句子His mother could not approve of her sons affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and marr

13、ied his love in 1876. 这里的affection显然是爱情,romantic love。请翻译这个句子,同时注意approve of的使用。9. assembleassemble的意思是集合在一起,或者使某人、某物集合、组合在一起。比如:We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.午饭后,我们聚集在会议室里。Ive assembled all the information I need for my essay.我收集了写论文所需要的所有资料。We spent all day trying to assemble our ne

14、w bookshelves.我们用了一整天时间组装新书架。请注意同一个单词在不同语境下的不同翻译,这是我们今天一直强调的话题。By the way, do you know that the Statue of Liberty was sent to the US from France in pieces, which were reassembled after arriving in New York? 这里的reassemble就是重新组装的意思了。 assemble的名词是assembly,虽然它看上去像是一个形容词。我们经常说的流水线就叫做assembly line。再看一个句子,

15、People have the rights of assembly and expression. 人们有结社和言论自由的权力。10. torch 火把,手电11. dedicatededicate常用的意思是give all ones energy, time, ect. 把精力、时间投入到,奉献给。以下是一则新闻标题Chinese Premier Calls on Teachers to Dedicate Selves to Rural Education,温总理号召教师献身农村教育。另外一则新闻:During a rare visit to Chinas top complaints department(信访局) Monday, Premier Wen Jiabao asked officials to be responsible and dedicated to addressing(处理) peoples complaints, to create conditions for the public to criticize and supervise the government.这里的dedicate就不能翻译成奉献、献身了,译成“尽心尽力”更合适。小问题:1) 请翻译He dedicated his first book to hi


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